Learn How to Manage Your Chronic Aches and Pains AT HOME, Part 2.
If you work out a lot and suffer from chronic aches and pains, learn how you can ease your own pain- from your home!
For all you fitness fanatics dealing with constant muscle pain, aching back, stressed out neck and shoulders with issues- we’ve got something you will LOVE to learn about. The MELT Method: a self-care practice YOU can implement at home to manage chronic pain and prevent future pain and injury. Who doesn’t need this? This practice also addresses the accumulated tension we produce from just daily living. Tune into this 2-part episode with Sue Hitzmann and we promise, you’ll be diving into MELTing your pains away like we are, on a daily basis! NOTE: This is PART 2 – if you haven’t listened to part 1 yet, CLICK HERE to do so. Sue has 2 books out: The MELT Method – bestseller and MELT Performance which introduces a unique, scientific-based proactive training program for improving overall balance, performance, and control while preventing pain and injury. Also mentioned in this episode: Therapeutic Self-Massage Mini Balls.
The MELT Hand and Foot Treatment Kit includes all the tools for the MELT Hand and Foot Treatment, an innovative whole body technique. CLICK HERE to buy on Amazon. The MELT Roller Bundle (pictured below) includes the Soft Body Roller and the 3-disc MELT Method DVD. The MELT Method Soft Roller is the only roller developed for the techniques of the MELT Method, offering gentle compression without unnecessary discomfort. These techniques rehydrate connective tissue, rebalance the nervous system, promote healing, reduce inflammation, decompress the neck and low back, improve core stability, mobilize joints, stimulate organ function, increase flexibility, and much more. The latex-free roller is 36 inches long and 5 inches across. The MELT Method DVD walks you through the sequences and moves in the bestselling MELT Method book. The set includes 3 discs (over 4 hours), including step-by-step tutorials, 8 mix-and-match sequences, and 3 full classes that you can take with MELT creator Sue Hitzmann in the comfort of your own home. Plus a 16-page illustrated Getting Started Guide, including a Getting Started Quick Start Guide, the Getting Started Self-Treatment Plan, and Special Circumstances Self-Treatment Plans, for help making MELT part of your self-care plan when you’re healing, managing a diagnosed condition, or pregnant or postpartum.
About Sue Hitzmann
Sue is the creator of the MELT Method®, a simple self-treatment technique that helps people get out and stay out of chronic pain. A nationally recognized educator, manual therapist, exercise physiologist, and founding member of the Fascia Research Society, Sue is the author of the New York Times bestselling book The MELT Method, which has been translated into eight languages and helped over 200,000 people lead a healthy, pain-free life. Her latest book, MELT Performance,introduces a unique, scientific-based proactive training program for improving overall balance, performance, and control while preventing pain and injury.
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