
  • Stop punishing your body with extreme diets and overtraining. Start RESPECTING your body and achieve TRUE HEALTH.

    Your whole life can change when you begin to ACCEPT YOUR BODY as it is and RESPECT YOUR BODY for what it can do.

    Nichole Wurth is our guest today for an episode that I know most women need to hear. If you have found yourself cursing your body for how it looks or if constantly have a negative self-talk monologue going on internally every day, this interview is for you. The more we understand how damaging our negative views of our bodies are, the sooner we will intentionally shift our perspective to one of compassion and respect. That’s when the magic happens. Tune in the learn more. 

    About Nichole Wurth.

    Nichole is a coach, author, and speaker who shows women how to become BFF’s with their bodies, so every time they look in the mirror they say, “Damn. I ROCK!”

    Because when a woman sees how badass her body really is, she creates the life and body she’s always wanted, without force or willpower. While also finding her opinion, her voice and her power.

    She knows this to be true because it’s happened to her and thousands of her clients.

    Nichole has written two books and has a 84% success rate in her flagship program Embrace & Reshape Your Body.

    When she’s not fearlessly (but lovingly) pushing her clients into a lifestyle they deserve, you can find her laughing with friends, connecting with nature and loving up on her hubby, their son Wyatt and two dogs.

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