Month: May 2020

  • RECIPE: Paleo-ish Beef & Veggie Bowls. This is your new favorite go-to dinner or lunch!

    Beef, it’s what for dinner. Especially when you’re on the Paleo diet approach, or trying to stick close to it. These beef and veggie bowls are insanely easy to throw together and taste like heaven. So grab a bunch of veggies, a pound of grass fed beef and throw it all in a bowl! 

    Y’all should get excited because this blog post is going to share a recipe and then tweaks on that recipe that will create healthy, satisfying, yummy meals that are easy to make– and filling- and will keep you on point on your diet. This was originally posted by Lauren on FitFluential, so I am updating this post here, since she was writing about my recipe idea anyway- and adding some extras for you… whether or not you are full-on Paleo- I promise, you’ll love this “throw it all in a bowl” meal concept. Read on– via Lauren Fischer.

    This is one of those recipes that I never thought would become a blog post. Instead, I threw it together one night when I didn’t have a plan. When I used random ingredients that didn’t go with anything else. When I really wasn’t sure if it was going to taste great or ‘meh.’ And I for sure didn’t think it would make a pretty picture.

    Sometimes life surprises you.

    This dish definitely surprised me.

    Inspired by FitFluential CEO, Kelly Olexa, during a recent visit to Austin, this dish has now become a weekly staple in my household. It all started one night when we were discussing going out for dinner or staying in. After days of back-to-back dining out (which included some not-so-healthy choices) I was in need of some fresh veggies prepared at home. So Kelly gathered a bunch of different ingredients and started chopping. I was in charge of the jalapeno – super important job.

    Paleo Beef and Veggie Bowls

    While the quinoa, chopped zucchini and chicken were cooking on the stove, we began prepping the bowls. The romaine lettuce went in first. This almost makes it feel like you’re eating a salad, but much, much more filling!

    Next, we added the quinoa, chicken and zucchini. As I watched the steam rise up from the plate, I was ready to dive right in. But the final toppings made it worth the wait. Kelly sprinkled diced red pepper and jalapeno on top, and topped it with a generous dollop of roasted red pepper humus and cilantro. #genius

    From the first bite I was hooked. I couldn’t wait to get back to Chicago and make this for my husband, and quite possibly eat it everyday for the rest of my life. But when I forgot to add everything to my grocery list, I was left with the option of whipping up my own delicious version.

    The main difference? Grass fed ground beef instead of chicken. I also added Brussels sprouts. Unfortunately, I was out of quinoa so I skipped that part completely. #lowcarblife

    Enough chit-chat. Get the recipe plan below! Note from Kelly (that’s me): I didn’t include in the recipe below the quinoa because I usually tend to NOT add that like I used to. Doesn’t mean you can’t. But- for example, if I’m adding sweet potato, I use that as the carb. You could do quinoa or rice or cauliflower rice. Also- please, whatever your definition of paleo is, cool. I get that for some, legumes i.e. Hummus is not considered paleo but — I don’t need to talk to the paleo police. Let’s just eat and be happy.

    One other fun twist on this- mix up ground beef or ground turkey in your pan and then add a measured portion of EXTRA SHARP CHEDDAR and Rotel– mix it all in. Add on top of lettuce. Top with whatever toppings you want. Divine.

    If you measure your protein and hummus and veggies- you can make a HUGE bowl like this and have it be around 500-600 calories easy. And it’s sooooo filling!!

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  • EPISODE 266: This is why you’re not losing weight. (AND HOW TO START LOSING WEIGHT SUCCESSFULLY, FINALLY!)

    This is why you can't seem to lose weight.

    Welcome to another Kelly O Solo show- where I dish out some truths about WHY YOU AREN’T LOSING WEIGHT. I see too many women making the same mistakes week after week, month after month and year after year. If you are tired of the diet roller coaster and tired of being stuck, and you are ready to get real with yourself and do the work — to lose the weight and feel amazing- listen in. I think this episode might just change your world.

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    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?
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  • The Best Weight Training Program For Women Is In Your OWN HOME!

    The Best Weight Training Program For Women Is In Your Own HOME!

    Are you looking for the best weight training program for women? Here’s a secret: there is no ONE best weight training program for women. Any weight training program for women will  be beneficial, and that is whether you train at home or in the gym. 

    Raise your hand if you want to lose weight? Do you also talk about wanting “toned arms”? Do you say that you’d love to lose the cellulite on your thighs? Do you want to lose the jiggly skin in many areas of your body? 
    GIRL. I hear you. 

    If this is what you want- toned arms, firm legs, a nice tight set of buns,what you need to be focusing on is a weight training program for women (not one designed for men duh!). 

    Ditch the endless hours of cardio and focus 1st on lifting and watch your body transform. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE. It’s life and body changing! 

    This is me giggling at how little I knew before when I thought I was all Ms. Fitness Badass a few years ago. I have learned a LOT in recent years and much of it came from working with a fantastic trainer and seeing what his training did for my body, and a lot of it came from me figuring out on my own– with research and analysis of my own history- what works and what doesn’t work. So- please note, as I share some tips and advice below, I’m just a girl sharing her opinion and experience. 

    The Top 20 Mistakes Women Make When Trying to Get Fit.

    Why George Costanza was a genius.

    Ladies, I have been applying The George Costanza approach to life recently– and I DARE YOU to apply this to your fitness journey. I mean think about- like the quote above says– and is so true — if you change NOTHING, nothing will change. If you reviewed the top 20 trends above and can relate to any of them or several of them or all of them, why not be bold and decide to DO THE OPPOSITE??? DO everything differently. Dive in, be bold. Go crazy!! 

    What I'm Doing Differently in my Diet and Workout Approach!

    Now, here is a summary- on an introductory level- of all the things I’m doing differently now and what I’m not doing- and at age 51, and with major hormonal imbalance and hypothyroidism, I’m losing weight and feeling GREAT AGAIN. 

    Ladies, as I made this blog post and this list of the top 20 things that women do WRONG when they try to get fit- I realized that each one deserves some time and thorough explanation. Therefore consider this blog post my introductory one into a series where I’ll cover each of these top 20 mistakes — and then my top 20 pieces of best advice on getting fit- at any age, and regardless of health/hormone conditions — in this series. This series will be blog posts with videos and podcasts- how about that? 

    This is what I am passionate about – helping other women see that they CAN break through all the bad STUCK points in their past and create amazing results they probably never thought possible– but it does require WORK and discipline. It’s not necessarily hard or complex to get fit. It’s just that it requires doing the WORK and staying focus and committed. If you can do that, you’ve got this. I’m here to help. Let me know what questions you have or what your struggles have been so I can be sure to address them. And be sure you are subscribed below so you don’t miss a thing when new posts come out! 
    ALSO- if you liked this post, you’ll probably like this post “How to lose weight and get into great shape during Coronavirus” as well as this one “The Top 10 Tips to Losing Weight While Working From Home” and “How to lose weight working out at home” plus “The Real Secret to Losing Weight and Keeping It Off“. You’re welcome.