How to get in shape without obsessive dieting and overtraining.

Sarah Grace Spann is a tell-it-like-it-is personal trainer who has a long history of athletic experience and fitness experience- and not all of it was GOOD. She talks with us in this interview about conquering anorexia in high school and how working with a dietitian during that time helped her find her true passion: to help OTHERS get healthy and fit without all the downsides. You’ll learn a TON in this interview and feel more empowered about conquering your weight loss goals in the future.
About Sarah Grace Meck

Sarah Grace is the Founder of Fresh Fit N Healthy, the author of the book Chasing Freedom, a Registered Dietitian with a MS in Exercise Physiology, an Ex-D1 athlete, and a former runner. In her own words, “I’m a serial creator and entrepreneur that loves helping others reach their potential through discovering a healthy lifestyle that fits their busy life. I’m a huge believer that sustainable, lasting results and true confidence don’t just require a meal plan and some good sound bytes. I think it takes much more. That’s why I ditched the typical dietitian route and blazed my own trail.
To me, it takes working on both the external, through nutrition and training plans, and the internal, through mindset shifting and real soul work. That’s why I decided to create the Fresh Fit n Healthy Academy where I work 1-1 with people to provide REAL body [soul]utions that last. Not just short term results. It’s pretty fun to see this big dream come to crazy reality with this nutrition business online, getting to work with clients from all over the US, to Canada to even Hong Kong and Australia.”
You can follow Sarah Grace on instagram by clicking here, and her website can be found here.
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