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  • The Best Chronic Stress Treatment For Optimal Health.

    How to Keep Chronic Stress From Ruining Your Health. It CAN Be Done, Trust Me!

    Best chronic stress treatment

    If you are looking for a solution for chronic stress, or the best treatment for chronic stress, this post will give you many options to implement right away. And I’m speaking from experience. I’ve gone through some majorly stressful times in my life in recent years- in fact, probably some of the most stressful years of my entire life, and I have learned a LOT about how to weather the storms that come our way. Don’t get me wrong: by no means have I always been perfect at doing this. In fact, the very reason I’m writing this blog post is that I’ve realized I’ve recently “backslidden” (is this a word??) in my stress management and self-care and IT SHOWS. Where does it show? In my health. That’s the point of this blog….when we don’t manage our stress response- how we respond to stressful situations– our health will suffer. I’ve seen it happen time and again and we must recognize that this is a given- and choose to be proactive about it. So– please, heed my advice and read on to learn what I have learned about the best treatments for chronic stress. And don’t just READ them, put them into ACTION!

    It's Not What HAPPENS TO YOU.

    chronic stress for years

    The first thing you need to know about treating and managing your stress is this: it’s not what happens to you — it’s how you react to it. Read that again. I have learned in life this is crux of stress management and the more you UNDERSTAND THIS and that all stress management practices and new habits revolve around this- you will be so much more successful and healthy and happy in the future, trust me! I read a quote recently that said– for everything that happens to us, we can either REACT to it or RESPOND. One option is EMOTIONAL and filled with possible stress responses and one is CALM and filled with INTENTION. Hmm Think about which one is better for us. A RESPONSE requires us to STOP AND DO SOME THINKING first……whereas when we REACT immediately it’s just emotion— anger, crying, blurting out accusations, fighting, you name it……our heart rate goes up, our breath gets faster, our blood pressure goes up– it’s bad. Here is the deal. BAD STUFF IS GONNA HAPPEN. That’s life. If I can tell you to do something– BUY THIS BOOK– IT is such a simple book but reading it changed my life. ZEN AND THE ART OF HAPPINESS. In the book he talks about how we react to EVERYTHING that happens in our lives. And just this week I was observing how “wound tight” I’ve been…..I had a response from a lawyer about something I’m dealing with that I did not want to hear and I got so overwhelmingly upset about it– it was ridiculous!! I see that now! But at the time I was full of anger that was so disproportionate….and it was that very situation that made me stop and see….I’d lost my way…I’d lost my Zen….I’d lost my high vibe. (More about high vibe living in a future post) But– the key about stress management is ACCEPTANCE. Whatever happens– first things first- ACCEPT IT. Be calm about accepting it. Don’t REACT. Give yourself time to take DEEP BREATHS (THIS IS KEY (YOU’LL SEE SOME STRESS PRACTICES YOU CAN DO ANYWHERE DOWN BELOW– BUT DEEP BREATHING IS THE #1 practice!!!) and just think to yourself– why did this happen? I wonder why this is happening for me? Use that phrase FOR ME not “why is this happening TO ME”– to me makes you a victim whereas “for me” helps you start looking at things through a more positive lens. 


    chronic stress cause

    This next step was a big game-changer for me and I picked it up from Grant Cardone of all people. Too many people spend far too much time COMPLAINING ABOUT THEIR PROBLEMS and DOING NOTHING ABOUT THEM. Once you accept your problem– whatever is stressing you out– get into ACTION. I’m not suggesting it’s always going to be easy– to fix it. But, getting into activity toward doing something will get your mind off looking backward and feeling regret and feeling sad, down, angry, hurt, bitter etc. You get busy. I have spent FAR TOO MUCH TIME  on the phone talking about my problems to my parents, to my friends, and then to my parents again, to my therapist, to my boyfriend, now husband…..-the thing is– talking about your problems- we all need to vent sometimes, but venting 10x is a WASTE OF TIME and you are just re-living the pain!! Often, you get your heart rate up and your blood pressure up- how often do you talk about something and get so upset about it that you cry? I’ve often had almost a panic attack talking about some of the things that happened to me…I have PTSD now– and my PTSD causes debilitating migraines– trust me when I say I want to avoid that pain at all costs! People– avoid RE-FEEDING YOURSELF YOUR PROBLEMS as much as possible. I’m as guilty as this as the next gal and I’m working on eliminating this! It’s a horrible practice. Maybe if we call it what it really is- “eating shit”– we’d stop doing it! ;-0

    Start Living a GENUINELY POSITIVE Life.

    Dealing with stress proactively is part one of your first step toward better health. The next step is taking ownership of your life and living it on YOUR terms and leading a GENUINELY positive life. For many of us, this will be a work in progress. Some of us are not naturally optimistic– and when I say lead a positive life, this is about leading a life where we see the world we live in as wonderful and we choose to see ourselves as amazing and incredible and choose to love ourselves FIERCELY. I really encourage you to stop, pause and think about this. There is a BIG difference between “having a positive attitude” and intentionally choosing to live your life, live every day, make conscious choices every hour of every day to move your life in the direction of HAPPINESS AND JOY AND POSITIVITY. When you try to do this, your health will improve. Your stress and anxiety level will decrease. Your life will change direction. The things you want to manifest WILL come to fruition. This has indeed happened in my life. Please don’t mistake what I am saying for a Disney movie. I’m not saying “don’t worry be happy” and POOF– all your problems go away and suddenly you have no bills, you are a millionaire married to your version of Superman and you have the perfect body that never gains weight and life is grand. Nope. I’m not saying decide to be positive and lead with happiness as much as you can every day in every way and you’ll never encounter stress or deal with tough times. Nope. Not saying that. What I am saying is this: when you begin to make CONSCIOUS CHOICES across the board to respond to every situation differently– as described above– accepting things, not fighting them, asking yourself “What could be GOOD about this?”, getting into a plan of action to get to a better place and overall, living your days FOCUSED on gratitude and being happy and positive and believing for the best possible outcomes……(and I’d encourage you to read some books on these topics, I’ll link some of my favorites below. If you are new to this, like anything…..learning to think a new way is a skill and you want to be taught by those who have mastered it themselves right?)….you do this… will notice how each day YOU FEEL BETTER. You look forward to the next day even more than the day prior. Things will happen in your life– doors will open, opportunities will come your way, just watch. You just keep on BELIEVING and being happy and positive and grateful vs. worrying and dreading and focusing on what’s gone wrong or COULD GO WRONG or might go wrong. What you FOCUS ON grows. Spend your time and ENERGY focusing on a high vibe sunshine life- and no, I don’t care how cheesy that sounds. Try it out my friends and see if it makes you feel awful and brings bad results. I bet you $1000 it doesn’t. 

    A Little More About Stress and Your HORMONES.

    chronic stress symptoms

    In closing, I must bring in the topic of HORMONES! If you have been reading my blog or following me for a while you know I talk about the importance of hormonal balance after the age of 40 (for some of us it’s earlier than that)– and stress can affect our hormones in a big way– NEGATIVELY. I’ve interviewed my last functional medicine doctor on the subject of cortisol, (you can listen to that interview by CLICKING HERE). Cortisol is a hormone that is made from the mother of all hormones, pregnenolone. In her book, “The Hormone Fix“, Dr. Anna Cabeca says, “Under stress, though, the body preferentially calls on pregnenolone to make cortisol in order to handle the pressure you are experiencing. But when the pregnenolone is pressed into service to produce cortisol, very little estrogen, DHEA, and testosterone are made. Daily, unresolved stress therefore jeopardizes your normal hormone production.” (I interviewed Dr. Cabeca on the podcast– CLICK HERE to listen) Furthermore- Dr. Cabeca says (in the same book) ….”Persistent stress can also turn the natural circadian rhythm upside down causing a restless energy at night and a low during the day (wired and tired)…..low cortisol all day  creates a devastating condition ….otherwise known as adrenal fatigue.” UGH. I’ve had adrenal fatigue and it’s NO FUN. I’ve had adrenal burnout. You do not want to go there trust me! 

    Everything we are talking about in this post is SO IMPORTANT. We really (and I am preaching to myself here ladies just as much as I am “teaching” you, trust me) need to make our HEALTH and SELF-CARE a priority. We have to stop running ourselves into the ground with workaholism and/or working out too hard to try to achieve the impossible body ideal. (I’ve been there done that for too many years!!!) We have to step outside of our overtaxed minds and start treating ourselves like we are our own “patient” in our own special healthcare or spa treatment center. 

    Don’t laugh– just use that as an analogy- think about if your best best best friend showed up at your house on death’s door– TOTALLY burned out, fried, dehydrated, looking like they hadn’t slept a good night in months, looking underweight, weak, almost emaciated– sickly etc. You’d be WORRIED right? You’d want to help them GET WELL! You’d want to rush them in to your house and take care of them, nourish them, nurse them back to better health. You wouldn’t yell at them for how or why they got into that state of disrepair– you’d simply focus on being kind and gracious and HELPING THEM. 

    This is what I’m talking about what we need to do with ourselves– treat ourselves like we are our own PATIENT. We must HEAL OURSELVES, TREAT ourselves, and get ourselves back to a better place. You know– I was telling my assistant just this morning– I felt like I had my own intervention this week- on this very topic. Because I had the awareness of how much I’d backslidden in my mindset. How much I’d been focused on the negatives in my life. How much venting I’d been doing. How much I’d been distracted, angry, upset, unable to be as productive at my work as is typical……how over-reactive I’d been when I’d been upset about things…..I’d been MARINATING in the negative vs. FOCUSING on where I wanted to be. This was the polar opposite of who I normally am. 

    Truth is, I have “excuses” for some of this. I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD and I’m dealing with some heavy stuff in my personal world but I stand by what I just wrote…..the day to day choices I started to make—it can happen to anyone- it just starts to snowball and one negative gripe becomes another and soon you are noticing all the negative in your life vs. the positive and soon you are stressed and wound tight vs. happy and full of belief and unstoppable energy and balance…..what you feed, grows. I’m so grateful for the awareness/epiphany I had this week and the breakthrough of seeing this because now I have the opportunity once again to lead by example. I can show you what happens in my life when I bring back the right way of living– with daily intentional joy and belief and gratitude. Stay tuned, because you’re going to be blown away by what you witness!! 


    Just as I am getting ready to hit publish on this blog, I get a notification from one of my favorite people Michelle Cunningham, I’ve only bought like 70 of her online courses– and she sent out a newsletter saying watch this video about getting unstuck……so I click on it and am listening while I’m putting the final touches to this post. Do you know what she says at the beginning of the video??? OMG– SIGN FROM GOD!! “We must focus on ourselves FIRST. If we don’t put ourselves first, we are operating from an empty cup”– LADIES, WE’VE ALL HEARD THAT SAYING, YOU CAN’T POUR FROM AN EMPTY GLASS. You can’t serve others if you are depleted! She says you must start you day doing something that makes you feel crazy powerful and filled up and excited and and amped and happy– YOUR CUP IS FULL. YOU ARE HAPPY. YOU ARE FULL OF JOY– see a theme here? It’s a sign. 😉


    Note: this blog contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this post and support this channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when a viewer uses the links provided, the view is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support.

  • Got Perimenopause? Need to Lose Weight?

    Losing Weight In Perimenopause

    losing weight in perimenopause

    Are you in perimenopause and need to lose weight? Or, do you suspect that you are entering into perimenopause and you need to lose weight, and want to know how? I feel you, and I have been there. Although, like most of you, I did not know at the time that I was in perimenopause, and I think this is true of a LOT of women. Many women are entering into perimenopause and need to lose weight but they don’t recognize or even consider the time of life that they are in and so they put their blinders on and only think about the weight loss problem as a fitness/diet problem. Nothing could be more WRONG as far as the approach to take at this time in your life ladies, trust me. The more you ignore your HORMONES and limit your thinking to diet and exercise, the more you set yourself up to fail. In this post, I’ll share with you my experience in figuring out hormonal balance and how I ultimately was able to lose weight during menopause– and hopefully my situation and this post can save you some time and trial and error! 

    perimenopause weight loss success stories

    My body first began to change (I now know it was my hormones changing, but I didn’t at the time) back in 2007 when I was about 38 years old going through a divorce (great timing!). The symptoms I noticed at first were skin bumps- rock hard skin bumps all over my neck, arms, back and chest (I’ll cover this in another post where I talk about Spironolactone and other bad drugs you should never go on and how adult hormonal acne is often misdiagnosed. You can watch this video I recorded here in the mean time to learn more) then I started having problems falling asleep so I had to take Excedrin PM every night to fall asleep then my body temp changed– I’d notice my armpits would be sweaty whereas never before in my life had I had dampness under my arms (eww). Then I gained weight after not changing my diet and still working out. In fact my trainer at time asked if I was pregnant because my boobs got very big and swollen. (estrogen). ALL THESE SYMPTOMS HAPPENED but I only paid attention to the weight gain. Go figure. This is what women do! The common symptoms of hormonal imbalance (which will happen in perimenopause) are (including but not limited to): acne/skin problems, body temperature changes, night sweats, hot flashes, headaches/migraines, mood swings, irritability, vaginal dryness, lack of libido, excessive bleeding with periods (I had this too), weight gain, inability to lose weight without changing diet/exercise, insomnia, brain fog, hair loss, and more. But again, many many many women will experience a LOT or all of these symptoms and still 1) not pursue seeing a specialist and 2) will only focus in on the weight gain and 3) will blame themselves for the weight gain without ever considering hormones’ part in the weight gain. 

    The Part Hormones Play in Weight Gain

    perimenopause sudden weight gain

    Ladies, let me save you some time. Please understand, yes, there are a few unicorns out there who can breeze through perimenopause and menopause unscathed and not gain weight and not get hot flashes and not have anyyyyy issues with hormones. Those unicorns should be banished to another planet in my opinion. Most of us will have hormones go haywire in some way and NEED to have them addressed. I’m also not going to sugar-coat this for you. Getting your hormones balanced is 1) not SIMPLE– it is unique to each one of us. 2) it’s not cheap. Don’t get me wrong — it’s not OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive. I remember when I started reading all of Suzanne Somers’ books, I guessed that bio-identical hormones would cost thousands of dollars a month. No. I currently pay about $425/month for all my bio-identical hormonal treatment and then I get bloodwork done about 2-3x a year- COMPREHENSIVE bloodwork done and — I can save you a LOT OF MONEY by having you use my friends at ULTA LAB TESTS. You simply pre-order your bloodwork, pre-pay– and trust me, you will save upwards of 75%– and the blood-work is done via Quest Labs anyway– the best bloodwork providers. So my recommendation is that you get bloodwork done via ULTA LABS then take those labs to a qualified FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE DOCTOR (the great thing is you can see a doctor anywhere in the US now due to telemedicine!! I recommend my doctor– Dr. Ruthie Harper– she is amazing and a life changer and is taking new patients currently) and have them interpret the results and prescribe bio-identicals for you. Sadly, insurance won’t cover bio-identicals because big pharma can’t come in and make money off it so there’s that……but who knows what the future holds. For me, it’s worth every dime and if you are financially strapped and want to talk to me about how to earn an extra $500 a month — girl I got you. You know I’m all about helping women make extra streams of money, what could be a better motivation than your future health and longevity– and I’m telling you, bio-identicals will change your body and health FOREVER. 

    perimenopause weight gain belly

    Now, with regard to diet and exercise. The mistakes that most women make are this: they OVER-DIET and OVER-TRAIN. I did both for years. Here is what you need to know. When your hormones are changing, the last thing you need to be doing is treating your body and yourself like a workhorse….and when you over-train and over-diet, that is what you are doing. Your body will inevitably fight back with elevated cortisoladrenal fatiguehypothyroidism, and overall just more extremely unbalanced hormones. THE BEST thing you can be doing is seeing a specialist to address your hormones– ALL OF THEM. (The reason I capitalize all of them– is because what happens to a lot of women is they’ll seek help from their OB/GYN or their Primary Care doc or an endocrinologist and they’ll be prescribed ONLY progesterone or ONLY estrogen or ONLY synthroid (which is a synthetic version of thyroid medicine, not ideal vs. naturethroid which is a non-synthetic) — when you understand hormones, you know that hormonal imbalance needs to address ALL YOUR HORMONES not just one.) The 2nd best thing to know is that if you are struggling to lose weight, and you are dietings and working out- it’s PROBABLE that you are dealing with insulin resistance and as such, a lower-carb/keto approach to eating is going to be beneficial for you. As stated above– I’d be remiss if I told you that just going keto alone will suffice. I strongly recommend getting the hormones checked as a foundation–or you could start keto and then get started with good hormones doctor but just know – you have to have a plan in place to address hormones. I can help yo in all areas– 1) You could start with my Keto Cookbook to start making some lower carb meals to start out dipping your toe in the water. 2) I also have an Online Keto Bootcamp that is a self-paced video taught school that is me teaching you how to do keto the way I did- -and I lost 36 inches and 30lbs last year after being stuck for years (with hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance and not being able to figure out all the things that you are probably frustrated with!)– my school is just $99 and it gets you lifetime access to the videos and the FB Group where you get to ask questions about anything at anytime! CLICK HERE. 3) I did state above that if you desire to get bio-identical treatment and the idea of adding a $500-ish plan each month is not doable with your budget and you’d like to just listen and learn about what the heck I’m referring to with earning an extra $500-$1000 a month in additional income (sure you could earn more if you hustle) reach out to me at and we’ll set up a call– 10-15 minutes and if you like what you hear, cool, if not -no worries. 

    perimenopause weight loss pills

    Let me summarize a few things — and just know I’ll be sharing a lot more posts on these topics and going into more detail so let me know what your questions are. 1) We don’t need to give up on our fitness game just because it’s perimenopause time. HELL NAW. In fact, I’m just so you know — I’m actually past menopause and done with it but I’m just getting started with a new program (I’m doing 30-Day Breakaway with Beachbody right now loving it– it’s running and strength training)– but I’m learning that strength training – heavy training is more important than ever– and cardio is ideal — HIIT is the best!! So it’s all about the KIND Of workouts we do and 2) With food- it’s all about FUELING OUR BODY vs. starving ourselves like we used to think we needed to when we were younger. And understanding insulin resistance and glucose spikes — that is a huge help with deciding how to eat. Get this book: CLICK HERE. 3) You MUST GET YOUR HORMONES BALANCED by a professional! I’d recommend my doctor she can change your life. 4) You have to get comprehensive blood-work done: get ULTA LAB TESTS and if you want to see my lab-work so you can order what I get done every quarter I’m happy to share. Just email me 5) If blood-work and BHRT sounds cost-prohibitive to you, let’s set up a time to talk because YOU CAN easily earn an extra $500 a month or more and pay for that and YOU DESERVE IT- it’s life changing treatment!! What questions do you have about bio-identical hormones or perimenopause or losing weight at this phase of life???

    But Wait, There's MORE!

    But Wait There's More

    If you liked what I’m throwing down in this blog, you’ll probably want to check out these posts and podcasts and videos: VIDEO: Insulin Resistance and Weight Loss: CLICK HERE. VIDEO: Why You Should Count Carbs Instead of Calories: CLICK HERE. My Keto Weight Loss Transformation: CLICK HERENext up- grab my FREE Keto Kwik Start eBook


    Note: this blog contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this post and support this channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when a viewer uses the links provided, the view is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support.

  • The Best Insulin Resistance Meal Plan For Weight Loss.

    How I Lost Weight With Insulin Resistance.

    best insulin resistance meal plan for weight loss

    Are you struggling with insulin resistance and looking for the best insulin resistance meal plan for weight loss? I feel your pain. I have insulin resistance, have had it for years, and it’s only recently that I discovered what truly is the best insulin resistance meal plan for weight loss. The best insulin resistance meal plan for weight loss is one that works both in the short term, and also can be managed and tweaked for LIFE, meaning it’s sustainable and manageable as a lifestyle. I have learned so much about insulin resistance– and it’s been in phases. I first learned about it when I started getting bio-identical hormonal replacement treatment and got my bloodwork done and we identified that I had insulin resistance. That’s when I wrote this post and adjusted my diet and experienced some serious weight loss. I have no idea why- after losing that initial weight, I slowly but surely went back to my old ways of eating, back to my hard core fitness fanatic ways of protein shakes, protein bars, overtraining, etc. and eating carbs– not that I was overeating or eating junk– but I definitely added back into my diet the things that NOW as I’m a “keto convert” and have had this fantastic keto weight loss transformation, I no longer eat on a regular basis. Knowing what I know NOW, I wish I could go back and tell myself DON’T DO IT GIRL!!!!  THEN, As I went keto over the past year, I learned a bit more about insulin resistance- initially from my functional medicine doctor explaining to me that this is why my body had been unable to lose fat all these years prior– it was due to insulin resistance. I didn’t understand it at the time so much (I get it now– after doing a lot more reading…!!) but at least I felt better knowing I wasn’t CRAZY. All those years I FELT crazy because I was working out so hard and dieting and NOT LOSING A POUND!! I felt like a big fat loser! NEXT, after hitting my weight loss goal (still shocks me to type that) and starting to do a LOT more reading and research on fasting and insulin resistance- WOW, I learned a LOT MORE than I ever ever EVER thought I would. I mean, I have read some exceptional books and have — based on what I have uncovered in them, made some big changes in my life– changes I plan to share with you, because I’ve learned this: INSULIN RESISTANCE is a burden carried by far more people than we realize (some studies show upwards of 80% of the population in this country!) and…..WITH REGARD TO WEIGHT LOSS– INSULIN RESISTANCE IS TRULY at the core of it for most of us– those of us struggling and unable to lose. In other words, if you are dieting/working out and can’t seem to lose weight, you probably are on this insulin resistance train and need to get with the program of making some lifestyle/diet adjustments (which are so doable– see below!!) and you’ll be surprised how your body will respond. That said, if you don’t — and you follow what most Americans do– eat the “SAD” (Standard American Diet recommendations)– and shove a ton of fake processed food down your throat every week and don’t exercise– get ready for major weight gain and disease. Good times. Let’s talk about what I’ve learned shall we

    insulin resistance foods to avoid

    The 4 primary books that made a huge impact on my brain were The Obesity Code by Jason Fung, followed by Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes (recommended by my functional medicine doctor) followed by Why We Get Sick by Ben Bikman followed by The Glucose Revolution by Jesse Inchauspe. After reading these, all of which– I could not put down….I realized that insulin resistance really is the key as to why so many of us get stuck unable to lose weight and that there really IS something to this whole CARB THING. You see it’s so easy to write it off and for so many fitness/nutrition individuals to make sweeping generalizations and say “oh you can’t get fat eating fruit!!!!” or, “no diet that cuts out a food group is healthy”– but the reality is: the approach you take when going keto or cutting carbs to address insulin resistance is 1) not permanent and not comprehensive. You won’t go your whole life without ever eating carbs or fruit. 2) When you study more of the data and the studies that have been done….you see that there are a lot of people- -A LOT OF PEOPLE– I AM ONE OF THEM– who were doing all the right things and could not lose weight. There is absolutely something to be said about manipulating carbs, it’s not about a “fad diet” trust me. It’s about the insulin response in your body…I am by no means going to use my blog to try to be a scientist and explain– but I will paraphrase. PLEASE — BUY THOSE BOOKS. I read pretty much all of them in a day. They will amaze you!!!! They’ll change your life especially that glucose revolution and you’ll want to follow her on instagram for sure– amazing content she puts out that will wow you and educate you!

    insulin resistance meal plan pdf

    So basically– what I learned is– even more proof that my old lifestyle was indeed constantly creating insulin responses. One of the things Jesse talks about in her book is — and she is a scientist not a doctor or nutritionist/dietitian etc. she is someone who essentially biohacked herself and studied her own insulin/glucose responses to food and tracked it all and then studied food combinations and did research and uncovered amazing stuff…..mind blowing. THE ORDER YOU EAT YOUR FOOD (this is different than “food combining” that you may have heard of) changes the insulin response!!! Essentially– eating your starchy carbs last– eating fibrous/green carbs or a salad first is optimal, then fats/protein then carbs last— it changes everything. She has all these graphs to show the different responses when you eat carbs alone and then what happens if you eat a salad first or if you “dress your carbs” as she calls it with protein and/or fat– AMAZING DIFFERENCE. She also talks about how drinking apple cider vinegar in water 2x a day is monumentally helpful for your gut health and insulin in general- but also if you drink that prior to a carb heavy meal you can lessen the insulin response I think up to 40% (going by memory here). Additionally– something my husband and I started implementing– we now go for a walk immediately after dinner. She shared studies that show if you walk or lift weights within 70 minutes of your dinner– your body will use that glucose vs. sending it to be stored as fat. Why sit and watch Netflix when you can literally USE your dinner? We take our dog for a 20 minute walk now and it helps ensure he sleeps through the night too (he’s a puppy LOL)

    insulin resistance diet for pcos

    I’ve learned some crazy stuff!! Just prior to starting to read these books, I had had my consult with my functional medicine doctor– about what to eat during maintenance. She had told me about increasing my calories and adding in carbs. I guess I was slightly paranoid and wanting to understand more about nutrition- and so all of this was timely. I’m telling you guys—the carbs I had started adding prior to reading these books– primarily; ACAI BOWLS WITH BANANA IN THEM (I now know that is a sugar fest– can be even with the adjustments I had made up to 50-70g carbs!! Think about that!! And I was making them some nights as a “dessert!” damn!!!!) – a lot more oatmeal (was making oatmeal with eggs, but I don’t think that was the culprit….and also having apples with peanut butter. It’s just funny that as I started reading, the one thing that jumped out in several books was how bad acai bowls were. And I was kinda blown away how fast after adding in these carbs– my body responded by gaining some weight. Prior to adding in acai bowls in this very short time window– I was simply doing “higher carb days” by having more rice when we got sushi or having more fries when I had french fries (I’ve always let myself have some potatoes or fries with a meal I’ve just seriously watched my portion). But after my doc said “let’s up the carbs and really add some high carb days”– I gulped and decided I had to do it. As you know, she did tell me to be ready for immediate weight gain, because once you eat carbs they hold more water blah blah blah– but I was pretty amazed by how fast-without increasing the amount of food I was eating, just by adding in those “healthy carbs” (what we think is a healthy treat)– I immediately gained some pounds back. Goes to show you– the counting carbs thing is not a joke!

    low insulin foods

    Both what I have read and my recent experience with incorporating more carbs and having some weight gain (a little too fast too soon for my comfort level) have opened my eyes and taught me sooooo much!!! I’m just in awe of what I’ve learned but it’s also so cool!!! I mean, this Glucose Revolution book– wow! I’ve incorporated so many of her best practices from drinking the Apple Cider Vinegar 2x daily to adding in the after-dinner walk (will be so interesting to see how that affects my body after 30 days and then 60 days etc. — plus I”m also back to wearing my Apple Watch and making sure I get in 10K steps a day…..) and of course I’m no longer doing acai bowls- I make them for my husband and I make an altered (measured version with avocado and only fresh berries vs. frozen- omg frozen berries have so many more carbs/sugar than fresh!!!) version for me- more like a smoothie bowl keto style. Stay tuned to see how the adjustments I make pan out for me over the coming months — I’ll share it all here. Let me know what questions you have! In summary, the best insulin resistance meal plan is one that minimizes carbs and — in my opinion, that would be keto– at least for a while. It worked for me, when nothing else did for years. I suddenly lost 36 inches and 30lbs when I went keto and now — this is my lifestyle– sure, I’m tweaking things and incorporating a little more carby-stuff now, but I am going to be watching/monitoring my carb intake forever based on what I know about insulin resistance. I’d love to help you: check out my links below for my Keto Cookbook and Bootcamp or email me at for questions!



    If you enjoyed this post, it’s likely you may want to check out these posts below. Blog Post: How I Cured My Insulin Resistance Naturallyclick here. Podcast: Should You Work Out If You Have Adrenal Fatigue? CLICK HERE. Podcast: Why Bio-Identical Hormonal Replacement Treatment is a GREAT IDEA For Women 40+CLICK HERE. Next up– If you are dealing with Insulin Resistance, picking up my Keto Cookbook is a SMART IDEA. For just $27 you will get over 52 low-carb easy to make (simple ingredients) recipes that helped me lose over 30 lbs and 35 inches! I’m adding new meals all the time! If you want to take THAT up a notch, join my online KETO BOOTCAMP– where I teach you how to go Keto just like I did to lose that weight– helping you cut to the front of the line and not worry about all the trial and error that most people have to go through when they start keto……CLICK HERE to learn more, it’s just $99 for LIFETIME ACCESS my friends! My client Rikaine just lost 16LBS in her first 4 weeks! (*Results not typical and not guaranteed*)


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