Why Self-Awareness Is the Key to a FAR BETTER future for you.

I first discovered Julie Reisler when I bought her book, “Get a PhD in YOU” to read on our Park City vacation. Reading her book jolted me awake to a lot of behaviors in my life that were holding me back. If you are like me-or, like I used to be, and you get UNCOMFORTABLE thinking about personal development or doing the work on yourself to uncover your limiting beliefs and become more self-aware- don’t. DOING THE WORK ON YOU– and figuring out what makes you tick, and what makes you do stupid stuff that holds you back- well, that’s the key to a really FAR BETTER FUTURE for you- than you ever thought possible. It’s worth diving into, trust me, and if you really embrace the process, you’ll uncover a whole new and improved you!
It took polishing off two pounds of M&Ms in a 15-minute sitting, and getting sick for 3 days afterward, for Julie Reisler to realize that something major needed to be addressed in her life. She had been using food to cope w/her emotions since she was a teenager. She gained and lost 40 pounds 4 different times. Whenever she felt upset, afraid, worried, angry—she would eat to feel better and distract herself from what was really going on. If this behavior sounds familiar to you – you’ll love this introductory podcast with Julie Reisler, best-selling author and life coach for women. She’s amazing and I know you’ll want to follow her lead! Also mentioned in this podcast- my interview with Dai Manuel- you can listen to that by CLICKING HERE.
About Julie Reisler

Julie Reisler, Intuitive Coach, Bestselling Author, TEDx Speaker and Podcast Host works with and coaches big-hearted, high-achiever soul seekers. She is all about helping you to tune into your intuition to be your You-est You. Julie is the author of the Get a PhD in YOU book series (the companion journal is also available by CLICKING HERE), is a multi-time TEDx speaker, host of The You-est You® podcast and mindfulness teacher on the popular app, Insight Timer, with over 115,000 downloads.
Julie is currently working on her 3rd book baby, due Fall 2020. Julie has a master’s degree in health and wellness coaching, more than twelve certifications in mindset, mindfulness and wellbeing and is on the faculty at Georgetown University in their coaching program. You can learn how to use your intuitive superpowers in Julie’s free You-est You® Community for Soul Seekers on Facebook. To learn more about Julie, go to juliereisler.com.
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