Are you Ready for unshakeable Confidence?

If you’ve realized that playing “NICE” and being passive has left you with a life that is far from fulfilling, you’ve landed in the right place. There is a stronger, more confident and FEARLESS woman inside of you– and once you unchain her, your entire life will change for the better. I know, because I did the same thing in my own life and I’m here to teach you. Are you ready to change your life? 

Too many women spend most of their lives as Passive People Pleasers. They worry about what other people think, constantly seek approval or permission, avoid confrontation of any kind, and often acquiesce over pushing back. They spend a lot of time doing what they think they “should” do and tend to focus on being “nice” and “polite” at all costs. And the costs are HUGE. These women discover that they’ve been letting other people “drive the bus” in their life for decades. They wake up one day and realize they are in a comatose relationship (or don’t have any at all), have been plugging away at the same mind-numbing job for years with minimal increases in pay, have no social life, hardly any hobbies, and they don’t even like where they LIVE. They’ve SETTLED, everywhere in their life. 

Does this sound like you?

You're not alone.

You’re experiencing These problems (or others) because...

Have you gotten this far and said “that is so ME!” yet? Girl, let me tell you — I share all of the “before” moments and frustrations here because THAT WAS ME. I was the woman with no social life who was so lonely it HURT. I was the woman working endless hours in a mind-numbing corporate sales job for an ok salary– too scared to ask for promotions or big raises or to switch to a higher commission/lower base salary role….why? Because I doubted myself. I didn’t believe in myself. I was afraid of failing. I worried all the time. Fear was driving the bus in my life. I spent my energy focusing on my problems vs. finding a new way of doing new things… yea, I can relate to how you feel. 

I discovered that my inner People Pleaser was holding me back in life. Because I lacked real confidence and doubted everything about myself, I played small and stayed in the comfort zone. As I let my People Pleaser personality rule my actions, the more STRESS I had in my life from obsessing over winning the acceptance and approval of others. I spent my days mired in self-loathing and doubt with a whole lot of “WHY ME?” thrown in. 

Spoiler: It took me a while to get there, but ultimately, I transformed my entire life when I 1) saw the light and recognized how fragile and fearful I had become and 2) decided to CHANGE. I replaced the bad attitudes and mindsets and habits with new ones and I EVOLVED into a stronger more confident and utterly FEARLESS version of myself. Now, my life reflects my dreams not my worries.

This is now my passion– teaching other women how to shed the behavioral skin that is smothering them and follow their Confidence Blueprint to create a life they can’t wait to wake up to each day. 

Imagine the Possibilities...

What Would Your Life Look Like If You were truly FEARLESS?

Imagine what your life would look like if YOU weren’t holding yourself back anymore. What would your future look like if you actually WENT FOR IT- for all of it, when pursuing your biggest goals and dreams? 

Your life before the course:

Your life after the course:


Your Confidence Blueprint: From Fragile to FEARLESS in 60-Days

Are you ready to stop SETTLING in your personal and professional world and start creating a LIFE that you don’t need a vacation from? This is what happens when you step out of your own way and become truly FEARLESS. I’ve been where you are and I transformed my whole LIFE by making the changes I teach in this course. Are you READY???

The Curriculum

What You'll Learn in This Online Course

I’ve created a self-paced online course that can be accessed at your preferred speed. You’ll see outlined below each module by “week 1” or “week 2” but most women proceed through the 16 modules much faster. Read on to see a sneak peek of the content breakdown. 

Part one: 4 Modules

Identifying Your Inner People Pleaser.

Part TWO: 4 modules

The New and Improved YOU. Getting Started.


Inner Transformation.

part four: 4 modules

The Queen of Confidence.

"Share testimonial from a customer here"

Working with Kelly has been a game changer. Her knowledge in the female entrepreneurial world and business space is unmatched. She has helped me think outside of the box and taught me skills to be confident, assertive and fearless in business which has enabled me to take my programs further than I imagined. Kelly is a breath of fresh air with her ability to see things like they are yet guide you in a loving way towards your goal. Her program is a game changer and I would 100% recommend to any woman who wants to step in to her confidence and grow a business!” Jenny Mire, Founder, ThinkFit Method

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Get inspired by these transformations!

“Starting out as my ‘boss,’ Kelly quickly became much more than that, acting at times as my advisor or consultant, and more importantly, my friend. She led me through various life events that impacted my personal journey both professionally and personally (not to mention the tremendous amount of health and wellness tips along the way!). Put simply, Kelly has changed my life. Through our daily conversations I have grown into a more assertive employee, fearless leader, and confident mother. Whether you choose to hire her, partner with her, or attend one of her courses, Kelly has your back and is committed to your mutual success.”

– Lauren Fischer

Kelly coached me during a period of my life when I felt that I had nothing to offer the world. I felt like all of my years of experience amounted to nothing. From Kelly’s coaching, I was able to see myself in a completely different light. She renewed my confidence and put new LIFE into me. She recharged me and energized me. I truly believe that Kelly saw me in a way that I could not see myself. I don’t know that you can truly ever assign a value to that. It was beyond valuable and I am forever grateful to Kelly for pulling me out of a funk. She is brilliant at what she does and a true gift to the world.
– Carole Baker

I LEARNED that my voice counts. I need to stop watering myself down to fit in to what others think I should be. I realized I’ve been a People Pleaser my whole life. This course caused me to reflect on my own attitudes toward myself. I’d had some life coaches but your course  hit home harder- seeing my VALUE as a human. I learned it’s not wise to make assumptions about what others will think about my actions or my abilities or what I have to offer. I’ve learned to stop assuming they will look down on me or be critical– now, I think the OPPOSITE.  Because now I know what I have to say is unique and awesome and so am I. I’ve tended to self-deprecate or doubt myself, thinking that because I don’t have an MBA  or extensive work experiences that my contributions aren’t VALUABLE. I now know that is not true. I now get it: I have a contribution. I won’t let FEAR be the driver of my bus anymore. I have learned to stop playing it safe all the time. I realized how much I did that my whole life and I see how it’s held me back. I can now accept compliments instead of answering with self-deprecation. This course helped me be able to focus on what really matters and to LET GO of what doesn’t matter. Worrying about what other people think- that doesn’t matter! I also learned how to have confrontations– with people at work and in my home life. That was a big step. I avoided confrontations like the plague before. You’ve taught me how to be direct and confident. Knowing that you weren’t always this way- so confident, open, direct, strong, loving and caring….inspires me to continue making changes.
– Kim R.

Meet Your Mentor

Hi, I'm Kelly Olexa.

I created this course because my entire life transformed when I implemented the changes I teach in these modules. This transformation was recent– all in the last 2-3 years as I was closing down my first business and starting another one. Like so many of you, I had NO IDEA how much I was holding myself back in EVERY AREA. Deep down inside I was full of DOUBT, WORRY, FEAR, AND INSECURITY. I’d never heard the phrase “People Pleaser” until a friend recommend a book to me by Carol Ritberger. That book opened my eyes and began a carthartic journey toward self-awareness and inner transformation. The woman I have become is a stronger, more confident, assertive and FEARLESS version of my former self. As a result, MY LIFE has changed. I’ve manifested the greatest love of my life, I’ve run 2 successful profitable businesses and just resigned my “day job” to launch 2 more! My health is transforming too- because I took CONTROL of my future and found a female doctor who could deliver the results I want. Today, I am driving the bus in my life- I am designing my dream future, day by day, and making things happen that 5 or 10 years ago, I NEVER would have allowed my mind to entertain. Why? Because I am FEARLESS. I have no limits. I believe in myself. THIS IS THE WAY TO LIVE A LIFE, ladies and this is what I want for you. Let’s get started!!

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After you choose your payment plan, you’ll be directed to a short intake form, where you’ll answer several questions. These answers you provide will help me customize the content and interactions in the Facebook groups to help you the best! Your answers are always confidential so don’t be afraid to tell me EVERYTHING on your mind! Once you finish that form, you’ll receive an email confirmation from our team within 2 business days. You’ll receive an invoice via Stripe so you can remit payment securely, and you’ll then receive a doc with links to EVERYTHING you need to get started. If you have ANY QUESTIONS whatsoever, feel free to email us via the Contact Me page