The Kelly O Show



    What is hormone imbalance and how do I fix it? Dr. Lane Sebring explains how to achieve hormone balance for women.

    If you are wondering how to achieve hormonal balance for women, you’ve come to the right place. In this interview with Dr. Lane Sebring we discuss all the options around healing unbalanced hormones. Hormonal balance for women is a bit complicated but it is DOABLE. I know, because I’ve been on this path myself, and at age 52, I’m living proof that hormonal balance for women is a goal we all should strive for.

    This interview will provide information on how to know if your hormones are unbalanced and how to get started on the road to achieving hormonal balance for women. Let’s get started!

    Dr. Lane Sebring has been practicing medicine for over 18 years. He specializes in primary care and anti-aging medicine that is rooted in nutrition and lifestyle changes. He advocates the Paleo Diet as well as alternative ways to heal the human body without the use of strong drugs or harmful antibiotics. He believes the human body wants to heal and conventional treatments are healing it in a way the body does not recognize.

    NOTE: this is part ONE of a 2-part episode. CLICK HERE to listen to part 2.

    In this episode, Dr. Lane Sebring shares his extensive knowledge and experience regarding hormonal treatments. He explains what hormones are, why he compares them to drugs, and discusses what happens when your body’s hormones are imbalanced and what you can do to treat them. He also explains bioidentical hormone therapy and why it’s different from steroids.
    “Chronic diseases are 100% man made. None of that existed back when we were hunter-gatherers.” – Dr. Lane Sebring
    In this episode, you’ll learn:
    • How impactful are hormones to our daily lives?
    • The common hormones that cause problems.
    • What happens when you’re low on specific hormones?
    • The experts you should consult with when it comes to hormones.
    • What bioidenticals can do for your body.
    • His advice to those who are afraid of injectable hormones.
    • Why Hunter-Gatherers lived longer than we thought.
    • How hormones are passed through food.
    • The difference between steroids and bio-identical hormones.
    Key Takeaways:
    • Very few doctors know how to adjust the thyroid for their patients.
    • You never see a wild animal overweight. They eat and live according to how their bodies are designed to eat and live, unlike people today.
    • If we treat our body right, ageing should not be something to dread.
    Connect with Dr. Lane Sebring:
    Get Started on Optimizing Your Hormones by getting comprehensive bloodwork with Ulta Lab Tests: CLICK HERE to order (I saved over $1500 on my last comprehensive bloodwork order by using Ulta Lab Tests!) 

    Read MORE (and listen more) about HORMONES and finding Hormonal Balance!


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  • What is a Ketogenic Diet and What Are Its Benefits For Weight Loss and Wellness with Maria Emmerich

    Is the KETO Diet Good For Weight Loss? Maria Emmerich Says YES But It’s Also GREAT For Fighting INFLAMMATION!

    We hear a LOT about the Keto Diet lately. Many of us, myself included, (in the past) have been very skeptical of the Ketogenic Diet because it can sound like a fad or a trend. It’s ok to be skeptical- and many people who have been on a fitness journey for a while don’t like to “jump on the latest bandwagon” so they don’t even investigate new approaches. Note: this is not to try to convince you that you NEED TO SWITCH to a Keto approach to eating. If what you are doing works for you- keep at it! That said I am a firm believer that if you are stuck and not getting results, it’s time to CHANGE THINGS UP. For women who have been dieting/watching what they are eating and working out consistently for a while and yet, are not losing weight, I’d strongly recommend investigating the keto diet for fat loss. Why? Even my doctor is now suggesting that for my particular health and hormone issues, a keto approach (low carb, moderate protein, a good amount of healthy fats) is best for me. Combining that with fasting (y’all know I’ve done intermittent fasting of many kinds since way back in 2009)– is a solid solution for keeping my insulin issues in check. Tune in to listen to Maria’s extensive experience and make your own decision on what’s best for you. If you want to find out how my dietary changes are going and how it’s helping my hormones/insulin resistance and weight loss– feel free to PM me or also- join my private Facebook group for women: A Year Of You First where I share daily tips/articles insights into what I’m learning along the way. 
    “Sugar is inflammation and inflammation is the stem of all diseases.” Maria Emmerich
    Connect with Maria:

    About Maria Emmerich

    From her online bio:
    Maria Emmerich is a nutritionist who specializes in the ketogenic diet and exercise physiology. She struggled with her health and weight throughout childhood which led her to become such a passionate nutrition expert. “My goal is to help transform people’s lives and start living again!” Maria specializes in brain neurotransmitters and how food can increase mental wellness. Her expertise has sent her around the World speaking about ketogenic diets. She has also cooked with Halle Berry and writes for Halle’s website. You can find her at
    She spends the majority of her time with clients around the World via Skype with amazing results. She specializes in helping autoimmune disorders, diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2), heart disease, cholesterol issues, alopecia, hashimoto’s, cancer, epilepsy, seizures, depression and anxiety. You would be amazed at the amount of people get off medication with her guidance.
    She is also an International Best Selling author of several books including “Quick and Easy Ketogenic Cooking” and “The 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse“. She also authored 10 other books including several cookbooks and 3 nutritional guide books including the best-selling book “Keto.” Some of her readers include, Halle Berry, Valerie Bertinelli and Al Roker.”

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  • Stop the Negative Self-Talk. How changing the way we view ourselves can change our bodies and also our LIVES. Fit Bottomed Girls REAL TALK.

    How to stop feeling so insecure about your body and maintain a positive body image.

    Jennipher Walters and Kristen Seymour are the owners of Fit Bottomed Girls, a body positive company that strives to let both men and women know they are more than what the number on the scale says about them. Jennipher is an ACE-certified personal trainer and health coach and has written numerous online publications, championing self-love and positive thinking. Kristen is a triathlete, a USAT Level 1 triathlon coach, and a certified TRX instructor. Both women were named as one of The 100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness by Greatist in 2016 and 2017.
    On today’s episode, Jenn and Kristen share their experience growing up as women with insecurities about their weight and how they used their struggles to empower themselves. They describe how their life was like before they found their fitness, the moments in their life that inspired them to change, and how they eventually founded their company. They also provide advice to those who are uncomfortable in their own skin and why the weight scale shouldn’t make up a large part of your life.
    “It’s okay to not be happy when you can’t button your pants, but it doesn’t change your value as a person.” – Jennipher Walters
    In this episode, you’ll learn:
    • What made them pursue a fitness lifestyle?
    • How they changed their lives for the better.
    • How they plan on helping women embrace their own bodies.
    • The line between healthy eating and an eating disorder.
    • What should we feed ourselves emotionally every day?
    • Their thoughts on weighing yourself.
    • Their advice to those struggling with self-love and insecurities.
    Key Takeaways:
    • The number on the scale should not impact how you live your life.
    • We have a responsibility to pay attention to how we’re raising our kids.
    • Don’t cover yourself in shame. Don’t struggle with your own body alone.
    • Fitness should not be a struggle, but an interesting journey.
    Connect with Jennipher Walters and Kristin Seymour:

    About The Fit Bottomed Girls

    From their online bio:
    It began as a single blog with a tongue-in-cheek play on a Queen song. Today, the Fit Bottomed World, run by Jennipher Walters and Kristen Seymour (who are certified fitness professionals — Jenn is a certified personal trainer and health coach, and Kristen is certified in triathlon, swimming, and TRX coaching — but also just everyday regular women), is an online phenomenon that has reached millions of women (and men!). And, of course, the focus is always on the idea that fit bottoms come in all shapes and sizes — and that you’re more than the number on the scale.
    (They know because they’ve been there. Read Jenn’s personal story here, and Kristen’s here.)
    True pioneers of the body-positive movement, Jennipher Walters and Erin Whitehead began Fit Bottomed Girls in 2008 as friends looking for a fun, fresh and no-diet approach to being healthy. Months after the site launched, it took off — readers were clearly hungry for something other than “how to lose 10 pounds in 10 minutes and get the perfect man.” Infusing their own experiences (both failures and successes) they created a community of “FBGs” — welcoming everyone in, including writer Kristen Seymour, who would later become a business partner.
    From there, the Fit Bottomed Girls expanded into new verticals and products to serve its growing readership, including Fit Bottomed Mamas, Fit Bottomed Eats, a book, Fit Bottomed Zen, a podcast and the online course Love Your Body. Love Your Life.
    In 2017, Erin left the company to pursue other interests and focus on her family, while the Fit Bottomed World expanded into more speaking engagements, retreats, and brand consulting. Jenn and Kristen have worked with major brands such as Brooks Running, Marshall’s, and Pure Protein on campaigns and other influencer projects that were fully aligned with the Fit Bottomed Girls’ mission. In fact, Jenn and Kristen were named as one of The 100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness by Greatist in 2016 and 2017, and were listed as one of the best healthy living bloggers of 2018, 2019 and 2020 by Healthline.
    These days, Jenn and Kristen are focusing on other outside projects in addition to running the website.
    Jenn continues to publish content and share workouts in real time from @FitBottomedGirl, but she also spends time consulting with wellness-minded brands (including wine, as she just earned her WSET-1 certification and is working on level 2!), developing fitness programming, and creating online content. Learn more about what services Jenn offers here.
    Kristen splits her time between working on her first novel and running her freelance writing and editing business, KGS Creative, where she works with clients on content ranging from fitness to pets to travel, tech, and much more. See work samples and find out how to work with Kristen here.
    However, the one thing that will never, ever change is the company’s mission to continue to let women (and men!) know that you simply can’t hate yourself healthy.

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