How Women Can Eliminate Debt, Build Wealth and Achieve Financial Freedom. Part 1.
How Women Can Pay Off Debt and Build Wealth. Discover Financial Freedom! Part ONE.
Do you worry about money? Have you lost your job recently? Do you live paycheck to paycheck? Do you always spend more than you earn? Do you feel like you can never get ahead financially? Do you think you’ll never be able to save for retirement? Do you carry a lot of credit card debt?
Does all of this STRESS YOU OUT?
You aren’t alone. This is exactly why I’m covering MONEY issues on the podcast. Money problems are one of the top 3 sources of massive STRESS in our lives and the more STRESSED you are, the more health concerns you’ll have. Lower your stress– by fixing your money issues– and improve your health. See how that works?
You will love this first of many-to-come episodes on the Financially FIT theme– why are we talking about finances? Because stress is one of the #1 contributors to bad health- and what’s one of the #1 causes of stress? MONEY problems. Attack your money problems, attack your stress, improve your health. Tune into this 2-part episode with Amy Schultz and get ready to LEARN A TON about managing your money issues for the better! This is part 1 of the 2 part interview. When you are ready to listen to part 2, CLICK HERE. Also, if you liked this interview, you’ll probably also like this interview with Krista Dowling Goodrich- CLICK HERE. I also interviewed Barbara Huson on the show- and we talked about women and money- CLICK HERE to listen. A great book to read on money is by Jean Chatkzy- I really enjoyed it. CLICK HERE to check it out.
About Amy Schultz
From Amy‘s online bio: “I spent a long time believing that work and money were the ultimate goal. I worshiped Kate Spade and Tiffany & Co. and spent 80 hours a week focusing on my career. I told myself my anxiety and depression were just a chemical imbalance in my brain – my life was perfect, so that was the only explanation that made sense to me.
In 2017, my first son, Jake, was born in an emergency delivery that resulted in me on life support. I left for the hospital a woman looking forward to returning to her usual perky, driven self after having a baby, and came home from the hospital a new mother whose entire life had been turned upside down.
When an experience forces you to say “I lived” with a deeper understanding of what that means, you can’t go back to not living. I realized how much had been wrong about my prior life – and felt angry for a very, very long time about how sure I had been that I was on the right path.
I couldn’t stand being in my house – all the THINGS I had spent money and time and energy on reminded me of how lost I had been. Until I had to rely on the blood and medical care of strangers, I didn’t know how to be a person that connected with other people. Until I came face-to-face with losing everything, I didn’t know how much meaning was missing from my life.
By the time Jake was a year old, I was a woman on a mission; searching endlessly for answers. If there is so much more to life than work + money, why did I spend so long going after it with everything I had? Why do I feel so horrible about myself for wanting to stay home with my baby? Why didn’t I realize how unhappy I was sooner?
The answers to these questions led me to an uncomfortable truth: our society prevents women from choosing meaning over money. It instills the value of work + money in little girls and doesn’t stop until they are spending every dime they have and working long hours to earn it back. It convinces us that it is not financially feasible to live a life full of meaning and purpose… so we settle. And we feel shame and guilt about our spending and our inability to save for a future we don’t even feel belongs to us.
These are the limiting beliefs women carry about work + money. And it prevents us from living the life we love.
I was able to break this pattern when I uncovered the specific pieces of my past that led me to limiting money beliefs, discovered what an abundant life looks like for me, and reframed my money behaviors and my obsession with work to make that life possible.
I’ve made it my life’s mission to help other women do the same.” You can connect with Amy at her website by CLICKING HERE. and you can follow her on instagram by CLICKING HERE.
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