Month: May 2022

  • How to STOP Overthinking EVERYTHING in Your LIFE.

    How to stop overthinking everything and start living outside of the comfort zone.

    how to stop overthinking everything

    Do you want to find out how to stop overthinking everything in your life? Are you tired of being stuck in over-analysis paralysis about every decision in your world? I used to be there too and I see far too many women stuck in this same place– limiting themselves in so many ways by overthinking EVERYTHING in their life! If you want to stop overthinking everything in your life, listen to this podcast– and apply these principles because your whole future will change for the better, I assure you. You’ll start trusting your gut and believing in yourself and your decisions and- that you DESERVE MORE. You’ll start GOING FOR IT– whatever that looks like for you- MORE OFTEN– and you should be doing that. That’s how you create a life worth living, not by just being a “yes man” (or woman). After this episode, you have 2 choices…..make sure you choose the right one. 



    If you enjoyed this show, it’s likely you’ll want to check out some of these posts/videos/podcasts below– How Changing Your Mindset and Attitude Can Change Your Fitness Results CLICK HERE, How to Manifest the Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of CLICK HERE. Manifest Major Life Change By Making a Declaration CLICK HERE. Get my FREE Keto Kwik Start Guide by CLICKING HERE. Check out my new Keto Cookbook, filled with 52+ low carb recipes that helped me lose 36 inches and 30lbs- available for just $27! CLICK HERE



    What are my best daily habits for weight loss?

    Top 10 New Habits For Weight Loss

    Are you in the process of trying to lose weight? If you want to discover the best habits for weight loss, I’ve got you covered. In this post, I’m sharing my top 10 best daily habits for weight loss. Many of these habits for weight loss are NEW habits that I’ve incorporated over the past 11 months while losing 36 inches and 30lbs going keto. So, as you can imagine, these habits for weight loss that I’m recommending…well they work. Test them out yourself and see if these habits for weight loss work in your life as well. I believe they will. Remember, you are just ONE change away from a better tomorrow and an even better future. START NOW!

    My Top 10 New Daily Habits For Weight Loss

    These new habits for weight loss are in no particular order, but I’m going to start with one I do think is very important. 1) STOP OBSESSING over details that don’t matter. For years I like the woman in the photo above, obsessed over DUMB IRRELEVANT details….like “Does this extra tablespoon of almond milk in my coffee break my fast?”– doesn’t matter. Or “OMG my trainer said he thinks diet soda is bad…does that mean all this time I’ve been ruining my efforts because I’ve been drinking soda???”– stop worrying about EVERY DETAIL… your instinct more. Common sense quite often is a far better gauge than all the conflicting information online trust me. I still recall how one time a follower recently on instagram started somewhat arguing with me about how bad green tea was for me because of flouride in it…..because HER nutritionist said she shouldn’t take it…so therefore it must be bad for everyone. Me, 2 years ago, would have freaked out and stopped drinking green tea. Not anymore. Don’t sweat the small stuff. The STRESS you give your brain far outweighs the actual damage from most things I have learned. 2) Supplements: I am now religious about taking my vitamins and supplements. You may want to watch this video where I talk about what supplements I take daily but I have learned over time that — supplements WORK – in a big way– if you take them regularly. They are worth the money if you can budget for it and they can change your health. Don’t be stupid and think everything is “snake oil”. Nothing is a miracle in a bottle but – supplements work. 3) Exogenous Ketones: I just recorded a video review on this today, will link it up tomorrow for you but taking exogenous ketones have CHANGED MY LIFE– they have improved my energy in an astonishing manner: previously I was having to take a nap every day at 2pm like clockwork. Not anymore. Further and more importantly- they curb my appetite and quash my cravings like you cannot imagine!! My whole eating style has changed because of them. You can order ketones from me directly and I PROMISE YOU–your health and weight loss and life will be forever changed. Happy to answer questions for you as well. 4) Going Keto: Without question, I recommend the keto lifestyle for women over 40 with any kind of hormonal issues/insulin resistance like me. It’s game changing. CLICK HERE to learn more. 5) BHRT/Hormone balance: If you are 40+ and not getting bloodwork done and getting your hormones balanced, you are fighting an uphill battle my friend. Get a functional medicine doctor and start with some comprehensive blood-work at Ulta Lab Tests. Happy to help you with some recommendations. 6) Water. I know this sounds soooo typical but –  I have been SO BAD about hydration and recently I ended up with a UTI. OMG who wants one of those!?! It made me see how bad I have been about hydration. Hydration is sooo key to everything…..I’m now more focused on it than ever……with my ketones + green tea plus plain water consumption. It’s a priority! 7) No Snacking: This is a weight loss gamechanger. Ever since adding in ketones….I don’t snack, or VERY RARELY. I eat 2 meals a day that’s it and it makes it easy to stay in a reasonable calorie window. 8)  Diversity in diet: I’m guilty in the past in a big way of having zero diversity in my diet- eating the same dang thing every day for lunch– you’ll see in my new keto cookbook a TON of diversity– I’ll be updating this one soon– and I am making diversity in my meals a primary focus– the more you can vary what you eat the better, just like varying your workouts– it does a body good and keeps your palate interested as well! I truly believe one of the #1 reasons people quit diets is because of lack of diversity in what they are eating. Get creative! 9) Eating out: when Steve and I eat out, we RARELY both will order a meal. We share meals all the time– it’s crazy how huge the portion sizes are– even the side orders! Start doing this– you’ll save money too! 10) Fasting/Intermittent Fasting: I do intermittent fasting daily and just started adding 1 -2 24 hour fasts into my week. Intermittent fasting plus keto is a dream weight loss combo and it’s what I recommend for all my clients who I coach– it works, every woman I have coached who uses it has lost 25LBS or more so far. Adding in a 24 hour fast is even more beneficial for resetting your body and helping encourage it to better lose fat in the future. 



    Did you enjoy this post? I hope it was helpful. I think you might find these posts below helpful as well. VIDEO: Why you aren’t losing weight on the Keto Diet: CLICK HERE.  VIDEO: Does Keto Work For Women Over 40? CLICK HERE. What Can I Eat On KETO? CLICK HERE. Download my FREE Keto Kwik Start Guide– CLICK HERE. And while you are here, check out my BRAND NEW KETO COOKBOOK filled with 50+ low-carb recipes that helped me lose 36 inches and 30lbs!! CLICK HERE to learn more and snag a copy for just $27!