Rachel Meigs King

  • EPISODE 200: Getting in the best shape of your life AFTER a baby. Rachel King shares her best tips: PART ONE.

    How to get your body back after having a baby- working out from home!

    How to get in great shape after baby.

    I know you’ll love this 2-part interview. Rachel King shares her story of getting in to the best shape of her life after having her first baby- that’s right, after the baby, and by working out at home, not at the gym with a trainer. You’ll love this interview and be motivated to crush it this month and this year after listening. In part 2, we talk about business where Rachel shares her side-hustle income plan that’s generating fantastic benefits for her and her new family! 

    About Rachel Meigs King

    Rachel Meigs King Before and After

    Rachel Meigs King is one of the sweetest, most down to earth ladies you’ll ever meet. Beautiful from the inside out, she is an inspiring force of nature. She’s a new mom, an accountant by day and fitness coach with Beachbody on top of that. She’s living proof that you can fit in fitness with a new baby and busy work life. Just watch her do it–!!!  You can follow her on instagram by CLICKING HERE

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