What is radical self-love?In this last “bonus episode” to close up my mini-series on “My Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes and How I’m Fixing Them” I’m talking about the importance of RADICAL SELF-LOVE- cultivating an authentic self-love situation for our bodies. We are TOO hard on ourselves and often hold ourselves up to unrealistic expectations that cause an undue amount of stress. That stress is what can often impede if not prohibit our weight loss progress. Let’s stop the madness and start practicing radical self-love. This is a departure from anything most of us have done but it’s so worth it: the more we pour into ourselves, the more we can show up for others and the more we can perform in everything we WANT to do in life. It’s so true.
Some of the shows you may want to check out, based on what we talked about in this series — 1) My interview with my trainer, Alex Mazurrco CLICK HERE. 2) Laurie Christine King Interview CLICK HERE. 3) My latest bloodwork and the changes I’m making because of it. CLICK HERE. 4) If you’d like to get YOUR BLOODWORK done– check out Ulta Lab Tests, available in 2100 locations across the U.S. GET YOUR HORMONAL LAB WORK DONE LADIES!!! CLICK HERE.
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