If you landed here from FitFluential.com, welcome. I’m Kelly Olexa, and I founded FitFluential back in 2011.

After 7 years of running FitFluential and the FitFluential Radio Podcast, I needed a change– but don’t worry! Everything you loved when you tuned in to FitFluential.com and our podcast and our FB/Twitter/Pinterest boards etc. is still here– just new and improved!

Read on.

I’ve re-branded the podcast — it’s now called The Kelly O Show— you can catch our episodes here or on iTunes, Stitcher, IHeartRadio, Spotify and others. We have over 350 amazing shows live with over 1/2 Million Downloads!

What kind of stuff are we covering on the podcast and here on the blog?

  1. Fitness: From diet tips (like my amazing experience with KETO and Tirzepatide and what YOU should know!) to the low-down on popular nutrition trends to the best ways to work out- and how to avoid injury– we’ve got you covered. Check out posts like this one- “How to Decrease Stress Hormones” or “The Top 10 Home Workouts and My Top 20 Home Gym Equipment Recommendations“.

  2. Health: We are covering a lot more “big picture” health topics like Hormonal Imbalance– how to get hormonal balance, bio-identical hormones, cortisol, adrenal health,insulin resistance, brain health, energy, gut health, microbiome, anti-aging nutrition, stress reduction, sleep, holistic health therapies, and more. Check out posts like this one: “If you’ve tried EVERYTHING and can’t lose weight: read on.

  3. Beauty: We’ll be covering a numerous beauty topics: from skincare to anti-aging elective procedures to cosmetics and hair-care. When you work hard on your body, you typically start to pay more attention to how you look and I love that. Let’s keep things looking as amazing as they feel, shall we? Here’s a great post on How to Get Great Skin At Any Age.

  4. Food: Lots of food and nutrition and recipes coming up!! Healthy Tacos? YES PLEASE. Protein Balls? You’ve got it. Here’s a great one on The Best Acai Bowl Recipe. You’re welcome. Paleo Beef Veggie Bowls? Here you go

  5. YOUR IDEAS HERE: What do YOU want to see more of? What did you love seeing on FitFluential back in the day that I’m not mentioning here? You tell me, I am here to serve you!! My passion is helping women see that they have every ability to become the healthiest – best looking, best feeling, best functioning version of themselves, at any age. Life should only get BETTER with each passing year, not be on the decline. I’m here to lead by example so that you can feel what I do- that every single year is going to be BETTER THAN THE LAST!!”