How to stop self-loathing and negative self-talk and start loving your body, NOW!

Have you spent more time every day picking yourself apart, standing in the mirror and scrutinizing your body for every extra pound you carry? Do you fill your brain with negative self-talk every day, all day long? Or, have you gotten to the point where you avoid mirrors and reflections of yourself because you don’t even want to see what you look like? Body dysmorphia is a real thing ladies, but it begins with the daily behavior of self-loathing and never-ending scrutinizing of every flaw you think you have. Today my dear friend Carole Baker is on the show in this 2-part episode- and we are talking about SELF-LOVE. Specifically why women need to embrace their bodies more and love themselves while on the journey vs. beating themselves up all the time. The STRESS of living that way does far more damage to ruin our health and fitness objectives than any donut ever will. Tune in, as I Know you’ll LOVE Carole as much as I do. This is part ONE of a 2-part episode- CLICK HERE to listen to part 1.

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