I've now been on the KETO DIET for 2+ weeks and I FEEL better than ever AND am losing weight! Tune in to learn more!

Want to know how to REALLY lose weight after age 40? That’s the question of the hour. If you’ve been tuning into to my blog and YouTube channel for a while you know I’ve been on a fitness journey for a while with a lot of ups and downs but I am pleased to share with you some exciting news. I truly believe that this is the year I will — with the help of my new functional doctor– reach my fat loss goal. Hit my goal weight. And that means, I can show you how to really lose fat after age 40, after age 50, after age 60 etc. There is a LOT of new information out there and I have learned so much the past year: a lot about what many women are doing wrong, and a lot about what we aren’t doing RIGHT. So stay tuned, you are in ther right place if you are past the age of 40 and in a weight loss plateau and feel like you can’t lose weight no matter what– I’ve got you. Make sure you are subscribed here because we’ve got some great interviews coming up on the podcast, I’m just going live with my YouTube channel again and now I’m back to BLOGGING AGAIN! WOO!!!! Plus– be sure you take advantage of the pre-order on my Hormonal Happiness eBook-– EVERYTHING I’ve learned in the past 5+ years and more including everything I’m learning now about why Keto is so good for women age 40+ with metabolic damage and hormonal imbalance and insulin problems….!!!
After finishing up a 10-month reverse diet, my functional medicine doctor has given me the green light to 1) diet and 2) transition back to the kind of training I’m used to (adding back in cardio and heavier weight training). She recommended a keto-approach to my diet combined with eliminating gluten; WHAT? I used to be the most skeptical person ON THE PLANET about keto and now I’m ALL IN. Tune in to learn why.
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