No, lifting heavy weights WON’T “bulk you up”- and other myths about strength training.

If you are losing weight and want to know how to get toned, you are in the right place. This post and podcast is all about how to get toned, the right way. Because there is a right and wrong way to go about getting toned muscles, believe me.
Most women think they know how to get toned and that it involves a lot of reps of light weights. They also incorrectly assume that lifting heavy weights will cause them to “bulk up” unnecessarily. Not true. A combo of the two is actually ideal to help get toned muscles.
In today’s episode I talk about the importance of strength training for women- all women. I recorded this show because I still hear so many women saying things like “I’m worried I’ll bulk up if I lift heavy weights” or women who just keep adding more cardio hoping to achieve an ideal “toned” body– and what they don’t know is – the #1 most important thing to achieve that “Toned” look is weight-lifting. Tune in to learn more about why this is SO IMPORTANT.
Some of the shows you may want to check out, based on what we talked about in this series — 1) My interview with my trainer, Alex Mazurrco CLICK HERE. 2) Laurie Christine King Interview CLICK HERE. 3) My latest bloodwork and the changes I’m making because of it. CLICK HERE. 4) If you’d like to get YOUR BLOODWORK done– check out Ulta Lab Tests, available in 2100 locations across the U.S. GET YOUR HORMONAL LAB WORK DONE LADIES!!! CLICK HERE.
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