
  • How to Stop Snacking At Night and Start REALLY Losing Weight.

    Want to know how to stop snacking at night?

    Everybody asks the question: how to stop snacking at night? It seems to be this mysterious time of day where so many of us LOSE CONTROL with our diets. If you’ve wondered how to stop snacking at night, I have some answers for you that may surprise you. 

    I used to be a SNACK-A-HOLIC in a big way. I can TOTALLY relate to your struggles. In this post, I will share how to stop snacking at night, and how to stop snacking for the most part, altogether. I’ll put it this way (and I’ll explain in more detail below)– snacking no longer RULES MY LIFE and no longer RUINS MY DIET. 

    And this can be true for you too! 


    After reading this blog post, you’ll know how to stop snacking at night and be more successful at your dieting efforts and lose weight. Sound good to you? Let’s go.

    When Snacking Ruled My Life: THE BEFORE PHASE.

    Before I tell you how I stopped snacking, let me give you a crystal clear picture of what my life was like BEFORE. Because then you’ll understand how DIFFERENT my life is now and how significant the impact is of no snacking and no cravings and my appetite being forever changed. 

    For most of my adult life, I was on a diet. Seriously. 

    I was on a diet from the time I moved back home to Columbus Ohio (from Pensacola FL ..that’s a whole hot mess story I’ll tell you another time….why I decided to move to Pensacola when I was ONE QUARTER AWAY FROM GRADUATING FROM college– to chase a boy who could not care less about me) and realized I was the HEAVIEST I’D EVER BEEN. Gulp. That’s what happens when you live in the South and drink every single night and live at Old Country Buffet during the day –eating nothing but. carbs and never working out. 

    So, I started reading up about working out and dieting and that began my FITNESS FANATIC LIFE. I loved it! I started doing step aerobics and eating a fat-free diet and I lost about 20-25lbs. I graduated college, moved to Chicago and started working corporate life. Gained the corporate 10lbs and started working out again. I just went through CYCLES of fitness. 

    But the point is this: I was always dieting. I never really felt that I reached my “goal weight”. I was never happy with my body. Never comfortable in my body. So I was CONSTANTLY DIETING. Always searching for how I could become a BETTER VERSION of me. I was perpetually dissatisfied with myself. 

    I spent an inordinate amount of time online researching blogs and forums to find out how to get more fit. The more I read the more obsessed I became. I thought it was a “healthy obsession. But it clearly wasn’t. 


    The more books and magazines I read, the more I looked at food as “good” or “bad”. I thought everyone around me was judging my body the way I was judging my body and therefore I felt they were judging my food choices: paranoia set in. 

    This is when the unhealthy eating behaviors started. I’d binge a lot; go to Burger King drive through and order a Whopper with Cheese and large fries and eat it all and then throw away all the evidence. Then I’d stop at the grocery store and buy Oreos and a bunch of sweets like Pop Tarts and you name it. But I’d add distractions in the cart like chicken breast and vegetables so that the person checking me out would think I was shopping for a family. Yes this is how my mind worked. 

    Then I’d get home and eat the Pop Tarts and Oreos and feel so sick. And then I’d cry and be so depressed. I’d wake up the next day and berate myself mentally all day for what I’d done and then I’d usually give myself permission since I’d “ruined everything” by cheating– to “just go ahead and enjoy the weekend”– and I’d do just that. I’d binge all weekend. And the guilt and shame would build and grow. 

    And then Monday I’d throw out everything in my fridge and start some extreme detox diet that would last 4 days. These cycles were the bane of my existence. I was desperate to get in shape but obsessed with food. I was dieting obsessively and didn’t see that I was creating a situation where I was setting myself up for disaster all the time. 

    The more I denied myself all these foods the more my mind obsessed about them, and then when I would secretly binge on them on an empty stomach, I’d set the chemical reaction in place that happens when you consume carbs/sugary snacks — it’s literally beyond your control. 

    Your cravings are like, not your fault. It’s chemical. Do some research. All those years, I was a walking insulin response. Sounds crazy but now I see it. The harder I worked at dieting, the harder my mind fought it and the more my mind and body pulled me in the other direction toward cheating. And each time I cheated, both the insulin response (crash and burn) and the guilt and shame afterword were enough to put me in a constant state of feeling like a failure. 

    How do you ever WIN when you feel like a loser every day? The truth is, this just seemed to be the way I would always be. I was that person who was always dieting, always unhappy with her body, always thinking about food, always thinking about ways to making fitness food taste like non-fitness food, always bingeing, always eating in secret and then punishing herself for doing so, always being CONTROLLED BY FOOD. I was that person who had an uncomfortable relationship with food. I was that person who said “I can’t be left alone with a bag of Oreos” — you know — that person. That was me, then.

    how to stop snacking at the office


    The real truth is,I never thought I’d get past this tendency of mine. I never once had a moment where I said to myself “Ok I’m going to work on conquering my cravings and getting in control of my appetite and stopping this whole binge/emotional eating cycle.” What happened was: I changed my way of eating on June 1st (officially, and kind of informally the month before that) by going keto with the direction of my new functional medicine doctor. Shortly after going keto, I experienced fat loss and body transformation (as of the day I am writing this, I am down 24 inches total and 18 LBS) and noticed things had changed in my eating habits without me TRYING TO change them. I wasn’t SNACKING between meals. I wasn’t hanging out in the pantry all the time looking for what sounded good. I wasn’t thinking about how to make some sweet recipe out of protein powder to satisfy my sweet tooth. In fact, I didn’t think about food hardly at all. More often than not, I had to REMIND MYSELF TO EAT. Say what? Yup. When it came to snacking at night, that’s when I noticed a major change. Without TRYING TO, I had stopped snacking at night like I used to. With the exception of occasionally having some almond butter – and not a lot of it – I really didn’t feel the need for food like I used to. And snacking while watching TV used to be a ROUTINE. Like, I could not imagine watching TV and not having snacks. I was routinely buying what I thought were “healthy treats” for Steve and I for TV watching time. I was regularly using TV watching time as an excuse for a “treat” or “dessert”. It was Steve who remarked how much my snacking habits had changed after I went keto– he said “you hardly snack at all anymore”. Now- I attribute this to both going keto AND the regular daily use of exogenous ketones. When you understand how BHB works, you realize that they add a significant layer to the mix with curbing appetite and suppressing hunger– and it’s real. The few days that I have not consumed my ketones are the few days I have found myself thinking “OMG I really want some of that BHU Keto Cookie Dough!!!”– seriously. My husband is not keto and he takes the exogenous ketones 2x a day– and he now no longer eats the sweet protein bars in the afternoon that he used to and he stopped eating the sweets/candy bars he used to at the office– in the first month of adding ketones he lost 4lbs. When I reflect back on my life before vs. now- I think that my diet was so full of way too much processed diet/fake/fitness foods and insulin-response inducing foods — I was constantly in a bad cycle of restriction then binge then insulin response then restriction then binge then insulin response. There was no stability. Too much stress. Too much cortisol. Certainly– lots of other factors at play I’m sure– but, all I know is what I’m doing NOW has transformed my BODY but also my MIND. It is the best feeling EVER to not be controlled and CONSUMED BY thoughts of food!! I still love food. I still love to cook and eat. I still love all the things I loved before but they don’t have the power over me that they did before. That’s a great feeling indeed. That’s one of the priceless benefits of going keto for sure. 

    how to stop snacking after dinner

    BEFORE AND AFTER: MY Life Then and Now and Why I'm SO HAPPY I Made These Changes!

    When I think back to my life before I made the leap and went keto and experienced this amazing transformation, I realize how frazzled and out of control I felt. So much of how I’d describe myself refers to EMOTIONAL states– but I felt out of control, I felt RULED BY food and the desire for food or cravings for food. Everything was about what I was denying myself….and what’s funny or ironic is that when people think about KETO, they think about all the things they can’t have. And for sure, you do cut things out– but maybe – in this case, because I was doing it with my doctor and I was doing it more with a focus on my insulin resistance vs. weight loss (I don’t think I really thought I would lose weight when I started), it was easier for me to just comply. I honestly never felt like this was HARD. And truthfully it just got easier. As of today, I feel like this is my lifestyle. I’m 9lbs away from my goal weight with NO doubt I’ll hit it. Wow never thought I’d hear myself say that!! BEST FEELING EVER! And I’m so passionate about how this works — because I was so stuck for so many years, I’m getting certified as a keto coach! For any of you reading this, if you want some more information and are thinking of trying keto, I have the rough draft of what’s soon to be my eBook “Kelly’s Keto Kwik Start Guide”– everything you need to get started on going keto– all my best tips and links to my favorite products and recipes. Happy to send it to you for free just email kelly at! 

    But Wait There's MORE!


    If you liked this post, you may want to check out some of my other recent posts on my keto journey– like What Can I Eat On Keto CLICK HERE or How Women Can Lose Weight After 40 CLICK HERE or Why I’m Going Full On Keto CLICK HERE

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  • What Can I Eat On Keto? A Day In The Life of My Keto Diet.

    What I Typically Eat On the Keto Diet.

    Are you thinking about going on the keto diet but finding yourself wondering “What can I eat on the keto diet?”? I hear you! For the longest time I said I would NEVER GO KETO! I wondered the same thing — if you cut carbs and limit protein, “what can I eat on the keto diet anyway?”. Don’t worry, this blog post will share with you a day in the life of my new Keto Diet Experience. I’ll share what you can eat on the keto diet- and the foods I regularly make and eat and enjoy on the keto diet. If you want to know ‘what can I eat on the keto diet’- I have your answers ready.

    After you read this blog post, you’ll feel so much better about what you can eat on the keto diet because, it’s a LOT. Too many people don’t want to “go keto” because they think it’s too limiting and because like you they get hung up on “what can I eat on the keto diet”– but they don’t really look into it, and because they don’t understand how much great food they CAN have, they never start

    You’ll be ready to dive in and start going keto — if you want to lose pounds and inches like me that is-– after you read this blog post on what you can eat on the keto diet. I’ve lost 15 pounds and 18.25 inches in 11 weeks- want to join me? Let’s go. 

    A Typical Day For Me: What I Eat On the KETO Diet

    I’m going to go through my typical day first then share some TIPS for you on how to succeed. I am practicing intermittent fasting right now, it just works for me right now. I wake up every day around 5:30am (this is new) and I make a bottle of my Pruvit exogenous ketones (the ketones are one of my KEY success factors…not only do they taste damn delicious but – they way have boosted my energy and curbed my appetite is outrageous. I cannot recommend them enough for every person on the planet. You should be getting on the ketones train yesterday. PM me to get started) then go do my yoga. After yoga, I make my Pruvit Keto Koffee (this is also relatively new- formerly I was making my own coffee with coconut cream and almond milk but I am now 100% an addict to Keto Kreme. Cannot get enough! PM me to order and get on autoship. After my coffee (I only have one cup- used to do 2-3 cups of coffee), I get to work. A little later, I make my 1st Phorm Reds + Greens + L-Glutamine drink— been doing this for well over a year and it’s for my gut health. You can order by clicking through the link above or email me for info: both my hubby and I take them each morning and swear by it. Then a bit later in the morning I take L-Carnitine (recommended by my doctor for fat burning) I also get this from 1st Phorm so you can buy it here. Sometimes- I’ll have another ketones drink around the time of my workout (around 11am usually). If not, I eat lunch after my workout. 

    So what do I eat for lunch? I’ll share some regular lunches: 2 organic, grass fed beef hot dogs on a plate with 1 slice american cheese (divided), topped with mustard and a bit of ketchup (I eat with a fork) then I have some green beans. Another lunch is to make a burger with cheese (I buy organic grass fed burgers you can just heat in microwave or in pan), I eat the same way on a plate with ketchup/mustard/real mayo/onion/jalapeno and then on the side will do a green veggie. Another favorite is rotisserie chicken chopped up with real mayo- chicken salad on a lettuce– you can’t believe how FILLING this is!! Also- Trader Joe’s has this Buffalo Chicken Dip I am OBSESSED WITH- sometimes I eat this for a meal with plantain chips don’t judge me. If we have chicken tenders cooked up I’ll heat those on the stove and put them in the egg life wraps mentioned below (those are IDEAL to wrap up ANYTHING) and add guacamole, lettuce, tomato, cheese etc.– whatever Mexican condiments you want. Sometimes I might make tuna salad. If we make a meatloaf the night before, that might be my lunch the next day– with green beans. Trader Joe’s also has this pre-cooked Wild Alaskan Salmon that you can just heat up– OMG soo good. Trader Joe’s is a keto person’s best friend for reals. 

    If I eat out– it’s gonna be a cheeseburger on plate or some type of huge salad with some protein and real dressing– but I watch for things like croutons and hidden carbs and fruits. I also eat intuitively. You’ll notice when you go keto and EAT REAL FOODS (Not fake packaged foods and protein shakes/bars) you’ll get full faster and your appetite will change remarkably– of course the ketones are a huge part of that. 

    Dinner is easy. My husband is NOT keto but we find it easy to eat together. 

    keto food list for beginners

    Dinner is easy: my husband is NOT keto but we find it easy to cook meals we both love- that let me eat keto and we both enjoy the food. We make WINGS all the time in the air fryer— you’d never know they are gluten free with no breading. To die for. We dip them in Sweet Baby Ray’s (linked below) wing sauce and Ranch and OMG heaven. 

    We also make smashburgers on our new Kamado Joe Grill (I Just bought that as a gift for my man and he could not be more happy– we found out they have a rotisserie grill option — just ordered that too!!!) 

    We often order fish tacos from our favorite restaurant– they normally come wrapped in a flour tortilla of course but I ask for mine “deconstructed” on lettuce- I then wrap mine in the Egglife wraps and dip them in extra chipotle mayo…..divine!! 

    Everything is adaptable. 

    Also– when we get sushi– do I have rice? Yes. But I looked up how many carbs are in white rice. So I know that 1/4 cup white rice has about 11-15 carbs– I am for 1/4 cup. It’s very easy to hit 1/4 cup. But I don’t try to be 100% ZERO CARBS. Like if I go to a restaurant and order a double cheeseburger on a plate – it’ll likely come with fries, so I will have a few- and that’s it. Just like having SOME rice but not a ton. It works.

    We made this chicken stir-fry copy-cat recipe- and Steve had his with rice and I just skipped the rice and had mine in a lettuce wrap. 

    The truth is, I really REALLY only had a moderately “hard” time the first week going keto and that was simply adjusting to “oh I can’t have THAT ANYMORE!”- but you learn and truthfully I don’t feel like I’m denying myself. I don’t feel pissed off, like I’m angry that I can’t have this or that. I really ENJOY this transformation so much, nothing can really tempt me to stray. 

    keto diet menu

    My biggest tips for what not to do: don’t live on fake keto foods — eat real foods, look up keto recipes on Pinterest. Follow keto people on instagram– they give me sooo many ideas!! Make keto friends!! Seriously– buy some ketones from me — and get on autoship– they will change your life– they have changed mine. My husband takes them daily and he’s not even KETO!! I plan to be on this lifestyle forever– that doesn’t mean I’ll never have a piece of bread– but I’ll be able to manage it when I do. For now I am staying on this train until I hit my goal– at this point I’m just 12 pounds away from my initial goal weight of 138!!! Stay tuned for my progress and more updates on this keto journey– I’ve got lots to tell!! And be sure to let me know what questions YOU have on keto– I’m happy to help!!

    keto food list

    Keto Essentials To Stock Up On NOW

    1. Pruvit Ketones: I suggest starting with our Challenge Pack (feel free to email me for questions CLICK HERE to shop.

    2. BHU Foods Keto Cookie Dough: Obsessed CLICK HERE to stock up. 

    3. BHU FOODS KETO BITES (these are a bit messy to eat but worth it.) CLICK HERE

    4. RX BAR NUT BUTTER – all flavors really- CLICK HERE

    5. Sweet Baby Ray’s Wing Sauce (OBSESSED) CLICK HERE.

    6. Egglife Wraps: Buy these in bulk, you can also buy at Target from what I understand CLICK HERE

    7. Plantain Chips: these are my go-to carb (1 carb each) but I can’t live without them. CLICK HERE.

    But Wait There's MORE!


    If you enjoyed this post you’ll probably want to check out these gems: 

    1. VIDEO: CLICK HERE Does Keto Really Work For Women Over 40?

    2. VIDEO: CLICK HERE Do Keto and Intermittent Fasting Work?

    3. VIDEO: CLICK HERE  Why you’re not losing weight on keto.


    Note: this blog contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this post and support this channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when a viewer uses the links provided, the view is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support.

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  • How to Lose Weight After Age 40 Part TWO

    The Best Diet to Lose Weight For Women Over 40.

    best diet to lose weight for women over 40

    If you are wondering how to lose weight after age 40, this episode is for you. I cover everything on what NOT to do and then- what TO DO – in my opinion that WILL WORK. If you want to lose weight after 40, it takes extra work and diligence but it’s worth it. And I know, because I’ve been there done that on both sides. I’ve wasted a lot of time doing all the wrong things and now I’m experiencing the best of success and that’s what I want for YOU! I will help you learn how to lose weight after 40 easily (yes it can be done easily! It just takes consistency and focus). Tune in to this 2 part episode to learn more. You can CLICK HERE to listen to part 1.

    But WAIT There’s MORE!

    But Wait Theres More

    If you enjoyed this episode – there are a few others I’m guessing you’ll want to check out. 1) My interview with Alex Mazzurco about her year of healing, which is why I hired her last year as my trainer, she’s amazing. CLICK HERE to listen to that. 2) Here is my interview with Cathe Friedrich on why strength training is so important for women over 40. CLICK HERE to listen to that one.3) The #1 Mistake Women Make When Trying to Lose Weight After Age 40 CLICK HERE

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