Got Autoimmune Issues? Food is the best medicine for you. Learn why from Kelli Shallal.

In this episode, I interviewed Kelli Shallal, an Arizona based Registered Dietitian with a Masters of Public Health in Nutrition from LLU. We talk about nutrition and diet mistakes that so many women make all in the pursuit of weight loss. She’ll share her insights as an integrative nutrition specialist and I know you’ll finish listening to this show having learned a LOT about how to eat for health and longevity vs. eating as little as possible to lose weight.
About Kelli Shallal

From Kelli’s online About Page:
My name is Kelli Shallal, I’m a Registered Dietitian (RD), Personal Trainer, food blogger, food hoarder, lover of iced coffee, wine, and caramel. I’m constantly torn between cross fit and running, but I’ve injured my back twice so I’ve learned a few things about taking care of myself. I used to think healthy meant calorie counting, no carbs, no fat, and bland tasteless fake food. Now I realize healthy means confidence, energy, positivity, and real food.
I have rekindled my love of food, real food that tastes good and feels good. Sometimes that’s a salad, sometimes that’s a cookie, I eat it all, except kale. I can’t help but think kale is actually poison posing as health food. It’s taken my whole damn life, but I have finally learned who I am and how to be me myself. An only child, who gets bored easily and hates cleaning (except dusting). I especially don’t want to be bored with eating healthy so I make my own recipes and then pray a fairy will come clean up the mess. No luck so far on that one.
Ever heard the saying, ask and you shall receive? What I share here constantly changes, depending on what my awesome readers ask for. Nutrition and health tips, tons and tons of healthy recipes, workouts (treadmill, strength, and more), fashion, and some random sprinkles of life. When I say sprinkles of life let me clarify, I share random stories, complaints, rants, things I’m learning, learning to adult (I’m 29, that’s still a work in progress), motivation (we all need it), inspiration, what I do all day (my readers love that, I think I’m boring but apparently they don’t), and things that happen to me (like Batman cars and scams).
In a nutshell, this is my mission:
To use my humor, creativity, knowledge, and personal experience to inspire, uplift, and empower others to live longer, healthier, happier lives.
In addition to blogging, I also have a nutrition practice, I received my Masters of Public Health Nutrition in June of 2012 from Loma Linda University and passed my board exam to become an RD in October of 2013. I offer one on one coaching, corporate wellness programs, seminars, regularly appear in the media, and more. I’m a holistic, integrative, and real food based Dietitian. Dieting doesn’t work, if it did, it wouldn’t be a multi-billion dollar industry. We have long since forgot that food is healing, functional, and energizing. Food gives us fuel and feeds our soul, food is freaking awesome. I LOVE FOOD. I coach my clients and seminar attendees to heal their relationship with food, to break up with dieting, and to enjoy it all by developing healthy habits as well as applying intuitive eating principles that become a part of their lives forever. (That includes stress, sleep, hormone balance, mindset, nutrition and exercise in equal parts.)
You can connect with Kelli at her blog by CLICKING HERE. You can follow her on instagram by CLICKING HERE.
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