How Moms Can Lose Weight AND Get Fit, Working Out From Home With Minimal Equipment. Gina Aliotti Shares HOW!

Gina Aliotti is a multi-awarded professional bodybuilder and competitor and is the co-founder of Devotion Nutrition, a company that helps people stay devoted to their fitness lifestyle through high-quality food products and supplements. She is also a Certified Personal Trainer, CrossFit Instructor, Yoga Instructor, and a marathon runner. In between her work as a personal trainer and a business owner, Gina spends her free time with her husband and two children while practicing self-care.
In this episode, Gina focuses on the subject of getting fit despite a busy lifestyle. She discusses the many ways fitness has elevated the non-fitness aspect of her life and how it enabled her to make smarter and healthier choices. She shares tips on how to incorporate fitness into a busy schedule and explains why consistency trumps intensity no matter what.
“Fitness does not take much, but what it does take is consistency.” – Gina Aliotti
In this episode, you’ll learn:
How she became interested in fitness.
Her professional career and how it improved other parts of her life.
Why being too busy is no longer an excuse to not be fit.
The importance of the mental side of fitness?
What can being accountable do for you from a fitness viewpoint?
The common misunderstandings about getting fit
Knowing when fitness becomes a lifestyle.
Tips on how to make more time for fitness.
Why being part of a fitness community is a must.
Key Takeaways:
You can improve your fitness greatly, even if you start with just five minutes a day.
Consistency in fitness over time is what’s going to give you the most incredible results.
Learn what your “why” is – what will keep you going – because it makes you feel good.
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About Gina Aliotti

From her online bio:
Gina Aliotti was born and raised in Monterey, Ca, now living in Carlsbad, Ca with her beautiful children David and Nicolette and incredible husband, Michael. She is a renowned fitness and lifestyle expert whose life mission is to inspire and teach others how to stay devoted to living a healthy lifestyle in a realistic way. With ALL NO GYM home workouts, Gina has proven it doesn’t take much and it sure doesn’t require a gym to reach your goals and be in the best shape of your life.
Gina received her BS in Foods and Nutrition from SDSU. While most of her classmates were going to college parties, Gina was taking the fitness industry by storm. Earning her IFBB pro-card in 2005 and quickly became one of the world’s top figure competitors, winning many titles including Miss Figure International at the prestigious Arnold Classic and being runner up at the Figure Olympia 3 years in a row. Gina is also a certified Personal Trainer, certified Crossfit Instructor, certified Yoga Instructor, Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, and a marathon runner.
Throughout her tremendous success, Gina found that her true passion is in helping others reach their fitness goals and simplify their approach. She believes that her most important qualifications are her ability to listen to others and empathize with their unique challenges. She believes that we all wake up with a choice to live in vibration with our purpose or go against it. Gina loves helping others discover their purpose and wake up inspired and ready to keep digging deep.
As a busy full time working mom of two, Gina has been able to maintain consistency with her fitness by being flexible and utilizing the tools she calls “the foundation” for long term success! Gina teaches these foundational principles in her 101 coaching, online fitness plans, G-FIT APP and her social media platforms.
It is her proven ability to inspire and create permanent lifestyle changes through a less is more, flexible and inside out approach. Through Gina’s plans, she is able to help thousands of people, all over the world, learn how to dig deep within themselves and create a fit, happy and healthy life with NO GYM Necessary!”
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