
  • What Are The Benefits of Magnesium For Women?

    The Top Benefits of Magnesium For Women.

    If you are researching magnesium and wondering about the health benefits of magnesium for women, look no further. In this blog post I will cover why I feel EVERYONE should be supplementing with magnesium (I have been for close to a decade now) and why the benefits of magnesium for women are so great, they cannot be ignored and shouldn’t be ignored. When you consider all of the benefits of magnesium for women it makes you wonder why it is not a more well known THING to be supplementing with this power-mineral. Well, let’s do our best to spread the word shall we? And for now, let’s dive right in to to why there are so many health benefits found in magnesium; what gives anyway? 

    Magnesium Supplement Benefits: Too Many to Count. Start Now!

    Disclosure: Today’s post is sponsored by our friends at Healthy Origins. Does this packaging look familiar to you? Probably because you’ve seen me show their products on my social media for the past year or more– I’ve been a customer for a long time buying their fiber and L-Glutamine and now we are partnering to help educate you all on other supplements. Like magnesium. They’ve been generous enough to give you readers a coupon code: use “kellyolexa” to get 25% off at for a limited time. You’re welcome. 

    How I Learned About The Benefits of Magnesium For Women

    I first learned about the benefits of magnesium for women from my first functional medicine doctor. He had me start taking magnesium before bed every night to encourage better sleep — and boy did it. Magnesium is definitely something that is going to help with relaxation and sleep, in fact, I recall when my company FitFluential was running a campaign for GNC, they had a product, a sports nutrition product that had a night-time  post-workout drink and it made me super sleepy and relaxed. Guess what the main ingredient was? Magnesium. ;-0 Fast forward to when I started getting migraines and went to see a neurologist, one of the supplements she insisted I take every day was MAGNESIUM– she upped my dose to 500 mg a day. It is something I swear by. When I started doing more research into magnesium, because I had heard about it being this “miracle mineral”, I was astonished to discover that it really is…..

    What I came to understand is that (this is my summary) we are all essentially deficient in magnesium due to soil changes over time and the way we consume our food. We aren’t getting the nutrients we used to from the soil and food and are deficient.  According to Medical News Today, “Magnesium is an important mineral, playing a role in over 300 enzyme reactions in the human body. Its many functions include helping with muscle and nerve function, regulating blood pressure, and supporting the immune system.”  DANG. 

    I had ordered the book, The Magnesium Miracle by Dr. Carolyn Dean and started reading it, and I kid you not, it’s like my jaw kept dropping. The more you learn about magnesium the more you are like WHOA THIS STUFF IS CLOSE TO MIRACULOUS. Why isn’t everyone using it?? 

    Now this is my personal opinion and observation. But ladies if you are like me and leading a high stress super busy life, you are likely dealing with a lot of anxiety and stress. This is where Magnesium can really help you as well. Magnesium is known to help with anxiety, even depression. It is insanely relaxing, whether taken in pill form, as a drink or topically. I urge you to start utilizing this regularly if you’ve ever been told – like me– that you are “wound tight” LOL 😉

    Magnesium Helps Insulin Resistance

    magnesium types and uses

    Even more relevant for me now is that magnesium helps insulin resistance which is a PRIMARY FOCUS for me in my life. Something else you should know– you can also get liquid magnesium and do a foot bath– magnesium is that powerful for CALMING you down and easing anxiety. Try it sometime. Magnesium helps with cardiovascular health, bone health, easing anxiety, helping with sleep, preventing migraines, improving PMS…..I think the only thing it doesn’t do is pay your mortgage for you!! 😉 For reals though…..this is something I’ve talked about for YEARS: people….if there is one supplement we all should be taking — it’s this one. Hop on over to Healthy, use my code and start taking Magnesium today. You’ll thank me later I promise.