How Much Fiber Do I Need Per Day For Weight Loss?

If you have been wondering, ‘How much fiber do I need each day’ in order to lose weight– you aren’t alone. It’s surprisingly not something that is discussed as often as it should be. The question ‘how much fiber do I need’ really should be more top of mind for ALL OF US- not only when it comes to weight loss but when it comes to health in general. The truth is, I never even THOUGHT about ‘how much fiber do I need?’ until I hired my trainer Alex about a year and a half ago to start my reverse diet. And fiber was one of the first additions she made to my diet plan. When she realized that not only was I not tracking my daily fiber intake, but I also was painfully LOW in my daily fiber intake, she was like, we must fix this right away. She told me to go buy this Healthy Origins fiber (You can click here to buy it on Amazon-– I’ve been using it ever since: you’ve likely seen me talk about how my husband and I have it in our coffee every morning) and take it every day. I remember how soon after I started taking fiber and also making sure I was taking my digestive enzymes, L-Glutamine and probiotics every day– I felt notably better. I was no longer bloated every day, all day. That was a blessing in and of itself– but, fiber is important for keeping things MOVING in your body, and I think we all know that! Disclosure: This post is sponsored by our friends at Healthy Origins. All opinions posted are my own.

There is no hard and fast rule but generally speaking, for women the ideal amount of fiber per day to aim for is about 25g. I think when I started tracking my macros I was at around 8 a day. Adding Healthy Origins Fiber to my coffee every morning adds about 7g of fiber before I even start my day. I’ve been pretty good about getting in “roughage” in my keto diet because I have never once experienced a constipation issue that everyone worries about when going keto. I think it’s because prior to going keto I had this fiber focus already going on. Seriously! I’m so glad my trainer Alex opened my eyes- it’s not that prior to that I was having regularity issues but– let’s just say things got remarkably more REGULAR and efficient after that and that my friends is the goal- smooth exit from your body of waste material. That is how you stay healthy and that is how your body loses weight (I don’t mean specifically you lose weight by pooping it out ok!!)– meaning, when you are not regular and you are holding in waste, you risk all kinds of inflammation not to mention leaky gut syndrome– all these things hinder weight loss. You must make GUT HEALTH and regularity/elimination a top priority– trust me. You’ll look and feel better. Not crazy fun to talk about, I know, but it matters!!!
Save 25% OFF at Healthy Origins!

I have the hook up for you guys. As I mentioned, I have been a customer of Healthy Origins for years now and we have partnered together to educated my audience on the importance of supplements: a topic you know I’m passionate about. So, you can head over to the Healthy Origins website and shop and use code “kellyolexa‘ and save 25% off for a limited time. You’re welcome. Please note, at the time of this publication, the fiber was out of stock (It’s a popuplar product!!) So for now you can purchase via Amazon at this link; click here.
But Wait, There's MORE

If you enjoyed this post, it’s highly likely you’ll want to check out these posts: My Reverse Diet Experience: CLICK HERE. What Are SUPERFOODS and How Do They Benefit Our Health? CLICK HERE. My interview with Alex Mazzurco (my trainer, the one who introduced me to the fiber situation!) CLICK HERE.
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