Month: May 2020

  • My Favorite Healthy Breakfast Recipes For Weight Loss: Easy to make, DELICIOUS and Low Calorie!

    Healthy and Delicious Breakfast Recipes For Weight Loss You'll LOVE!

    If you are looking for healthy breakfast recipes for weight loss– I’ve got your back. This blog post is filled with numerous healthy breakfast recipes – all easy to make and low calorie- many that can be taken on the go- and all that will help with weight loss. We all know the most important part of weight loss lies in our diet. So, healthy breakfast recipes for weight loss should make you very happy am I right? I hope so.

    This blog post is not going to lecture you on “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”– nope. This is not to debate about whether to skip breakfast or not — either one is fine (did I just say that in a post dedicated to breakfast recipes? Yes. I did. Read on– ). If you are on a fitness journey and want to lose weight, the most important thing you need to do is be in a caloric deficit– however you do that is up to you. (P.S. to understand why caloric deficit is the single most important factor for weight loss- CLICK HERE to listen to my interview with Jordan Syatt– life changing.)

    For what it’s worth, I typically DO practice intermittent fasting, and have done it for years– but I use it as a tool- and I’m wise enough to not be obsessive about it. Because you need to know, there is no miracle that happens when you fast a 16:8 protocol or whatever: you are simply shortening your eating window and thereby eating less. It’s easier to eat less when there are less hours to stuff your face. 😉


    My Top 7 Healthy and Delicious Breakfast Recipes: for the time crunched and fitness focused.

    So, now that we realize- whether you are in to intermittent fasting (and thereby probably NOT eating breakfast regularly at breakfast time) or NOT- but if you are on a diet or trying to lose weight and build muscle- then you will LOVE these healthy breakfast recipes for weight loss– and I’ll tell you right now- for sure- I’ve made all of these at one time or another (or many times) for LUNCH or dinner. None of these take longer than 15 minutes to make and all are macro and calorie friendly. You’re welcome.

    My Favorite Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets For Making Healthy Meals- FAST.

    Before I share some of the healthy breakfast recipes for weight loss– these are some of the gadgets that I’ve bought that I swear by. My friend Hannah told me about this gadget from Hamilton Beach— OMG it’s brilliant and I also make pancakes from Birch Benders in this bad boy. It’s killer. CLICK HERE to get yourself one via 

    I blame Hannah for this one too- this single egg maker is LEGIT. You can cook an easy over egg in like 75 seconds. It’s $15!! Get yourself one. CLICK HERE.

    We are obsessed with this Ninja Blender kit. Seriously it’s 1/3 of the price of Blendtec or Vitamix and IMO it’s just as legit. You’ll use this for acai bowls and protein shakes and smoothies– then later for salsas and nut butters. GET ONE NOW! 

    The Best Healthy Breakfast Recipes For Weight Loss.

    Avocado Toast.

    This is a repeat meal all the time in our house- my man loves it. So easy. How do we make ours? I toast Ezekiel bread then in a separate bowl I usually have the man simply MASH UP a whole avocado — we add Everything But the Bagel Seasoning and some pepper. That’s it. Spread that on your toast. Then I use the Egg Maker (above) and make one egg per piece of toast- slap that on top- cover with some hot sauce of your choice– we like Cholula Hot Sauce— but you can do any- and that’s it. Some people add tomato and some go nutty and level it up with LOX– MMM. This is – if you are careful- also potentially portable but I recommend eating it at home with nice cappuccino. 

    Protein Shakes and Smoothies.

    This is a no-brainer and one of the fastest meals- full of (obviously) protein. It’s also an easy way to throw in some vegetables like spinach or kale and cucumber and some herbs…when you have some fruit in there it balances out the bitterness. 

    One of my favorite combos is a chocolate peanut butter shake:

    1 Scoop Chocolate Protein Powder + 1-2 Scoops PB FIT + crushed ice + Almond Milk (I always use Blue Diamond) + MACA or CACAO powder (read this post to learn the difference)  + Cold Brew Coffee (this latest addition makes the world go round) — add sweetener if you need it. MIX IN BLENDER.

    What’s your favorite combo? 

    Overnight Oats

    I am an overnight oats obsessed addict. There are soooo many different combos out there but this is my GO-TO favorite- soooo refreshing!!! And about 350-400 calories. 

    Take 1/2 cup oats (please note — stop buying cheap oats- I was using Quaker until I found out how much ROUND UP is in them!! and I was getting a tummy ache every time I had some– not lying- we now use Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free–it’s more expensive but our gut health is worth it!!) — add to a bowl. Add 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt and 1/4 cup almond milk (if you want your oats more liquidy — add 1/2 cup milk vs. 1/4 cup- I prefer my oats thicker). Mix up- I then add in NOW FOODS STEVIA. You can add sugar or honey. Then I add in whatever fruit I like- for me it’s usually chopped strawberries blueberries and blackberries/raspberries. MMMM. Stick in fridge. That’s it. My man adds granola on top- can you blame him? I’m truly obsessed and will have this for a lunch- to break my fast– a LOT!! What’s your favorite overnight oats recipe? 

    Protein Pancakes

    I’ve been making protein pancakes since the days I first got into weight lifting and Bill Phillips had a recipe in his Body For Life book. This is the recipe I used back then- CLICK HERE to see it. 

    Since then, my friend Jenny Lynn has a recipe I use a lot and it’s so simple: take out your Ninja Blender. Add about 6 egg whites (I think it’s about 1/2 cup) + 1/2 cup oats + Stevia and a ton of cinnamon- + Protein Powder- + water if needed to thin it out– it’ll be a THIN batter, not very sexy. Add to a pan with PAM (no judgement please) and let cook- then top with butter spray and real maple syrup- you don’t need a lot. Easy Peasy. 

    If you want to take the easy route– BUY SOME BIRCH BENDERS PALEO PANCAKE MIX

    Acai Protein Bowls

    I LOVE me some acai protein bowls and so does my man. We make these typically on the weekend– CLICK HERE for my whole blog post on how to make them easily at home.

    Egg Skillet

    Looks complicated but not. Here’s our favorite- and we use a huge cast iron pan and this makes one HUGE egg skillet that we cut in half. 

    First– add some butter (grass fed) and cook MUSHROOMS til at that yummy phase. Then add a TON of fresh organic spinach. Let it wilt/cook. Add chopped up grape tomatoes (not too many or your skillet will get too watery). In separate pan- if you do pork- cook thick bacon- drain. Chop up and add to the mushroom/spinach/tomato situation. You could also add peppers and onions here, Then in a bowl mix up 6 pasture raised eggs– season with garlic salt ( we only use and are obsessed with Lawry’s Garlic Salt) and pepper. Pour right over the veggies– and then BE PATIENT just don’t touch it- let it cook. When most of the liquid seems to be cooked– add shredded extra sharp cheddar or pepper jack cheese. We also add jalapenos cuz we like it hot. 

    When it’s done, cut in half and enjoy. It’s divine. While this does take up more pans/dishes/chopping boards – it doesn’t take a lot of time. 

    Biscuit Breakfast Sandwiches

    Who doesn’t love biscuits?? Come on. So- what could be better than a biscuit breakfast sandwich? We learned about these Carb Quick Biscuits and are– you guessed it- obsessed. SO fast and easy to make. 20 minutes. Make a bunch in advance. Then when you are ready- cook an egg in your egg cooker (listed above) and top with cheese of choice and maybe ham or canadian bacon. Warm up in a panini grill or in the microwave so it all melds together. You’re welcome. 

    So- which one of these breakfast concepts appeals to you most? Did I miss anything that you swear by? 

    Let me know. 

    Also- some other posts you might want to check out — if you want to be able to eat all the yummy food and still stay on the weight loss track. CLICK HERE on how to lose weight working out from home, even in quarantine. CLICK HERE for how not to gain weight during the quarantine times. CLICK HERE to read how I’m getting fit and losing weight during quarantine times. Want to know the Top 20 Reasons Women Don’t Lose Weight? Finally CLICK HERE to read the real secret to losing weight and keeping it off. 

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    Note: this blog contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this post and support this channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when a viewer uses the links provided, the view is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support.


  • Trying to lose weight? How to eat healthy at restaurants and not ruin your diet!

    If you are trying to lose weight, it’s common to feel a bit uneasy about eating out at restaurants. A lot of people think you can’t eat healthy when you eat out at a dine-in restaurant or a fast food restaurant. Some people assume the only way to eat healthy and stay true to your diet and your fitness path is to NOT go out to eat. I’m here to tell you that’s NOT the case. What this post will illustrate is that you can take a couple different approaches– each which will let you enjoy great tasting food and stay on your diet plan and keep moving toward your goals.

    Going out to eat is a part of life- whether you’re celebrating with friends, enjoying a date night with that special someone, taking a client out to eat, or maybe you totally ran out of groceries and are super hungry. Hey, it happens. The point is, most of us, in normal (non-quarantine times) find ourselves out at restaurants at least 1–2x a week. While social and business gatherings often revolve around grabbing  a bite to eat, it doesn’t have to destroy your progress toward your goals. And it doesn’t mean you have to be a party pooper and be THAT GIRL asking for plain grilled chicken and steamed broccoli and just water!  Read on for my eating out healthy hacks and consider some new approaches. I know you’ll be so glad you read this post. Welcome back to enjoying eating out again!

    Don’t fall into the “All or Nothing” trap.

    I used to fall into the trap of thinking, “well, I’m going out to eat and there are literally NO healthy options there and I’m just going to be miserable looking at everyone else’s food and it’s going to be the absolute worst.” That left me with two options:

    1. The Avoid Temptation Approach. Skip the meal altogether and stay home.
    2. The Last Meal Approach: Order a monster binge burger with fries and dessert that leaves me nearly comatose for the rest of the night

    Neither of those are fun. While skipping the meal allowed me to prepare a healthy meal at home, I’d be grumpy the whole time and miss out on a chance to spend quality time with friends and family who I care about. Going out and splurging on a huge meal, drinks and dessert while out with friends was a good time, sure, but I would feel terrible afterwards due to the shock I was putting on my body by completely overindulging, and guilty that I didn’t make better food choices.

    How To Eat Healthy At Any Restaurant

    There ain’t nothing wrong with a cheat meal. I love me some cheat meal. But if I made every meal at a restaurant a treat, I’d have more than is healthy. And a girl’s got goals. So I had to develop a strategy for eating out that would allow me to reach those goals while still having a great time and socializing.

    So here’s my advice. You want to know how to make solid healthy but YUMMY choices at restaurants- so that if you go out to eat or hit a drive through regularly for whatever reason- work or personal related– you can not blow your diet with each meal. THEN, I’ll explain how you PLAN for the fun nights or lunches or brunches out with friends- or cheat meals- where you can eat what you want and STILL- yes still not BLOW YOUR DIET. It’s all doable.

    But First Coffee. And then more.

    1. Do your research.

    Before I go to any restaurant, or coffee shop, or fast food drive-through, I look up the menu ahead of time. Most eateries provide nutritional information for their menu, which is so incredibly helpful (especially if you’re counting macros). Peruse the menu and identify the items that you could enjoy while being true to your health. Many times, I’ll even order an appetizer as my main meal (lettuce wraps MMMMM) if I can’t find something I can work with from the entree menu. Most times, I already have what I’m going to order planned ahead of time, so I don’t get distracted by the pictures of mac and cheese on the restaurant menu. Once you get in the habit of doing this– you’ll memorize many items and also have an idea for caloric counts on common items. When you first start looking up nutritional information at restaurants- be prepared for some surprises. I remember when I first started looking up things at fast-casual restaurants and was surprised that the “healthier” looking options were often WAY MORE calorically dense than the “regular” items. Example- I recall looking up at Arby’s– they have “Market Fresh” Sandwiches on whole grain bread. Did you know that a TURKEY SANDWICH has 710 calories vs. a Medium Roast BEEF which has 360 calories?? Note: I am NOT saying one is “worse” than the other!! Seriously– the point is, depending on if at that moment– you have the calories to spare– get the turkey. But maybe that day you know you are going out to dinner. And if you wanted to stay at say your caloric deficit (like, let’s say this day we are using as an example is not a “cheat day”- I’ll explain that down below how I define it in my life– and you wanted to stay under 1600 calories for the day– if you know you are going out to eat that night, you probably want to use most of your calories for that night-) you’d go with the BEEF. And if you really wanted to cut some more calories — lose the bun. That probably cuts 150-200 calories more! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER– the more you know 1) what your caloric deficit goal is and you TRACK IT every day and 2) you know what the nutritional information is at restaurants, you can eat what you want. You don’t have to only order dry chicken breast.

    How To Eat Healthy At Any Restaurant

    2. Don’t be afraid to be a diva.

    When I was following the Paleo diet, I found myself skipping most outings or being that person who says, “I’ll just have a water.” I couldn’t figure out how to order something at a restaurant that would fit the guidelines I was trying to follow, and felt bad for asking so many questions. But honestly- just own it. Ask what your vegetables will be cooked in. Ask what’s in their vaguely named signature sauce. I kid you not, I am this person:

    Can I please have the buffalo chicken burger, but wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun? Please leave off the mayo and cheese, but could you add extra tomato? And instead of fries, could I get a side of veggies but cooked dry instead of in butter? THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!

    And make sure you leave a big tip.

    3. Look for keywords.

    Think about how you cook your food at home. Do you deep fry, glaze, and smother in sauce? Or do you steam, bake, and roast? When you go out to eat, look for the keywords that imply healthy cooking- steamed veggies, baked chicken, grilled fish. While “salad” might ring your healthy bell, beware- many restaurant salads become calorie bombs with the addition of croutons, candied nuts, crispy wontons and sugary dressings. How to handle? Don’t cut out all the fun stuff. First of all- make your choices. Is this a cheat meal- or this a meal where you gotta be at 500 calories to stay on track? If so- and you really want that salad– ask for a few things taken off — HINT: croutons are easy- they are high calorie- and getting salad dressing on the side is easy– you’ll be surprised how much your salad can taste great without a TON of dressing. And here’s another idea: eat half. Restaurant portion sizes today are usually DOUBLE what is needed. Start getting your BODY AND MIND used to 1) that you can eat anything you want and 2) you don’t need to eat like today is your last meal. When you remove the limits — your binge desires WILL dissipate I promise! Most restaurants now even have a “lighter fare” menu! While these might still require a little diva-ing, you can almost always find a great option here.

    How To Eat Healthy At Any Restaurant

    How to PLAN ahead and use intermittent fasting, calorie cycling and cheat days to REALLY enjoy life.

    Now- I am happy to share with you how I’ve figured out a program that lets me DIET– stay on a caloric deficit plan that will help me lose weight at a reasonable pace– and yet also — have 1-2 cheat meals/days a week– so I can plan for Friday night date night with adult beverages and amazing food and sometimes burgers or wings on Saturdays– yea- I get to do all this, every week, and stay on track on my diet. This is how to LIVE while on your way to get fit people. YOU’LL WANT TO READ (AND WATCH THE VIDEOS AT THE BOTTOM– LONG- BUT DETAILED SO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW TO DO THIS) THIS POST I WROTE ABOUT ALL MY MISTAKES IN THE PAST TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT AND HOW I CAME TO FIGURE OUT WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT. CLICK HERE!!!

    It’s all about planning. And tracking.

    So– I’ll be as simple as possible here- go read that post above I linked to for DETAIL. When you know what your caloric deficit is– that’s what you focus on each day. Next, I have been doing intermittent fasting for years. I practice a 16:8 window. So I typically get up, have my coffee then don’t eat until around 1pm– and I finish eating by 8 or 9pm. IF is not anything magic other than it shortens the time period you eat so you — EAT LESS. Duh.

    Next, I PLAN OUT MY WEEK so I have lower calorie days and “higher” (meaning at my caloric window of 1600) — so instead of Sunday-Sunday- every day I eat at 1600 calories, I’ll do every other day 1400 calories. That means 3-4 days x 200 calories off = 600-800 calories per week saved. Now, you can add that to your planned CHEAT DAY– so say it’s Friday– on Friday you take those 600-800 calories and have them at dinner. So on Friday you could be at 2400 -2600 calories– see how that works? And when I really up my game- I add one “cleanse” day per week- where I fast from say dinner on Monday to dinner on Tuesday. That typically will cut another 1000 calories perhaps. It all depends how hard core you want to go. Key thing is this: know your caloric deficit. Plan out your week. TRACK YOUR FOOD. It’s one thing to plan this out but if you don’t track your food– and if you SNACK (click here to read why I now avoid snacking like the plague)– you could be so far OFF from this plan and then you’ll be sad because you might actually gain weight vs. lose. Don’t do that.

    Lastly- when my man and I go out to eat, we often will order appetizers for dinner. Not to be dorky but honestly– restaurant portions are HUGE. Quite often if we both order an appetizer, we may end up splitting a meal or just getting a dessert to split. Trust me, if you go to a nice restaurant and you get appetizers and dessert and wine or cocktails, your bill will still be high and you can tip the server WELL so they won’t be pissed that you didn’t order 2 steak dinners. Get this- most steak dinner portions can be 16oz. DO YOU. KNOW WHAT A RECOMMENDED SERVING SIZE IS FOR ME?? 4-6OZ. That means that steak serving is 3-4x my serving size. I prefer to spend my calories on things I want. Sometimes I may want a hujazz cheeseburger — sometimes I prefer more martinis…it’s all about balance. But I SURE LOVE being able to go out to a nice restaurant on Friday night and. know I can not have to count all my calories because I have a nice surplus stored up!

    See how that works??

    When it comes to dining out, it’s easy to stress. Don’t! Healthy options are available no matter where you are. And if it’s time for you to #treatyoself, then go for it. Enjoy your meal, enjoy your company, and enjoy a good time. Take these tips with you and see what healthy items you can find. What are YOUR healthy eating out tips??

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  • EPISODE 270: Grief. How to REALLY cope with grief or help someone you know who is grieving. PART TWO.

    Don’t grieve alone.

    Megan Devine’s life changed when she witnessed her partner drowning in 2009. She realized during her experience after that, that grief in and of itself was something that needed to be addressed beyond the typical “move on and get on with your life” mantras of the past. Megan developed a business around the topic of grief– both to help people who are grieving but also to help the people CONNECTED TO those who are grieving. Everyone can be helped by learning how to better process grief. Tune in to learn more. This is part 2 of this 2-part episode. You can listen to part 1 by CLICKING HERE.

    About Megan Devine

    Megan Devine is a psychotherapist, writer, grief advocate, & communication expert dedicated to helping people live through things they She is proud to have created an online community and resource that helps people survive some of the hardest experiences of their lives.
    Through her book, her podcasts, and online courses, she helps people learn the skills they need to love themselves – and each other – better.
    You can find Megan online at her website by CLICKING HERE. 

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