Weight Loss

  • 75 Hard Challenge: Not For Me. Why I’m going with #65MODIFIED instead!

    Why I said NO to the 75 Hard Challenge.

    A friend of mine challenged me recently to join her on the 75 Hard Challenge. I’ve heard of it and looked it up again and decided– although I was so tempted– I decided not to do the 75 Hard Challenge but to make my own close enough version – #65modified. So for those of you going for it and taking on the 75 Hard Challenge, snaps to you, but here is what I’m doing and I invite you to join my version of the 75 Hard Challenge.

    I’m excited. I was looking for a fun way to amp things up the last part of this year. I’ve had such a great whole body transformation so far with my keto results since June 1st and I’m just 9lbs away from my goal weight. I REALLY NEED TO GET BACK TO MY WORKOUT LIFE. This is the perfect thing to get me rolling again. I love challenges now- I used to think they were cheesy but I do love being on program and having the accountability with others. I invite you to join me! 

    75 Hard Challenge

    The great thing about a challenge is it gives you something to follow. Rather than just randomly showing up at the gym and saying “Hmm what will I do today” and then hopping on the same treadmill to do the same lame workout and get the same results, challenges help you get outside of your comfort zone. This is what I need and I think it’s fun and good to do challenges year-round. Let’s roll!

    Pass on 75 Hard Challenge: Yes toMy #65Modified Challenge


    So here is my “65Modified” Challenge. It’s 65 days obviously. I started on October 18th- you can start whenever you want! The focus is: 

    1) Drink More Water. I have been HORRIBLE about hydration lately and it’s been showing up in headaches. I’m no longer allowing myself to sneak diet soda during the day. So I’m down with the 75 Hard Challenge idea of a Gallon of water per day. 

    2) 1 45-60 minute workout a day, alternating between weights and cardio. 2 workouts a day for me, after having been in a reverse diet for a year with scaled back training would be a recipe for disaster. Nope. Also giving myself 1 day off a week so aiming for 6 workouts weekly. The 75 Hard Challenge is 2 workouts every day, mine is 1 workout a day for 6 days a week.

    3) EAT MEALS not snacks. And more SALADS. I really plan to focus on more salads. Salads are a lower carb way to get in some greens and I want to aim for that.

    4) Stick to my keto diet. Not gonna be a problem.

    5) Take my supplements and vitamins. I’ve been good about my ketones and my liquid collagen etc. but bad about my vitamins/supplements and I’m getting back to that. THEY ARE IMPORTANT. 6) Take a photo every day. I’m down with that. 7) Measure every week like I was.8) Read 10 pages every morning. I needed to get back to this anyway. I’m down. 9) No cheat meals…I don’t really DO cheat meals anymore but I don’t like the rule of saying no cheat meals so I’m making this a thing. In my keto lifestyle there really aren’t diet times and cheat days so this is unnecessary. 10) Fasting: adding in weekly 24 hour fasts REGULARLY and once a month doing the Pruvit 60-hour reboot. 

    That about sums it up. I’m on day 4 now and have been drinking my water every day (headaches are getting less and less!), taking my supplements 2x a day, getting my workouts in (this week will be 5 vs. 6, gotta be honest!) and I’m on point with my meals vs. snacking! Who wants to join me?

    But Wait, There’s MORE!


    If you liked this post, I’m guessing you’ll like some of these other recent posts and videos from my YouTube channel as well: WHAT I EAT ON THE KETO DIET and HOW TO STOP SNACKING AT NIGHT. Plus VIDEO: MY KETO TRANSFORMATION.


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  • How to Lose Weight After Age 40 Part TWO

    The Best Diet to Lose Weight For Women Over 40.

    best diet to lose weight for women over 40

    If you are wondering how to lose weight after age 40, this episode is for you. I cover everything on what NOT to do and then- what TO DO – in my opinion that WILL WORK. If you want to lose weight after 40, it takes extra work and diligence but it’s worth it. And I know, because I’ve been there done that on both sides. I’ve wasted a lot of time doing all the wrong things and now I’m experiencing the best of success and that’s what I want for YOU! I will help you learn how to lose weight after 40 easily (yes it can be done easily! It just takes consistency and focus). Tune in to this 2 part episode to learn more. You can CLICK HERE to listen to part 1.

    But WAIT There’s MORE!

    But Wait Theres More

    If you enjoyed this episode – there are a few others I’m guessing you’ll want to check out. 1) My interview with Alex Mazzurco about her year of healing, which is why I hired her last year as my trainer, she’s amazing. CLICK HERE to listen to that. 2) Here is my interview with Cathe Friedrich on why strength training is so important for women over 40. CLICK HERE to listen to that one.3) The #1 Mistake Women Make When Trying to Lose Weight After Age 40 CLICK HERE

    Are you LOVING The Kelly O Show Podcast?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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  • How to Lose Weight After Age 40 Part ONE

    The Best Diet to Lose Weight For Women Over 40.

    best diet to lose weight for women over 40

    If you are wondering how to lose weight after age 40, this episode is for you. I cover everything on what NOT to do and then- what TO DO – in my opinion that WILL WORK. If you want to lose weight after 40, it takes extra work and diligence but it’s worth it. And I know, because I’ve been there done that on both sides. I’ve wasted a lot of time doing all the wrong things and now I’m experiencing the best of success and that’s what I want for YOU! I will help you learn how to lose weight after 40 easily (yes it can be done easily! It just takes consistency and focus). Tune in to this 2 part episode to learn more. You can CLICK HERE to listen to part 2.

    But WAIT There’s MORE!

    But Wait Theres More

    If you enjoyed this episode – there are a few others I’m guessing you’ll want to check out. 1) My interview with Alex Mazzurco about her year of healing, which is why I hired her last year as my trainer, she’s amazing. CLICK HERE to listen to that. 2) Here is my interview with Cathe Friedrich on why strength training is so important for women over 40. CLICK HERE to listen to that one.3) The #1 Mistake Women Make When Trying to Lose Weight After Age 40 CLICK HERE.

    Are you LOVING The Kelly O Show Podcast?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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