How to break through any weight loss plateau and start losing fat FAST.

Have you been stuck trying to lose weight? Are you frustrated because you feel like you eat “HEALTHY” and yet the scale does not move? Do you wonder why no matter how much you exercise and how much you eat organic and “clean”- you are seemingly forever stuck in a weight loss plateau?
You aren’t alone. This has been the problem I’ve faced for years- and it was a series of many repeated a-ha moments over the past few months that helped me understand with total clarity what was missing in my life, as far as what needed to be focused on in order to lose weight. It’s typically the most overlooked, most SIMPLE component of weight loss– and yet most of us are obsessing over totally irrelevant fitness and nutrition MYTHS. If we get back to BASICS and focus on the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS- the scale will move in the right direction.
Today we share part 1 of a 2-part interview with Bonnie Pfiester, trainer, former fitness competitor, gym-owner, successful online business owner and lover of big dogs. Bonnie and her husband Steve know more about nutrition and fat loss than most pros I know and I’m excited to share this interview with you. Tune in because I know you’ll have multiple A-HA moments about how to stop making silly mistakes in your weight loss game. Enjoy! When you are ready to listen to part 2, CLICK HERE.
About Bonnie Pfiester

STEVE & BONNIE – as seen on Fit To Fat To Fit on A&E, Bridal Boot Camp on VH1, Fat March on ABC and on LifeTime.
As Certified Personal Trainers, Steve & Bonnie Pfiester have been featured in Fitness Magazine, Shape, Women’s Health Magazine, Us Weekly, OK! Magazine, Oxygen, US Today, LA Times, Travel Channel, and Club Solutions Magazine, and have worked in the fitness industry for most of their 22 years of marriage.
Coined “The Dynamic Duo” by fitness industry leaders, the Pfiesters run Max Fitness and BCx Boot Camp™ in Vero Beach, Florida. The Pfiesters work with some of the top fitness brands in the country, providing workouts, tips and motivation for GNC, Reebok, LiveExercise, Designer Whey, Detour, LiveWell360 and many others.
Whether you are looking for a new workout or you just need some encouragement, will inspire you to be the best you possible – and get ‘pfit’!
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Listen to this episode now! (40:56)
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