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  • The Best Anti-Aging Tips For 50+ Women.

    My Favorite Anti-Aging Tips For Women Over 50: This is how aging can actually be FUN.

    best anti aging tips

    I remember when I was growing up thinking that 50 was SO OLD. LOL. Ladies, if you are looking for anti-aging tips for women over 50 you have landed in the right spot. I am 52, and the truth is I look and feel better than I have in 30 years! My husband says all the time I look better now than any picture he’s seen of me in my twenties. This blog post is my kickoff to a series of posts on the topic of anti aging tips for women over 50. I’ll be covering a lot of specific anti aging tips for women in upcoming posts in greater detail and many posts will also include interviews with experts/authors so be sure you are subscribed! I mean it when I say it, follow these anti aging tips for women like I have been and you can find yourself ENJOYING the aging process and looking FORWARD to chapters of your life ahead vs. dreading them. 

    What Anti-Aging Best Practices I'm Doing Now.

    anti aging tips prevent wrinkles

    Let’s start off with what I’m doing right now, and then I’d like to end this blog post with what I PLAN TO IMPLEMENT or what I’m planning to incorporate as far as products or procedures later this year, and I will report on all these things here on the blog for your learning pleasure of course. So, I don’t want to suggest by any means that I am the queen of anti-aging because, to be real, I’m probably the furthest from the poster child for anti-aging best practices up until recently. I laid out in the sun most of my adult life and went tanning in tanning beds like EVERY WEEK all of my adult life. I never smoked (thank GOD that is one of the single most aging things you can do) or did drugs (also guaranteed to age you if not kill you) but I did drink a lot in my early twenties. Luckily I stopped once I got into the workplace because excessive alcohol is NO BUENO for the skin and aging: 

    1) Anti-aging tip #1don’t be an alcoholic. I do drink, don’t get me wrong but no excess. When you get s**tfaced, you are dehydrating yourself and your skin and it’s not good. 

    2) Anti-aging tip #2 Alcohol consumption leads me to think of SLEEP. I’ve always luckily been focused on getting enough sleep and not enough people realize the importance of sleep for HEALTH for longevity and for BEAUTY. Ladies: get your 8 hours of sleep!!! (Here’s a tip: something that has dramatically improved my sleep — these Bamboo sheets OMG!! not only are they comfortable and cooling but they are great for your hair and skin too: CLICK HERE TO BUY. ) Another thing that will help you sleep better is essential oils in the bedroom– I learned of these diffusers via Skinny Confidential so now I’ll share with you- CLICK HERE TO BUY

    3) Anti-aging tip #3 Skincare: DUH. Let’s start with the basics. Why do so many women not WASH OFF THEIR MAKEUP AT NIGHT? OMG!!! Ladies!! Come on. You need to wash off your makeup and I learned from interviewing the founder of Shiffa cosmetics that washing your face once isn’t enough- you REALLY need to wash your face THREE TIMES to get that stuff off your face. I started doing that and noticing that the washcloth was rinsing out with makeup on it each time; gross! Thinking that before I was going to bed with all that makeup and bacteria on my face: EWWW. So – get the makeup off and then get a good skincare regime. I don’t use all one skincare company but I am using a good amount of Modere products right now with some Glowbiotics and some Its Clinical- recommended by Shakira my injector-– and also now that I am just starting to get FACIALS, the facialist recommended It’s Clinical as well. I’ll keep you posted as I change up my skincare routine. Skincare doesn’t have to be complex but consistency is key. WASHING YOUR FACE IS KEY– moisturizing is key and doing some treatments– key. 

    4) Anti-aging tip #4: Self-Care. This is something I have been really bad about and this year I am back to making it a priority. As women, we can be such caregivers and also badass boss babes– which means workaholics. This has been me. The past year I got into the work-all-the-time thing which meant: I stopped doing my weekly chiropractor, weekly massages, my workouts fell by the wayside (I didn’t think I had time), I stopped my morning prayer/meditation time, I stopped reading, I stopped really EVERYTHING BUT WORK! WTH! Ladies…….this is a fast track to: hormone problems, burnout, exhaustion and NOT ACCOMPLISHING ANYTHING. Recognize this. You have time. You have time. You have time. Take a bath. Read your books. Watch a show. Call your mom. Get those massages. When you DO work you’ll be better at it. 

    5) Anti-Aging tip #5 Balanced Hormones.  If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I’m gonna bring this up. If this is your first time here, let me tell you– there is NOTHING more important if you are past age 40 than getting your bloodwork done and getting your hormones looked into– it can change your life. The End. NO– the beginning!!!

    6) Anti-aging tip #6 Find Love, Have More Sex. Life is too short to be alone. If you are alone, do what I did in 2017 and commit to manifesting the love of your life. There is so much data to support that our health greatly improves with love, affection and intimacy. Go after this with all you’ve got. I wake up every day pinching myself I’m so damn happy and so freaking grateful for this man I have. This is what everyone should have. 

    7) Anti aging tip #7 Get outside more. We spend far too much time inside. Under fake light. Spending too much time looking at our phones. We need fresh air and sunlight. TRUST me when I say your body doesn’t need as much SPF as you think– your body needs vitamin D. Get outside. Get fresh air. A lot of it.

    8) Anti-aging tip #8 Take Magnesium. I’ll explain more later but we are all deficient in this mineral and it’s soo beneficial. HERE IS WHAT WE TAKE EVERY SINGLE NIGHT: click here. Want to read about Magnesium– start here.

    9) Anti aging tip #9 Drink more water. You knew I had to throw that one in there. I SUCK at this one so I will join you in trying to do much better. I am far better at drinking diet soda than I am water. ;-0 Let’s hydrate people. 

    10)Anti-aging tip #10 STRESS LESS: Let that shit go. This has been game changing for me. I used to be a road rager. Now when someone cuts in front of me or late merges I usually notice it and START to get mad but then laugh. When work related things start to piss me off, I just start breathing deeply — when things make me start to worry or become anxious, I become AWARE of the fact that I’m not in control and that — I’ve been through crazy stuff and things always work out– then I remind myself that I am the GOAT (the Greatest of All Time just like Tom Brady) and I assume the best case scenario will occur. When the best case scenarios don’t occur– I ACCEPT them and realize that for whatever reason, this is happening FOR ME. This is the best thing that could have happened — everything that happens is the best possible thing that could have happened. When you have that attitude toward everything that happens in your life– it’s really hard to be stressed because you just BOUNCE BACK– you KEEP GOING– you STAY IN ACTION and that is the best answer to stress baby!!!!

    anti aging tips olde women

    I think y’all know I’m a huge fan of hot bubble baths for self-care. I’d like to highly recommend again (because I have featured them before, but they were kind enough to send me a lovely care package of holiday goodies in December) Deep Steep products– both their Bubble Bath and scrubs but also their body butter and now they have glorious liquid soaps (which all of my guests loved at our holiday party!). I started buying their bubble bath well over a year ago- and trust me I compared it to other bubble bath products– NONE compared. This is the best brand out there and now that I’ve tried all these other products, suffice it to say, I’m a lifer. I strongly recommend you dive into the experience– you deserve to TREAT YOSELF!!! 

    anti aging tips look younger

    What Anti-Aging Practices I'm Planning to Implement This Year.

    anti aging tips over 40

    What are my next steps this year to level up my anti-aging game? I think I mentioned that I just started doing facials. I plan to keep up with that, once per month was their recommendation. I’d like to start doing infrared sauna: I plan to do more research on this but I’ve heard nothing but great stuff about it. I plan to ask my functional medicine doctor about PEPTIDES as I hear they do AMAZING things for anti-aging. I’m 100% ready to start looking into a face lift at this point. Some of you may gasp but at some point we all have to do it so — I have a friend who got it done and had very little down time and looks exactly the same — she has short hair and has no visible scars and I love that. For me, the most uncomfortable aging area of my body is my loose skin around the jaw when I look down. It drives me insane. And while filler is great, there is only so much that can be done with filler. I did threads and they didn’t do much for me. I KNOW I KNOW I am a perfectionist. But it is my face and I’m allowed to want what I want and buy what I want. I’m also going to start doing some laser/PRP stuff with my facial lady so stay tune for that. And the more research I do and find out about cool stuff for anti-aging, I’ll add it to this series and share it with you all here so make sure you are subscribed: if you hear of something you want me to investigate, let me know in the comments!.


    But Wait Theres More

    If you enjoyed this post – I’m guessing you’ll likely enjoy some of these as well. The Best Makeup For Women Over 50CLICK HERE to read. How I do my makeup every day, tutorial CLICK HERE.  The Best Shapewear For Dresses and Tight Tops CLICK HERE. Also– be sure you are subscribed to my YOUTUBE channel because there will be a whole lot of FASHION, ANTI-AGING, MAKEUP, HEALTH, FITNESS AND KELLY O STUFF coming up over there: CLICK HERE.

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  • The Best Makeup For Women Over 50!

    Why Creme Makeup is the Best Makeup For Women Over 50.

    the best makeup for women over 50

    If you are looking for the best makeup for women over 50, I’ve got you covered. And don’t worry- if you are under 50 this makeup I’m talking about is ideal for you too, trust me. The best makeup for women over 50, in my opinion, is this creme makeup I discovered over the past year via instagram. To be honest, I wasn’t dissatisfied with the liquid makeup I was using, I thought it looked great. But I didn’t feel that I was using THE BEST makeup for women over 50 at that point. I just felt that 1) I had to use a lot of different products to get the desired LOOK and 2) the products felt heavy on my face- they felt thick and I’d worry about hugging someone and that makeup would rub off on someone’s clothes– you know what I mean? It felt like a lot on my face. That’s what I didn’t like, even though I didn’t PILE ON the product it still FELT like a lot of coverage and I didn’t like that feeling. So, over time on instagram, I kept seeing several women that I followed doing these makeup tutorials and they all seemed to be using the same type of creme makeup/foundation holder. I had no idea what it was but finally I was like ok hold up what is this. Then I was like WAIT I NEED THIS– and that’s when I knew this was the best makeup for women over 50,this CREME MAKEUP by SEINT, because one of them even said that in their makeup tutorial LOL and you know if someone says it on the internet it is totally true.

    Why I Made The Switch To SEINT Makeup

    There have been some pretty big shifts for me in my makeup life. The first shift was when I started getting my eyebrows waxed and shaped; THANK GOD for that. Then I learned – thanks to YouTube tutorials, how to really arch and define my brows and use Anastasia brow products to do so. Game changer. The next thing that upgraded my look was learning how to contour- thank you Kim Kardashian. I mean really though, do those women do anything that we all don’t inevitably copy? I also ran to YouTube to learn how to contour several years ago and bought all the products…..a lot of them. But after finding that I was tuning into to all these “Seint Artists” on instagram, I finally decided to go for it and I reached out to Michelle (who is now my “upline” or “direct report’ if you will, in Seint, I signed up as a distributor under her) and bought the full she-bang of Seint products- like all the makeup just about- and all the brushes– and I’m so glad I did. I mean, I’m so glad I did. This is the BEST makeup I’ve ever used. I have thrown away all the other liquid foundations, all the other stick contour products I was using, all the bronzers and highlighters and concealers and everything…….I SIMPLIFIED and focused on learning how to use this creme makeup and wow– talk about transformative! The thing is– you use such a thin layer of product on your face, it’s weird, but you get such great COVERAGE it is fantastic. As I talk about in the video below, I have a bad situation with melasma on my neck- just really bad damaged discolored skin and I just dab this makeup on it and it covers it up fast! And yet I don’t feel like I have a layer of mayo all over my face and neck, you know what I mean? It’s wonderful. I can’t say enough good things about it. I honestly think EVERY WOMAN I know should switch to this makeup, but particularly when you are age 40+– this is your dream makeup. And if you are my friend and in this age range, you better believe you’ll be hearing from me telling you about this this year- it’s that good. A little goes a long way so the value is there too! 

    Video: Let's Talk About the Best Makeup For Women Over 50: Why Seint Makeup is So Bomb.

    So – what questions can I answer about SEINT makeup for you? Are you ready to get started? I’m telling you ladies, this is game changing. Let’s get you rolling in some of your own — Text the word MAKEUP to 254-425-4450 to get started, we’ll get you color matched and on your way. I promise, you’ll be as obsessed as I am and you’ll never go back. Coming up on some of my next posts with a beauty focus: the best skincare for women over 50, my favorite lip products for nude lips, how to create the best arched brows, how to create the best smoky eye look, my favorite mascara/lash products, my secrets to thick healthy hair after 50 and more! Be sure to get subscribed below!

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  • The Top 10 Keto Myths DEBUNKED: How I’ve Lost 24 LBS and 32 Inches and KEPT IT OFF!

    The Keto Diet Advantages You Should Know About

    top 10 keto myths debunked

    If you are thinking about going on the keto diet and wondering about the keto diet advantages, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, I’m going to share my personal success story with the keto diet and share a LOT of keto diet advantages for you to consider. Furthermore, I’m going to dispel a lot of the most common MYTHS or misunderstandings about keto that I commonly hear or get asked about on a regular basis. By the time you finish reading this blog post you’ll understand that there are far more keto diet advantages than disadvantages and when you consider my success story I think you’ll be encouraged to get started on YOUR keto journey too. If you’ve been skeptical about the keto diet before now, I was there too~~ trust me! I was the last person that wanted to go keto when my doctor told me to. I did a LOT of research like you are looking for keto diet advantages and real life examples and success stories. I ended up finding a lot of real people with real success stories and inspiration- and I went for it. So thankful I did because I ended up with the greatest weight loss transformation of my adult life! I hope this will be in your future too!

    The Top 10 Keto Misconceptions

    keto dos and donts

    Here are the top 10 things I hear on a regular basis from people about the keto diet that are soooo wrong– and typically keep people from going on the keto diet and experiencing success. Let me know if you’ve fallen for any of these “mythunderstandings” as well. 

    1. 1) I can’t drink on keto: Not true. You definitely need to adjust your alcohol consumption, as a lot of alcoholic drinks have a lot of carbs and sugar, but I drink every week (usually 1-2 nights a week and when we’ve gone on vacation, I typically have wine every night). I have Sauvignon Blanc or Dirty Martinis or I mix my exogenous ketones with hard liquor like tequila or vodka or gin: DIVINE!!! 
    2. 2) I love sushi too much to give it up. Who said you have to give up sushi? I eat sushi regularly. Do I order 3 rolls and eat them like I used to? No. Do I limit rice? Yes. You just get creative. And when you learn how to eat real foods and use ketones- you’ll not waste carbs during the day on dumb stuff and then when you do go out for sushi you can have some rice and enjoy it. 
    3. 3)I heard you get bad breath!! I have never had this “keto breath” thing– I think this happens when people go carnivore and eat like ONLY steak and cheese — who wants to live that way?
    4. 4)I hear you’ll be constipated all the time: NOPE never been. That said, I have always put fiber and inulin in our coffee every morning so that keeps things flowing if you know what I mean. 😉 But I also firmly believe that if you follow my advice and eat a balanced diversified keto diet, you’ll stay regular. 
    5. 5) I hear you’ll get high cholesterol. Again, this COULD Happen if you eat only steak and cheese and hot dogs. Don’t be dumb. I’ve had zero cholesterol problems: diversity is your best friend. 
    6. 6)Keto Flu. I honestly don’t even know what this is and think it’s made up by wimps. 
    7. 7) Supposedly, low-carb diets only work for a time and then they backfire and you plateau and gain the weight back. Um. No. I have continually lost weight at a steady rate of about a pound a week (some weeks I stayed the same for sure). I have not gained weight back. I have only gotten leaner.
    8. 8)I just “can’t” give up bread!!! — well that’s BS. You CAN you just don’t want to. Of course I’d love to be eating bread but you know what I love more, how freaking amazing I look in faux leather leggings at age 52. I love that I look great naked and don’t feel embarrassed in front of my husband anymore. I love that I can wear ANYTHING in my closet now and not worry about camouflaging my body or my midsection. No piece of bread is worth trading that for. 
    9. 9) There’s nothing to eat, I’ll get bored! Are you kidding me? I’ve been on this diet for 6 months now and not cheated once– I never feel like I’m the only person eating “diet food” or that I’m left out…I eat all kinds of foods from Whataburger to sushi to buffalo wings to seafoods to steak to chicken to salads to – thai food- you name it– whatever you want can be customized for keto it just takes some effort. 
    10. 10) I’ll be hungry all the time. I disagree- in fact, this is the ONE time in my life (and I strongly believe that 50% of this is due to using exogenous ketones as a supplement– ask me about it, I’m a distributor now) I have been the least CONTROLLED by hunger and cravings. KETO AND KETONES have conquered my cravings and destroyed my out of control appetite and crushed my binge nature from before. I’m a new woman!

    The Keto Diet Advantages

    keto tips and tricks

    So, as I have shared earlier, I have had a TREMENDOUS experience with the keto diet this past year. I have so far lost 32 inches and 24 pounds. (See below for links to posts where you can read more). Why do I recommend going on the keto diet, now that I’ve been doing it for 6 months? To me, the keto diet advantages are clear. This is a diet that doesn’t FEEL like a diet. It’s so easy to make this a way of eating vs. feeling like you are on a diet. It’s very easy to customize meals even when the rest of your family isn’t keto- – my husband isn’t keto and we cook together all the time and I don’t make separate non-keto meals for him. This way of eating will change your appetite and your cravings (if you follow my guidance and coaching and don’t buy fake foods and fall for the ‘net carbs’ crap– and if you take the right supplements) forever. You can transform your body at ANY AGE. I mean…..I’m 52~~~~I look better now than I did at 22!! This “diet” approach solves issues that hormone imbalance creates…..can I get an amen?? There’s to me almost no downside other than – no Olive Garden breadsticks. Big deal. 😉 

    But wait, THERE'S MORE!


    If you enjoyed this post, it’s highly likely that you’ll want to check out some of these posts as  well: . Interview with Vivica Menegez, How the Keto Diet Can Help Autoimmune Conditions and Help Women Over 40 Lose Weight: CLICK HERE. My Keto Transformation: How I lost 32 Inches and 22 Pounds. CLICK HERE, What Can I EAT On the KETO DIET? Click here. You can also pick up my FREE eBook- Kelly’s Keto Kwik Start Guide by CLICKING HERE.

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    Note: this blog contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this post and support this channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when a viewer uses the links provided, the view is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support.