Fit After 40

  • What to do if you’ve “TRIED EVERYTHING AND CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT”.

    Are you stuck in a perpetual weight loss plateau?

    Some of the most common phrases I hear women say are, “I feel like I’ve been dieting FOREVER! Nothing works!” or “I have been working out and eating healthy foods for years and no matter how hard I try the scale won’t budge!” or “All I do is eat clean and work out but no matter what, I’m stuck and can’t lose weight”…which leads to other statements like “I must just have a slow metabolism” or “Well I’ve heard that once your hormones change after age 30/age 40/age 50/having a kid/losing a job/being stressed/insert life circumstance here, it’s virtually impossible to lose weight.”


    Let me be clear before we move on — I have said many of the above statements. For many years, I blamed my hypothyroidism or my insulin resistance for not being able to lose weight. But very recently I learned that one of the key components to weight loss– one that I’d been ignoring for years– was caloric deficit. You’ve heard me talk about this a lot on the blog. You can learn a ton in about this for yourself in my interview with Jordan Syatt. As I began to focus heavily on caloric deficit first and foremost- and stopped worrying about all the other stupid fitness myths and rules about food out there– I saw my body respond. 

    I started losing weight after a long time of not being able to. 


    While that IS a very important point that may in and of itself be a gamechanger for you in your weight loss journey (just adding back in counting your calories religiously and focusing on that caloric deficit as defined for. YOUR body and YOUR goals)- – there is a more important practice that in my opinion is missing for pretty much every woman who uses those phrases I shared at the beginning of this post. 

    So what’s the missing link? Here’s the truth. Whenever I talk to a woman who is complaining with any of the previously mentioned phrases, I always find out the same thing. 

    They are winging it. Yup. Winging it in every way. 

    What do I mean by that? When I ask what they are doing to lose weight they’ll say “I eat healthy! I barely eat any carbs, I have maybe one drink a week and I work out every day!“. Now, you might read that and think — HELLO KELLY HOW IS THAT WINGING IT? Here’s the truth that many women don’t want to face. To lose weight after the age of, say 30– it’s going to require diligence and focus, and a PLAN that you TRACK along the way. It’s NOT ENOUGH to just “eat healthy”. Nope. It’s NOT ENOUGH to just add in working out every day (sounds harsh right? A lot of people think that if they just start working out they are set– and for sure, if you’ve never worked out and you suddenly add in 30 minutes of walking per day- you’ll lose some weight. But it’s not a sustainable plan for weight loss. Inevitably your body gets used to that activity and more importantly– if you aren’t controlling your FOOD intake, you can overcompensate for your workouts and potentially GAIN WEIGHT.

    Are you thinking I’m going to tell you that you have to add more work in- in addition to eating healthy and working out? Are you thinking holy cow I am already doing enough and now she wants me to do more??? 

    There is MORE to do but it’s not more restriction (necessarily) in your diet. There is MORE to do but it’s not hours more of working out. 

    The more is this. YOU NEED TO DO MORE PLANNING. You need to in some way – figure out your ultimate GOAL. (your goal weight or body fat percentage or clothing size etc.). Then, you need to REVERSE ENGINEER THE PLAN TO GET TO THAT GOAL. Lastly, you need to monitor your activity on the way- tweak as needed, and do the same thing until you reach your goal. 

    And if you DO THE ABOVE- you WILL reach your goal. If you keep being casual about your weight loss journey “I’ll JUST cut down on carbs” or “I’ll just start running again” or “I’ll just eat clean foods no packaged foods”– then you will get casual, random results. 

    If you want CRAZY AWESOME RESULTS- the kind where you feel amazing naked or in a bikini- that takes A PLAN. 

    I’ll use the story that’s been used time and again as an example– if you were invited to a friend’s house for dinner (pre-quarantine of course) and you had never been to their house– how would you get there? You’d probably pull up Google Maps or another Map app on your phone and it would tell you and your vehicle what to do along the way TO GET TO YOUR DESTINATION. Yet, why is it when we have a destination/goal we want to get to– we have no PLAN to get there? If we have no PLAN or way to measure progress – how do we know what is working and not working? 

    Here’s an example of what a PLAN is vs. winging it. If I am a female who weighs 150 pounds and my ideal weight is 125 pounds, I know I need to lose 25 pounds.  A plan: I know that it’s doable to lose 2lbs a week but that losing 1lb a week is more sustainable. And will require less of an intense diet. So I decide I’m going to aim for losing 1lb a week. And I should expect that if I stick with a diet, it will take me 25 weeks or approximately 5 months to reach my goal. So I should get a planner or a notebook to record my food and my workouts- personal preference if you want it all in one notebook or to use different things. I use a wall calendar to record my workouts and a notebook for my food. Now- there are myriad diet calculators we can use to figure out what should be our daily caloric intake for reasonable fat loss. I use Jordan Syatt’s model which has you take your goal weight and multiply that by 12 to get your caloric deficit baseline. Then what I’ve done (click here to listen to my DETAILED 3 part podcast on this topic) is taken that caloric deficit number and figured out by tweaking the numbers and incorporating calorie cycling and intermittent fasting/fast days– how to have my cake and eat it too. I have made my diet so that on Fridays I have a cheat day of 2500 calories– and every week I have alcohol and “cheat food”- I eat carbs and sweets but I just make sure I’m in my caloric deficit. I WRITE DOWN ALL MY FOOD- so even when I go out to eat and enjoy myself it’s all being accounted for. 

    Ladies, if you are just randomly choosing healthy foods and not tracking them and further- you don’t even KNOW what your caloric deficit number IS– and you think — because of all the fitness BS out there that you can “Just go keto” and not have to track calories or “just eat whole foods” and not have to track calories or ” just go Paleo” and not have to watch portions- you are woefully misinformed. If you don’t have your caloric deficit number defined, and you don’t have a PLAN to FOLLOW each week to get toward your goal– and you aren’t weighing and/or measuring yourself and/or taking the body fat measurements etc. — then you are WINGING IT. And — you can GAIN WEIGHT– eating all organic. You can GAIN WEIGHT eating paleo. You can GAIN WEIGHT eating tons of vegetables! NEWS FLASH; TO LOSE WEIGHT YOU GOTTA BE ON A PROGRAM. You gotta track it like it’s your money in a new hedge fund and you want to ensure there’s no hanky panky going on. 

    IF YOUR GOAL IS IMPORTANT TO YOU- understand these 2 most important things. CALORIC DEFICIT TRUMPS EVERYTHING ELSE when it comes to weight loss. And a PLAN based on your goal and using your CALORIC DEFICIT- is how you reach your goal. 

    So tell me — after reading this and thinking about what you’ve been doing the past few years– are you able to tell me if you’ve been in a caloric deficit for all the time you’ve been saying you’ve been trying to lose weight? Can you tell me how many workouts you actually did in January? 

    What gets scheduled gets done, they say. Well I say, what gets PLANNED OUT gets executed and accomplished. 

    So how bad do you want it? If you want it bad and need help, I would love to help you figure out your customized diet/caloric deficit plan that lets you have carbs and alcohol and sweets– while dieting and losing weight. I’m happy to make workout recommendations and you can join me in my next workout challenge group. Comment below or fill out the contact me form we’ll set up a time to talk and I’ll share what options I have. Make this the time you FINALLY make this work for you. I’m seeing amazing results after a month of really taking it up a notch– let’s roll together shall we?? P.S. Another thing that’s helped me in a big way is cutting out snacking- CHECK OUT THIS POST to listen in and hear what I mean. I think you’ll dig it. You’ll also like this post: CLICK HERE for how not to gain weight during quarantine and CLICK HERE for detail on what I’ve been doing to gain muscle and lose fat during quarantine.

    My Favorite Go-To Products to Help With Weight Loss.

    Weighing your food is a gamechanger. Don’t GUESS when it comes to your protein or things like cheese, avocado, salad dressing, nut butters etc. This Eat Smart Scale is my favorite– I even pack it when I travel. Want to start making a hujazz salad bowl for one of your meals- GREAT IDEA — I am obsessed with this container to keep lettuce fresh and not moldy. 

    Here is a great planner you can use to track your workouts and measurements and your eats. CLICK HERE to buy. 

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    How to get lose weight and get fit after 40. Chris Freytag tells us how it can be done!

    Chris Freytag is the founder of Get Healthy U, a business that caters to the fitness struggles of middle-aged women and older. She has over twenty years of experience in the fitness industry and has helped hundreds of women get their health back together past their prime. She is a certified personal trainer, health coach, and group fitness instructor as well as author of seven books and dozens of fitness DVDs. Her goal is to help women understand that fitness is accessible beyond forty.
    In this episode, Chris shares her experience working with women who think they’re too old to be fit. She explains why programs that promote “quick and easy” ways are not ideal and why being patient with results matters when you’re over forty. She also describes what her fitness programs are like and what makes them unique compared to what the fitness industry is promoting today.
    “Trust the process, go for the small wins, and allow yourself to make mistakes.” Chris Freytag
    In this episode, you’ll learn:
    • When she first became interested in fitness.
    • The age where you can tell who’s working out and who’s not.
    • Why self-care is important if you want to take care of others.
    • Why she says motion is lotion.
    • How to set your goals realistically when you’re over 40 or 50.
    • The questions you should ask yourself to start being fit.
    • The effects of being stressed out and why it gets worse as you age.
    Key Takeaways:
    • 80% of fitness is what you put into your body.
    • The health journey as we get older is about habits.
    • Fitness is not so much about weight loss, but feeling good.
    • Don’t expect immediate results when you’re over 40.
    Resources Mentioned:
    Connect with Chris:

    About Chris Freytag

    From her online bio:
    Hi, I’m Chris Freytag, founder of Get Healthy U.
    I have been a fitness addict pretty much my whole life. At a young age, I discovered that movement made me feel good and it’s been a part of my mission for the last 25+ years to help others experience what it means to feel good, be happy and love life.
    I have also been studying nutrition and food for most of my life. I not only believe but know that what you eat affects your physical and mental health.
    I’m mildly obsessed with sharing all I know with you and want to help you get healthy and feel beautiful each and every day. To me, this means taking care of yourself for your long-term health, not to fit into a certain dress size or live up to an ideal painted for us by the media. And by the way, there is no such thing as a “perfect” body anyway.
    What qualifies me to help you?
    ACE Certified Personal Trainer
    ACE Certified Health Coach
    ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor
    YogaFit Certified
    Pilates Trained Mat and Reformer
    ACE Board of Directors – Emeritus Member
    Board of Visitors, J-School, Mass Communications, UW-Madison
    Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from University of Wisconsin
    Author of 7 books and dozens of fitness DVDs
    But even more important than all that stuff I can put on the wall, a TV reel or bookshelf?
    I’m a realist. I believe you can transform your body and mind… and look incredible at any age. But I’ll never blow smoke and promise you “six pack abs in 10 days” or “A J-Lo butt by June.”
    Being in my 50s, I do know the struggles of fighting against nature. I don’t love the grey hairs, wrinkles and aging skin, but I love and appreciate my body more now than in the past. I am okay with my imperfections and feel good about who I am. I am aware of my strengths and accepting of my weaknesses, and I am always willing to work on them. Age makes people more attractive in so many ways because of how they have developed on the inside and less of what’s on the outside. And I’m here to help you feel great in your own skin and live your most fit life.
    I also know the struggles of limited time. I have three kids, now grown, but when they were little, it wasn’t easy to stay in shape. After spending a couple of decades racing through each day to meet the demands of raising a family, holding down a job and dealing with all of the emotions and energy needed to parent, I am committed helping women of all ages manage their health while reigning in the chaos and dealing with the stress of everyday life.
    I truly understand it’s not always an easy choice, and I love, love, love helping people find a way to make that choice a habitual and natural one.”

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    Learn how to LOSE FAT and BUILD MUSCLE the right way with Whitney Jones.

    Whitney Jones is a mother of 2 boys, 4-time fitness Olympian, 12-time Arnold Classic athlete, competition choreographer and trainer. She is also the owner of the Pro Physiques gym, the largest fitness gym in Arizona. She’s always been into sports and getting strong and this persisted all the way to college. Her active lifestyle was paused after graduation due to working 60-hour weeks at an advertising agency, but resumed after she got married and had a family. She realized that being a workaholic just wasn’t her definition of what life was about. She eventually decided to pursue her desire to become fit and her interest in teaching others.
    In today’s episode, Whitney opens up about what it’s like to be a female bodybuilder and competitor, and her thoughts on her many critics and online haters. She also shares her story on what her life was like before she became who she is now, how her methods are different than most trainers, and tips for those who want to get fit and lean the safe way.
    “”I do not live my life for anyone else; even if I really put effort into appeasing everyone, I’m not going to. I don’t care.” – Whitney Jones
    In this episode, you’ll learn:
    • What made her decide to turn her interest in fitness into a business?
    • How experiencing long-term bed rest made her appreciate being active.
    • Her opinion on critics and online trolls? How does she handle her haters?
    • Why women shouldn’t feel bad if they want to invest time in fitness.
    • How being fit can positively affect your daily life.
    • The common issues she encounters with clients.
    • Why investing in a personal trainer is worth the money?
    • The two things women often get wrong when it comes to fitness.
    Key Takeaways:
    • The only way you can control the hate is by controlling how you react to it.
    • At the end of the day, you have to, individually, be okay with the decisions you make, good or bad. Maximize what you can do now.
    • If you are losing weight at a faster rate than is normal, you will not maintain it and you will kick yourself later for not doing it the right way.
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Connect with Whitney:

    About Whitney Jones

    From her online bio:
    I am a single mom to two incredible little boys ages 9 and 11, owner of Pro Physiques, the largest personal training gym in the state of Arizona, a personal trainer, fitness routine choreographer and contest prep coach to athletes who compete across the country at NPC & IFBB sanctioned events. In addition to my job responsibilities, I am a Lululemon Ambassador and a FitFluential ambassador, making me part of a nationwide network of fitness enthusiasts sharing knowledge through our platforms to educate, inspire and motivate others. I am also a sponsored athlete of Surge Supplements, Legend Fitness, TMarie Suits and Liquid Sun Rayz.
    Growing up, I played every sport I could possibly enter. Having two older brothers, I had no choice but to develop a love for sports and competition. This continued through high school and onto college at Arizona State University where I graduated with honors, summa cum laude, with a degree in Business Communications.
    After graduating from ASU, I worked for many years at an advertising agency managing the overall advertising and public relation efforts of multi-million dollar accounts. It was a fast-paced, intense environment which I thrived on, however my healthy lifestyle began to suffer due to the stress and long hours. I was also losing sight of my goal to have children and be a momma one day. This helped me remember my perspective as I realized there was more to life than working nonstop hours sitting behind a desk. It was time to get back to being myself and living the healthy lifestyle that had kept me so balanced all those years.
    I was back to being very active and healthy, training for marathons and competing in sprint triathlons, until my second pregnancy when some unexpected events took place. Anyone that knows me will tell you I’m full of energy and always on the go, so when I was put on complete bed rest for the last 3+ months, I thought I was going to lose my mind. Thankfully I didn’t, but this gave me A LOT of time to think. You never realize how much you take your active lifestyle for granted until you’re in a situation like this. I began wondering if stepping out of the corporate world and following my passion for fitness would be more fulfilling. After all, I had spent many years being a personal trainer in my spare time, never charging a single person but rather doing it for the sheer fact that I enjoyed helping people get healthy.
    I became certified as an NASM personal trainer as well as being certified in pre- and post-natal training. I then went on to manage the personal training sales department of a local health club but had dreams of something bigger. In 2009, plans to open up what was originally called Az Pro Physiques came to fruition and in 2010 the doors officially opened.
    Since then, we have experienced extreme growth to the point that we have expanded our location twice and have rebranded our company to our current name, The Pro Physiques. We were attracting the attention of people from all over the world who were impressed with our knowledge and approach to nutrition and training. They wanted our help, but they didn’t live in Arizona. We extended our service beyond just training clients at our gym in Gilbert, developed an entire team dedicated strictly to online training, and are now transforming lives worldwide. We also have a large competition prep team called The Pros with NPC & IFBB athletes from all over the United States, as well as international athletes whom we train in person as well as online.
    For myself personally, I began competing in my first competition in the summer of 2010 as an amateur at a local Arizona show. From there I moved up in the ranks to compete at a National level and in less than one year I received my Pro card establishing me as an IFBB Fitness Pro. I’m fortunate enough to get to travel the world representing the United States and get to compete in countries like Brazil, Spain, Germany, Australia, South Africa, China, Canada and of course the United States.
    I just wrapped up the 2020 season finishing with the Mr. Olympia contest in Florida this past December. I have competed in a total of 34 Pro shows, never placing outside the top 10 in the world. During my Pro career, I have been invited to compete in 15 Arnold Classic International events and have qualified for the Fitness Olympia for the past 8 years in a row. I am now gearing up for 2021 and I can’t wait for what’s in store this year. Thank you for supporting my journey!”  Find Whitney at her website by CLICKING HERE. You can also stalk her on instagram by CLICKING HERE.

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