
  • Should you work out when you have adrenal fatigue?

    Is it ok to work out when you have adrenal fatigue?

    One of the top questions I get on a regular basis is around working out when you have adrenal fatigue or cortisol issues. Understandably, women who suffer from adrenal fatigue wonder if they should avoid working out because they’ve been told or they’ve read that working out will make your adrenal fatigue worse. Some women go the other extreme: they have adrenal fatigue or suspect they have it and they go balls to the wall with working out and they DO end up worse. The key is- none of us is the same and each of our experiences in working out with adrenal fatigue will vary. 
    I talk on this show from personal experience about the mistakes I’ve made in the past- the bad advice I’ve followed (and wished I hadn’t) and the good advice I follow now- and how I’ve learned to listen to my gut and become self-aware– that’s key in managing your hormones and sticking to your fitness game even when you have adrenal issues. 


    But Wait There's More

    If you found this podcast helpful, it’s highly likely you’ll want to read and learn more. Check out these other blogs and videos and podcasts linked here. VIDEO : 5 Mistakes You’re Making When Trying to Balance Your HormonesCLICK HERE. VIDEO: HOW I FINALLY BEAT HORMONAL WEIGHT GAINCLICK HERE. VIDEO: My Bio Identical Hormonal Replacement Advice to 40+ Women CLICK HERE. How to Balance Hormones to Lose Weight CLICK HERE. HOW WOMEN CAN ACHIEVE HORMONAL BALANCE – INTERVIEW WITH DR. ANNA CABECA Click Here. 

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    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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  • EPISODE 267: How to find true happiness by pursuing authentic self-awareness. Shannon Kaiser shares how.

    The secret to true joy? Becoming self-aware.

    So many women are unfulfilled in their life– and yet many don’t know it. They feel a lack of true happiness and yet don’t ever try to figure out how to change that situation. If you are lacking true joy and peace in your life, the key to changing that is looking inward. Becoming self-aware is the first step toward positive and profound life change. Trust me, I know this to be true from experience.
    Shannon Kaiser is a Best-selling author, entrepreneur, writer, teacher, life coach, business and author mentor, and an international speaker. But more than that, she’s a woman who conquered her own struggles in life by doing the work on herself– learning to accept and respect herself and LOVE herself, so she could help others do the same. Shannon believes that love is the fastest way to fulfillment, and that too many women are wired to loathe themselves vs LOVE themselves – and that’s what is holding them back. Time to change THAT!

    About Shannon Kaiser

    Shannon Kaiser is the best-selling author of 5 books on the psychology of happiness and fulfillment including #1 The Self-Love Experiment and Find Your Happy Daily Mantras the new book Joy Seeker: Let Go of What’s Holding You Back so You Can Live The Life You Were Made For. As an international empowerment coach, inspirational speaker and self-love leader, she empowers people trust and believe in themselves so they can awaken and align with their true self. She’s been named top 100 Women to Watch in wellness by Mind Body Green alongside Cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kris Carr and Gabrielle Bernstein and one of the freshest voices in mental health and wellness by Chicken Soup for The Women’s Soul. Named a thought leader on the rise, by Café truth, and your go to Happiness Booster by Health Magazine. She’s been named one of Entrepreneurs Must-Follow Instagram Accounts for Inspiration and Top Facebook Accounts for Daily Motivation by Mind Body Green.

    Her website has been names top 75 Personal development websites and top 100 self-help websites by the institute for the Psychology of Eating.

     Her work has been recognized in media outlets across the globe including Elle, Cosmopolitan, Australian Vogue, Women’s Health, Health, Entrepreneur, Spirituality & Health and Chicken Soup for the Soul, and MindBodyGreen. 

    Connect with her at and follow along @ShannonKaiserWrites 

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    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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  • EPISODE 257: How to make your breakdowns into true BREAK-THROUGH moments of transformation.

    Why Self-Awareness Is the Key to a FAR BETTER future for you.

    I first discovered Julie Reisler when I bought her book, “Get a PhD in YOU” to read on our Park City vacation. Reading her book jolted me awake to a lot of behaviors in my life that were holding me back. If you are like me-or, like I used to be, and you get UNCOMFORTABLE thinking about personal development or doing the work on yourself to uncover your limiting beliefs and become more self-aware- don’t. DOING THE WORK ON YOU– and figuring out what makes you tick, and what makes you do stupid stuff that holds you back- well, that’s the key to a really FAR BETTER FUTURE for you- than you ever thought possible. It’s worth diving into, trust me, and if you really embrace the process, you’ll uncover a whole new and improved you!
    It took polishing off two pounds of M&Ms in a 15-minute sitting, and getting sick for 3 days afterward, for Julie Reisler to realize that something major needed to be addressed in her life. She had been using food to cope w/her emotions since she was a teenager. She gained and lost 40 pounds 4 different times. Whenever she felt upset, afraid, worried, angry—she would eat to feel better and distract herself from what was really going on. If this behavior sounds familiar to you – you’ll love this introductory podcast with Julie Reisler, best-selling author and life coach for women. She’s amazing and I know you’ll want to follow her lead! Also mentioned in this podcast- my interview with Dai Manuel- you can listen to that by CLICKING HERE.

    About Julie Reisler

    Julie Reisler, Intuitive Coach, Bestselling Author, TEDx Speaker and Podcast Host works with and coaches big-hearted, high-achiever soul seekers. She is all about helping you to tune into your intuition to be your You-est You. Julie is the author of the Get a PhD in YOU book series (the companion journal is also available by CLICKING HERE), is a multi-time TEDx speaker, host of The You-est You® podcast and mindfulness teacher on the popular app, Insight Timer, with over 115,000 downloads. 
    Julie is currently working on her 3rd book baby, due Fall 2020. Julie has a master’s degree in health and wellness coaching, more than twelve certifications in mindset, mindfulness and wellbeing and is on the faculty at Georgetown University in their coaching program. You can learn how to use your intuitive superpowers in Julie’s free You-est You® Community for Soul Seekers on Facebook. To learn more about Julie, go to

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    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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