• Get on that SCALE! Why MEASUREMENT is a key indicator of success in weight loss.

    If you are in a weight loss plateau and NOT weighing yourself, it's time to start!

    Are you stuck in a weight loss plateau? Do you wonder why it is that you eat really healthy and you work out on a regular basis, but you seem to be perpetually stuck at getting anywhere in losing weight? Do you throw in the towel a lot and maybe binge over the weekend because you are so frustrated that you TRY SO HARD to lose weight and get in shape but it seems impossible?? 
    I get it. That was me for years. 
    Too many women want to lose weight and have been “trying everything” for years– and are not seeing results. But -in my experience, I usually discover that they haven’t typically tried EVERYTHING. And because they aren’t TRACKING anything, they really don’t even know what’s missing from their routines. They have no baseline to work from.
    Many women- I was one of them, are not tracking their activity, (tracking how many times a week you work out, how many steps a day you are getting in etc.) their food (establishing an optimal caloric window and set of macros and then entering your food/meals into a system/app like MyFitnessPal or writing it in a notebook), and enabling themselves to be able to have a set of data points at their disposal to make informed decisions from. 
    You can’t tell if you have been successful if you don’t track what you are doing- and then test and tweak, test again etc. That’s what works. Data is a beautiful thing. Learn more why it should be your best friend. 

    The Greater Goods Scale For Weight Loss Tracking. This is what we use.

    I did a lot of research to find a good scale with great reviews. I’m very pleased with this scale we got- both the man and I use it to weigh daily. CLICK HERE to get yourself one. 

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    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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  • Why Counting Calories- Every Last One of Them- Matters SO MUCH For Weight Loss.

    Want to know why you are stuck at a weight loss plateau? Read on. I bet I know.

    Friends, this post might be a wake-up call to many of you. Why? Because– you’ ve heard me talk and read my words on CALORIC DEFICIT– and far too many people react to that and automatically say “OMG I’ve been dieting for YEARS– MY biggest problem is I probably don’t eat enough!!!”– YEA– I said that for years, claiming the whole “my cortisol must be high so I am retaining fat because I’m in ‘starvation mode'”– Yea NO. It was Jordan Syatt that snapped me out of that and continues to dispel silly myths like this on his YouTube channel and instagram etc. (Check out my 2-part interview with Jordan by CLICKING HERE.) But for those of you that may still be on the blaming-hypothyroidism for not being able to lose weight bandwagon or thinking that you are “probably not eating enough” or thinking that you are in “starvation mode and storing fat”- read on. 

    We know that in order to lose weight we must be in caloric deficit. The #1 mistake I see women make (I was one of them in the past) is NOT TRACKING THEIR EATS. So they WING IT. They go about their day and — granted- for each meal, they make the “best choice”- they get egg whites and hashbrowns for breakfast and have only a few bites of hashbrowns. They order a salad for lunch dressing on the side– and use only a bit of the dressing. They skip the donuts at the office when the co-worker brings them in. They have fish and veggies for dinner or if they are out, they’ll order a steak with plain baked potato and broccoli. 

    All good right? 

    Nothing bad about those choices. There’s also nothing “bad” if the same person above had a Lean Cuisine for lunch or a Slim-Fast for breakfast. There’s nothing bad if this person ordered a value meal from Burger King on the way to a meeting at lunch.

    Does THAT surprise you? We’ll go into the whole “why we need to stop labeling foods as good or bad” in a future post. 

    Today- let’s talk about what happens when you DON’T TRACK YOUR FOOD. Like — write down everything you eat each day– no matter what. Even if it’s not planned or if it’s a snack.  When you just wing it, here are the things that get missed a lot– and I mean OFTEN:

    1. That Starbucks latte you got on the way to a client meeting. (Grande Latte with 2% 190 calories)
    2. That banana you got with the Starbucks (it’s a banana! It’s healthy!!) 90 Calories.
    3. The fact that you forgot to ask for “no croutons” and “no cheese” on your salad so you didn’t save those 250 calories. 
    4. You ordered an Acai Bowl at lunch with friends (it’s healthy!! and it had a scoop of protein powder!) but didn’t notice that the full serving was 650 calories. 
    5. You ordered that steak at dinner with plain baked potato and broccoli but failed to notice that the steak was a 10oz Ribeye and was  closer to 650 calories than 275 calories in a 3-4oz serving. And your baked potato was HUGE and instead of being 100 calories was more like 450. 
    6. That pre-workout and post- workout drink you had added 150 calories.
    7. The post-workout protein bar on the way home from the gym was a big size and had 2 servings in the one container but you didn’t see that so you consumed 350 calories vs. 175. 
    8. You had a few handfuls of your man’s popcorn while watching Netflix- 150 calories.

    I could go on and on. The above might not all happen in one day- but let’s use ONE example and show how impactful missing calories can be each day. If you ONLY didn’t add in the pre and post workout, and then maybe a piece of fruit — that’s about 250 or so calories. A Day. That ends up being- say you only did that 5 days a week. That is still 1,250 calories a week, and 5K calories per month or about 1.5lbs of weight gain or non-weight loss. That’s 18lbs in a year. 

    Would you like to lose 20lbs this year? 

    EVERYTHING IS ABOUT NUMBERS people. If you work out regularly and eat healthy foods but don’t seem to ever lose weight and you aren’t tracking your foods, I DARE YOU to challenge yourself- do this for 2 weeks. See if you don’t surprise yourself. I bet you do. I bet you BLOW YOUR MIND — it did for me!

    Tell me — did reading this post make you go, OMG, I have probably been missing a LOT of calories. This could be that weight loss breakthrough you’ve been searching for and it’s FREE!! go for it!


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  • EPISODE 175: Why Calories Count: How to lose weight by getting back to basics with diet. PART 2

    How to break through any weight loss plateau and start losing fat FAST.

    Have you been stuck trying to lose weight? Are you frustrated because you feel like you eat “HEALTHY” and yet the scale does not move? Do you wonder why no matter how much you exercise and how much you eat organic and “clean”- you are seemingly forever stuck in a weight loss plateau?
    You aren’t alone. This has been the problem I’ve faced for years- and it was a series of many repeated a-ha moments over the past few months that helped me understand with total clarity what was missing in my life, as far as what needed to be focused on in order to lose weight. It’s typically the most overlooked, most SIMPLE component of weight loss– and yet most of us are obsessing over totally irrelevant fitness and nutrition MYTHS. If we get back to BASICS and focus on the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS- the scale will move in the right direction.
    Today we share part 2 of a 2-part interview with Bonnie Pfiester, trainer, former fitness competitor, gym-owner, successful online business owner and lover of big dogs. Bonnie and her husband Steve know more about nutrition and fat loss than most pros I know and I’m excited to share this interview with you. Tune in because I know you’ll have multiple A-HA moments about how to stop making silly mistakes in your weight loss game. Enjoy! If you haven’t listened to part 1 yet, you can do so by CLICKING HERE.

    About Bonnie Pfiester

    STEVE & BONNIE – as seen on Fit To Fat To Fit on A&E, Bridal Boot Camp on VH1, Fat March on ABC and on LifeTime.
    As Certified Personal Trainers, Steve & Bonnie Pfiester have been featured in Fitness Magazine, Shape, Women’s Health Magazine, Us Weekly, OK! Magazine, Oxygen, US Today, LA Times, Travel Channel, and Club Solutions Magazine, and have worked in the fitness industry for most of their 22 years of marriage.
    Coined “The Dynamic Duo” by fitness industry leaders, the Pfiesters run Max Fitness and BCx Boot Camp™ in Vero Beach, Florida. The Pfiesters work with some of the top fitness brands in the country, providing workouts, tips and motivation for GNC, Reebok, LiveExercise, Designer Whey, Detour, LiveWell360 and many others.
    Whether you are looking for a new workout or you just need some encouragement, will inspire you to be the best you possible – and get ‘pfit’!

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    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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