No, cardio is NOT the best way to lose weight like we thought all those years!

Are you a “cardio bunny” because you’ve thought that cardio is the best way to lose weight?
If you are frustrated trying to lose weight– it’s very natural to think that the answer might be “eat less, move more”- and in fact many DOCTORS will even say this to women who come in asking for help (when really what they need is a functional medicine doc who can help with comprehensive blood-work to balance the hormones that are out of whack!)– but the truth is, all the endless hours of cardio aren’t working, and in many cases, they can make our situation worse. To answer the question- is cardio the BEST way to lose weight? Spoiler: experts now know that in the area of cardio LESS is more. Tune in to learn all about it.
Some of the shows you may want to check out, based on what we talked about in this series — 1) My interview with my trainer, Alex Mazurrco CLICK HERE. 2) Laurie Christine King Interview CLICK HERE. 3) My latest bloodwork and the changes I’m making because of it. CLICK HERE. 4) If you’d like to get YOUR BLOODWORK done– check out Ulta Lab Tests, available in 2100 locations across the U.S. GET YOUR HORMONAL LAB WORK DONE LADIES!!! CLICK HERE. 5) If you’d like to try out the kind of challenging non-cardio focused (but tough and sweat-inducing!!!) workouts I”m doing now– CLICK HERE for my newest favorite toning workouts!
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