
  • How Changing Your MINDSET and ATTITUDE Can Dramatically Improve Your Fitness Results, Part 1

    Why Your Attitude and Mindset Might Be a HUGE Reason Why You Aren’t Making Progress In Your Weight Loss Journey. PART ONE.

    Do you talk negatively to yourself when you are alone? Do you make fun of yourself or are you prone to self-deprecation? Do you doubt that you can lose weight? Do you worry that all your efforts are wasted? Do you spend a lot of time in the mirror picking yourself apart and finding all the things wrong with you? Do you focus only on what you have left to fix vs. what you have accomplished already?
    Does all of this cause you to feel stressed out and unhappy? A lot of women complain about being STUCK in their weight loss journey. I certainly have been one of them. And yet, many of us don’t realize how BAD our attitude and mindset is- and how that mindset, TRULY- your state of mind- has an effect on the kind of results you’ll see. I share in great detail in this 2 part episode how I have changed my mindset in other areas of my life (my business and in my LOVE life) and manifested OUTSTANDING success– and now I’m doing it in my fitness/weight loss journey. Watch and learn. This is part one of a 2-part episode. CLICK HERE to listen to part 2.

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    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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  • How to Reinvent Yourself When Times Are TOUGH: Tom Terwilliger Shares His Life Changing COMEBACK PLAN, part 2

    How to Use The Tough Times to Design Your Biggest COMEBACK Ever.

    If you feel stuck in your life- frustrated at your job circumstances, your love-life status, your income, your state of health, the way your future looks- or any combo of these factors– you aren’t alone. More now than ever, in this Coronavirus climate we live in- people are experiencing chaos, uncertainty, depression, fear, worry, and doubt. Many have lost their jobs or had their income dramatically reduced. Many have loved ones who are very sick or maybe have passed away due to the virus. Many are separated from family and missing the community- and we all are missing JUST BEING WITH OTHER PEOPLE. 
    There’s a lot weighing us down. It’s very easy and understandable to feel totally hopeless and discouraged. Yet, as Tom and I discuss in this 2-part interview,if you allow yourself to lean into them, the tough times can provide you with the most opportunity for massive transformation. I know this to be true in my own life. If you’ve been following me for a while you KNOW I speak the truth on that note. 
     Tom Terwilliger is considered to be a leading authority on the Science of Achievement, an in-demand speaker and an empowerment trainer. He’s also an AWESOME human being who genuinely cares about helping others RISE UP and do more in their lives. In this 2 part interview, we talk about how, in times of extreme chaos and uncertainty, we have the biggest opportunity for change and positive transformation. Yes, these tough times are the ideal times for you to turn the setbacks into a COMEBACK! This is part 2 of a 2-part interview. You can listen to part 1 by CLICKING HERE.

    You can dive in and get started with Tom’s COMEBACK PLAN by CLICKING HERE.

    About Tom Terwilliger

    From his online bio:My name is Tom Terwilliger, and I’ve helped thousands of amazing people just like you produce extraordinary results in their body, business, and life.  I work with entrepreneurs, business owners, athletes, creators, and coaches to align their goals, dreams and ambitions with their unique potential.

    Long before I could do that, I had to challenge myself to overcome what appeared to be my greatest obstacle to achieve what felt like a colossal dream. The goal: win the National Championship (Mr. America) in my chosen athletic endeavor.


    The leviathan on my path was a crippling lack of belief in my own potential.  I knew if I were not able to take down that inner beast, permanently I wouldn’t have a shot at achieving my big dream.

    Through some very specific mindset strategies, determination and will I was able to conquer the monster, tap into my potential and realize my dream.

    Shortly after having won Mr. America, I had the opportunity to successfully test my new mindset again when I launched my first entrepreneurial venture – a small chain of athletic clubs in New York.

    Then, one more time a few years later when my partners and I saw a niche opportunity and wanted fill it with a TV show. We approached a major NY based cable network (MSG) with our idea and the show, MuscleSport USA was born. Six Years later it was picked up by Fox Sports Net and ran for another 10 years with myself as host and co-producer.

    Those experiences and dozens more along with a few massive failures over the years has provided me with a unique insight into the dynamics of human potential, peak human performance, and the “winner mindset”.

    Most importantly they forged the development of the BODY – MIND tools, rules, and strategies needed to help others create massive and lasting change. Three decades and lots of feedback later I set out to share those tools, rules, and strategies with as many people as I could reach. I put fingers to keyboard and began writing, 7 Rules of Achievement. The week it was published, 7 Rules of Achievement hit #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list.

    The success of that book along with my impassioned desire to continue helping others tap into their potential and achieve their dreams has lead to where I am today as a speaker, coach, mentor, and rule breaker.  I’ve had the opportunity to personally share my body-mind success strategies with thousands of people across 4 continents. The amazing people I work with are not just realizing their potential they are living it.”

    Are you loving The Kelly O Show yet?

    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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  • How to Reinvent Yourself When Times Are TOUGH: Tom Terwilliger Shares His Life Changing COMEBACK PLAN

    How to Use The Tough Times to Design Your Biggest COMEBACK Ever.

    If you feel stuck in your life- frustrated at your job circumstances, your love-life status, your income, your state of health, the way your future looks- or any combo of these factors– you aren’t alone. More now than ever, in this Coronavirus climate we live in- people are experiencing chaos, uncertainty, depression, fear, worry, and doubt. Many have lost their jobs or had their income dramatically reduced. Many have loved ones who are very sick or maybe have passed away due to the virus. Many are separated from family and missing the community- and we all are missing JUST BEING WITH OTHER PEOPLE. 
    There’s a lot weighing us down. It’s very easy and understandable to feel totally hopeless and discouraged. Yet, as Tom and I discuss in this 2-part interview,if you allow yourself to lean into them, the tough times can provide you with the most opportunity for massive transformation. I know this to be true in my own life. If you’ve been following me for a while you KNOW I speak the truth on that note. 
     Tom Terwilliger is considered to be a leading authority on the Science of Achievement, an in-demand speaker and an empowerment trainer. He’s also an AWESOME human being who genuinely cares about helping others RISE UP and do more in their lives. In this 2 part interview, we talk about how, in times of extreme chaos and uncertainty, we have the biggest opportunity for change and positive transformation. Yes, these tough times are the ideal times for you to turn the setbacks into a COMEBACK! This is part 1 of a 2-part interview. You can listen to part 2 by CLICKING HERE

    You can dive in and get started with Tom’s COMEBACK PLAN by CLICKING HERE.

    About Tom Terwilliger

    From his online bio:My name is Tom Terwilliger, and I’ve helped thousands of amazing people just like you produce extraordinary results in their body, business, and life.  I work with entrepreneurs, business owners, athletes, creators, and coaches to align their goals, dreams and ambitions with their unique potential.

    Long before I could do that, I had to challenge myself to overcome what appeared to be my greatest obstacle to achieve what felt like a colossal dream. The goal: win the National Championship (Mr. America) in my chosen athletic endeavor.


    The leviathan on my path was a crippling lack of belief in my own potential.  I knew if I were not able to take down that inner beast, permanently I wouldn’t have a shot at achieving my big dream.

    Through some very specific mindset strategies, determination and will I was able to conquer the monster, tap into my potential and realize my dream.

    Shortly after having won Mr. America, I had the opportunity to successfully test my new mindset again when I launched my first entrepreneurial venture – a small chain of athletic clubs in New York.

    Then, one more time a few years later when my partners and I saw a niche opportunity and wanted fill it with a TV show. We approached a major NY based cable network (MSG) with our idea and the show, MuscleSport USA was born. Six Years later it was picked up by Fox Sports Net and ran for another 10 years with myself as host and co-producer.

    Those experiences and dozens more along with a few massive failures over the years has provided me with a unique insight into the dynamics of human potential, peak human performance, and the “winner mindset”.

    Most importantly they forged the development of the BODY – MIND tools, rules, and strategies needed to help others create massive and lasting change. Three decades and lots of feedback later I set out to share those tools, rules, and strategies with as many people as I could reach. I put fingers to keyboard and began writing, 7 Rules of Achievement. The week it was published, 7 Rules of Achievement hit #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list.

    The success of that book along with my impassioned desire to continue helping others tap into their potential and achieve their dreams has lead to where I am today as a speaker, coach, mentor, and rule breaker.  I’ve had the opportunity to personally share my body-mind success strategies with thousands of people across 4 continents. The amazing people I work with are not just realizing their potential they are living it.”

    Are you loving The Kelly O Show yet?

    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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