Why Tracking Your Personal Data is So Important For Ensuring Weight Loss Success.

This is the beginning of a 10 episode series where I break down my top 10 fitness and weight loss mistakes that I’ve made in the past- that I am correcting NOW– for REAL RESULTS. If you have struggled like me and feel like you eat healthy and work out but are stuck at weight loss- I know that one or two or all of these mistakes will likely hit home for you and you’ll be so glad you had the a-ha moment– as you hear it– because now you can CHANGE IT!! In today’s episode, I’m talking about how I NEVER used to track any of my own personal data. Meaning- taking progress photos, weighing myself, measuring myself, recording my workouts/training and recording my macros- and most importantly– while I may have done one or two of these things in the past for SOME Time, I never put all of them together so I could evaluate them and effectively make tweaks to my program for better success. Now that I’ve hired a personal trainer (Alex Mazurrco with Level Ten Coaching: click here to listen to the interview with her about her year of healing.) and am doing all these things, every day – I can see how valuable this is!! It’s amazing and I see how crucial it is for success. Tune in to learn more. Other interviews I mention in this show are my chat with Jordan Syatt, my chat with Laurie Christine King, and my solo show on my latest bloodwork results with Dr. Sebring.
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