How Gary Vaynerchuk Got In The Best Shape of His Life.

Gary Vaynerchuk is a man known to build not buildings but businesses. Just after college, he was able to elevate his family’s wine business from being a relatively small $3M to a whopping $60M business in just five years. He currently runs VaynerMedia, one of the world’s most popular digital agencies. He’s also an angel investor or an investor who believes in start-ups, and also a venture capitalist with investments on large media companies such as Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter. He eventually co-founded VaynerRSE, an investment fund worth $25M.
In today’s episode, Gary talks about how his views on his health were able to drastically alter the way he thinks about his business and the way he interacts with not just his clients but also friends and family members. He also discusses his opinions on what it takes to get what you want and why he thinks positivity has become a necessity in an increasingly negative world.
“My belief in what people can accomplish in business has grown by my accomplishment around my health.” Gary Vaynerchuk
In this episode, you’ll learn:
A two-hour flight changed Gary’s perspective on his health even at the age of 38.
Keeping yourself accountable or being accountable to somebody else is a must when it comes to long term health.
Age doesn’t have to be a reason why you feel weak or out of breath.
There are no shortcuts to health, just the work. It’s the same when it comes to business.
Loser mentality is when people hang around other people who just want to complain and not work on a solution.
Being good bleeds over but people need to be focused on not crippling themselves living at the standard they can’t live up to.
Optimism and positivity is suppressed. Negativity is loud. You need to take that positivity even if people don’t want to hear it.
Money, power, fame, it changes nobody. All it does is expose us who they actually are.
Key Takeaways:
You need to know what works for you to achieve the goals other successful people have reached. No need to do it his or her way.
Nobody’s going to feel sorry for you. Every winner in your life has zero sympathy for you. Life is harder for some people, life may be harder for you and it needs to change. You can be part of the change by winning and using your money and power to change things.
Connect with Gary Vaynerchuk:
Mentioned in this episode:
#ASKGARYVEE: One Entrepreneur’s Take On Leadership, Social Media, And Self-Awareness book by Gary Vaynerchuk
Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape – Web 2.0 Expo NY video by Gary Vaynerchuk
Below is the #dailyvee video that captures Gary doing this interview with me. What’s funny– after we ended this recording, the software I was using back then ERASED all of the interview. Luckily since they filmed his day they passed on the audio and truth be told, I had to go back and guess at what my questions were….that was interesting. But either way, it was totally fun reconnecting with my friend and mentor, and a guy who is just the REAL DEAL.
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