
  • The Top 20 Healthy Eats To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth!

    Got a Sweet Tooth? Here are my Top 20 Favorite Clean Eating Desserts and Snacks.

    “Oh, those donuts don’t look tempting to me at all.”

    Said NO ONE. Ever.

    If you are like 99.9% of us, you’ve got a sweet tooth. And it sometimes feels like it’s a dirty word or phrase right? No one wants to say it, “I’ve got a sweet tooth big time…”– well, we are here to take away the shame and tell you to embrace that love of all things delectably delicious and SWEET. You want savory? That’s another post. This post is dedicated to our sweet tooths- and read on because we are sharing some of our favorite FINDS – products we’ve tasted (again, and again, and then, again and again… get the idea) and can heartily recommend, as well as some insanely enticing recipes by some of our best and most favorite foodie bloggers–they slay us with their compelling creations every week.

    Please note, this post contains affiliate links. 

    via GIPHY

    That would be us every time they put up a new instagram post. For reals. How do they do it??

    One of our very own team members has become an amazing legit foodie– Ms. Lauren Fischer. You can follow her on instagram (HINT she’s launching a new blog about her foodie obsessions soon!) at @laurenfischereats.

    Here is her contribution to today’s Sweet Tooth Snacks List: CHOCOLATE AVOCADO TRUFFLES.


    1/2 Avocado

    2 TBS Cocoa Powder

    3 TBS Maple Syrup

    2 TBS Melted Coconut Oil

    2 TBS Melted Dark Chocolate

    Blend all together. Scoop onto parchment lined baking sheet, freeze for 1 hour and then form into balls. Coat with more cocoa powder and refrigerate.


    Photo Source: NadaMoo

    Friends, if you like ice cream, get ready to weep with joy. NadaMoo has some of the most delightful, taste-bud pleasing frozen creations- and BONUS– they are DAIRY FREE for those of you like me with dairy sensitivities or needing to avoid dairy for autoimmune issues. The flavor on the right is my personal favorite and I cannot tell you how often Amazon Prime Now has delivered this to me for my eating pleasure. It delivers a LOT of pleasure my friends. They have a TON of flavors, I’ve loved the pistachio, maple pecan, salted caramel…and several others. (For some reason I feel like that song by Willie Nelson should be playing but instead of “To all the girls I’ve loved before….” it would be “To all the NadaMoo flavors I’ve loved thus far….”). Now. Sit down for this part.


    via GIPHY

    You’re welcome. People- you GOTTA treat yoself to some NadaMoo. You will become obsessed. I promise.

    You know what goes well with frozen icy creamy treats?


    But also- brownies. And the photo above is an extreme close-up of the DELIGHTFUL brownies from Flax4Life. This is another one of my Amazon Prime Now discoveries (Damn You Amazon!!). My manfriend and I order these and keep several containers in the fridge. We’ll often not get dessert at a restaurant and come home and have a few of these bad boys– only 140 calories each! WHAT??? And when you heat them up in the microwave, OMG it’s Slap Yo Mama good!!! Might I suggest serving 1 or 2 of these with a serving of NadaMoo? Not that I’ve tried that or anything. Just saying.

    Here is what the packaging looks like- so if you order online or from their website, you can pick the right one.

    Oh Heavens to Betsy! They are also GLUTEN FREE?? AND Dairy Free!!! Great Balls of Fire!! You’re welcome. I implore you to treat yourself to some of these and feel free to ship some to me as well.

    Now let’s move on to something warm, and breakfasty. I mean, who doesn’t love breakfast?

    Folks, I do not recall how I stumbled on this brand but WOW. These Paleo Pancakes are AMAZING!!! Birch Benders, you complete me. I even have my parents making these and loving them. Pro Tip: Get yourself a Perfect Pancake Pan on Amazon to make the perfect sized pancakes. And might I recommend– the best sugar free syrup to top these off?

    I have been addicted to this Walden Farms Sugar Free Pancake Syrup for years. And here’s another hint: this is also FANTASTIC to put on top of sweet potatoes! Which, hello, why don’t I share a little “recipe” with you? Take sweet potatoes and bake them (I bake several at at time: 425 degrees for an hour and 15 or so.) then store them in your fridge. Take them out, slice them (measure and weigh them first if you are counting macros!) and then heat up some coconut oil in a saucepan on the stove. Add your sliced sweet potatoes (in round slices, do not slice length-wise) in the coconut oil and sprinkle with a lot of cinnamon. Turn over — I like to let them get really browned and crispy. Remove from pan and add your Walden Farms Syrup and maybe a bit more cinnamon. DIVINE. Learn about all the other Walden Farms products at their website. CLICK HERE.

    I feel I should insert a drumroll here. Because- get ready for this. This woman, whose blog you should subscribe to immediately- took the Birch Benders Paleo Pancakes UP 2,000 notches. As I was googling– I found this via her site,


    Are you drooling yet? She calls this recipe Bunny Crack Pancakes and you can find the recipe by heading to her site: CLICK HERE.

    I may need a moment to recover from looking at this photo. Seriously. My idea of getting creative is adding flavored syrup on my cakes and look what she did! Amazing!

    All this pancake talk made me think of my latest coffee creation. I have been OBSESSED – more than ever- with my coffee, ever since upgrading to a Nespresso. (Hint. Best Gift Idea EVER for anyone who loves coffee.)

    I can blame my BFF Amanda Tress because she posted HER coffee coming out of her new Nespresso every morning on instagram and I lost it. I bought one. Then I bought my man one. He’s obsessed. Then I bought my parents one. OBSESSED. Get yourself one now and I promise you, game over for all other coffee machines. Ever.

    So- I make a cup of Nespresso. I add Torani Sugar Free Syrups– for Fall, I go CRAZY- I have been adding two flavors- Pumpkin Pie and Salted Caramel!!!! OMG!! Check out these sampler packs for Fall and Winter you can get. Yes, I got both of them.

    Above is the Fall selection: CLICK HERE to treat yoself. And then, you might as well….

    Get the Winter Selection too: CLICK HERE. You’re welcome. Also go to their site, they have a whole RECIPE section!

    So, I make the coffee. I add Pumpkin Pie and Salted Caramel Sugar Free Syrups. I add some Stevia – and then sprinkle in some Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Pie Spice (stock up when you go- trust me). Then I add the steamed milk (we use Blue Diamond 30-Calorie Almond Milk) and stir and I am soon delivered to another land of sublime peace and happiness. (Side note: I always also add collagen to my coffee, but that’s not the sweet part. It does add a nice dose of protein and ladies, it helps your hair and nails grow like a boss. I use Vital Proteins and you can get (shocking) on Amazon by clicking here.)

    Next. Let’s dive in to some more recipes shall we. Be prepared to be in awe.


    Almond Joy Coconut Butter Cups from Lee at FitFoodieFinds. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? She is amazing….if you are not subscribed to her blog you will be. You can find the recipe over there by clicking here. I don’t know about you but I am a huge fan of Almond Joy and I am so making these this weekend!!

    Next up we have Monique’s Chewy Carrot Cake Oatmeal Cookies. Does it get any more Fall than that? OMG. Recipe on her site: click here.

    I die. I truly die.

    Lastly I am going to share some sweet treats that are truly personal to both me and to Lauren, featured above.

    Lauren ALWAYS tells me to go get these Hail Merry treats in bulk. She was not joking. Once I tried, I died. You want to try a sampler pack? You’re welcome: click here. And then, I told HER, “GIRL you gotta try these Better Bites mini-cupcakes……OMG.” She did. She loved. She’s obsessed.

    And then I recall it was Amanda Tress who got me hooked on Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups. Holy Cow. Amazing. Dark Chocolate or Milk Chocolate. You choose. These are my favorites:

    You need it bad right now don’t you? I understand. Click here to treat yoself. 


    How to Make a Chocolate Mug Cake With Frosting That Will Make You Weep With Joy.

    If you have yet to make yourself a MUG CAKE– girl, you gotta get with it. What I love about mug cakes is – it’s usually a serving size for one person. So you aren’t stuck with a whole cake in your fridge calling out to you after you make it. (Remember that scene in Sex & The City where Miranda goes in the trash to eat more cake? been there. Done that many many times.)

    I have lots of favorite mug cake recipes but the one above I got from this fine blogger: CLICK HERE. Now- with this recipe, I didn’t use Nutella for the middle. I put semi-sweet chocolate CHUNKS as you can see in the photo above. Now, this mug cake was nice and chocolatey rich all on its own. You could add some NADAMOO or HaloTop ice cream on the top – OR, you can add some FROSTING because why the hell not? I made a simple white frosting with butter/powdered sugar/almond milk and mixed it in– while the mug cake was hot- and both the man and I were like OH HELL YEA.

    You know you want it. Don’t you? Here’s the thing. What I’ve learned about weight loss is- if you’ve been reading my blog lately (posts like THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS where I detail how I’m losing weight and still loving life) — then you know I’m SEEING RESULTS but also enjoying eating sweets and having adult beverages– in other words, I’m all about finding a way to DIET but still enjoy life along the way. The key is – you gotta DIET. But if you DIET RIGHT you can still have sweets– you just GOTTA TRACK WHAT YOU EAT. Without even looking at the recipe for the mug cake above- it’s a good size and it’s so sweet, Steve and I could easily split one mug cake (seriously- especially with the frosting on it)  — I’d estimate 300-400 calories if we split it, each. I aim for 1600 calories a day- on my “high” normal days (meaning not my cheat day)- so if you have a sweet treat like this, just KNOW that it’s about 1/4 of your daily caloric load, possibly. JUST ACCOUNT FOR IT. My other tip: don’t eat sweets on an empty stomach. I’m all about not snacking BUT having sweets as DESSERT– this way, you eat a meal first and you likely won’t pig out as much! See how that works?

    Here are some other sweet recipes== one is an Acai Bowl which really- should be done as a MEAL. Let me be clear these can be high calorie but also filled with nutrition– so get your sweet tooth on and enjoy. CLICK HERE to read my post with my favorite Acai Protein Bowl Recipe. And– something I make ALL THE TIME for my man and I are clean eats peanut butter balls or cookie dough balls. There are so many easy to make recipes like this and just keep the balls in the fridge but again- BE AWARE OF CALORIES. Most of the recipes I make are 125-150 per ball. My man and I try to have no more than 2 at a time, maybe 3. We’ll have more than 2 if it’s cheat day. 😉 CLICK HERE to read my post with recipes and lots of options. 

    Stock up on these Sweet Treats NOW.

    These Gluten Free Donuts by Katz are DANG GREAT. Kinda dangerous. CLICK HERE to buy.  If you like salty-dark-chocolate goodness get you some of these bars; CLICK HERE. This company also makes some GRAIN FREE COOKIES that are legit amazing, even my husband likes them: CLICK HERE to buy. (Check out the other flavors too!)

    I tried these NUSH bars when I got a Keto Krate box delivered and wow just wow (more on Keto Krate in an upcoming post- even though I am not keto, (Update: as of 2021 I am now KETO!!) I love them for finding great new sweets that are gluten free/paleo friendly) . GET SOME NOW– try all the flavors they are AMAZING!!!

    I also discovered Smart Cakes through Keto Krate and they are so delicious I honestly don’t know how they do it because these cakes are also very low calorie. 

    Lastly- this might not seem like a sweet thing to you but I recently discovered Canyon Bakehouse Gluten Free Bakery- and their bagels are to die for. Considering they have Sweet Hawaiian Bread— let me dare you to make FRENCH TOAST with this stuff. You’re welcome.

    So- what sounds good to you? What favorites do you have that you recommend? Do tell. 


    Note: this blog contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this post and support this channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when a viewer uses the links provided, the view is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support.