
  • How your diet can be the most important factor in your anti-aging arsenal.

    Want to age WELL? Learn how to EAT WELL.

    We’ve all heard the expression, “food is medicine” and I’ve talked about on my blog how even the REMOVAL of certain foods can be medicine. Well, guess what? Food- your diet- can also greatly affect how you age– from how you LOOK to how you feel and function. On today’s show, I interview Dr. Darrell Misak.
    Dr. Misak owns and operates Pittsburgh Alternative Health, Inc. in the south hills of Pittsburgh, where he focuses on health analysis and how to support optimal energy formation to result in natural health restoration. In essence, his goal is to teach health and observe restoration. As a naturopathic doctor, he focuses on finding out the SOURCE of patients’ symptoms and healing them with food and lifestyle changes. In this 2-part interview, we talk about how and why to detox our body with food, and how this contributes to aging optimally.

    This is part one of a 2-part interview. When you are ready to listen to part 2 click here.

    About Dr. Darrell Misak.

    Darrell S.C.S. Misak, ND, RPh is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Licensed Pharmacist, and a father of five healthy children. After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from West Virginia University in 1992, he gained 3½ years of university hospital pharmacy experience at Duke University Medical Center.
    During his hospital pharmacy experience, Dr. Misak’s primary focus was clinical rounding in Oncology and General Medicine. As he began to realize the pitfalls of traditional medicine and pharmacy, he started his continued search for truth in health, which directed him to naturopathic medicine. In 1996, he moved his family across the country to Portland, Oregon, where he received his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. Additionally, while in naturopathic medical school, he was blessed with the opportunity to gain 5 years of compounding pharmacy experience at Lloyd Center Pharmacy.
    Since moving to the Pittsburgh area, Dr. Misak has continued his search for truth in health with a goal to teach and change the world. He performs regular lectures and does YouTube shows teaching the concepts of bio-electric chemistry and how to optimize personal energy efficiency. Dr. Misak owns and operates Pittsburgh Alternative Health, Inc. in the south hills of Pittsburgh, where he focuses on health analysis and how to support optimal energy formation to result in natural health restoration. In essence, his goal is to teach health and observe restoration.

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  • EPISODE 187: Anti-Aging Skincare Secrets From Dr. Manish Shah, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Denver CO

    The Best Anti-Aging Best Practices

    Welcome to part 1 of this 2-part episode with Dr. Manish Shah. We are talking skincare and anti-aging best practices in this interview, and I promise, you’ll learn a LOT about what to do and what NOT to do when it comes to looking your best. There’s a lot of nonsense online to wade through- from celebrities on infomercials to magazines pushing drugstore moisturizers that claim totally unreasonable outcomes. Dr. Shah explains the real truth and what women should focus on and consider, from topical skincare to elective cosmetic and surgical procedures. Be sure to listen to both parts of this 2-part interview! You can listen to part 2 by clicking here.

    Are you loving The Kelly O Show yet?

    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future! 

  • How to get INSANELY beautiful skin at any age.

    Great skin requires a solid skincare routine.

    Ladies, how many of you love your skin? How many of you wonder how to get better skin? How many of you wonder what anti-aging products are the BEST and actually WORK? How many of you are interested in how to get great looking skin after the age of 40 or 50 or 60? How many of you have experienced your skin and face showing the signs of aging after having kids or experiencing hormonal imbalance- or both? 

    I hear you.

    I haven’t had kids, but I’ve had massive hormonal imbalance issues for YEARS– and about a year and a half ago, I noticed my face wasn’t making me happy when I looked in the mirror. 

    The truth is, for most of my adult life, even though I’ve baked in the sun for hours on end and gone to tanning beds and not worn SPF….I’ve never felt gross about my skin. I’ve never had that thing happen that people warned me about- “Oh if you keep going out in the sun you’ll look like you’re 70 when you are 30…”. 

    NEWSFLASH: I’m 50 now and look better than I ever have- and I have never been mistaken for looking OLDER but rather for looking younger than my age. 

    Still. After 2 of the most stressful years of my life and after some weight gain and weight loss- my face looked WORN and my skin looks bland. Dull. Not happy. 

    Sometimes aging hits you like a ton of bricks. In the face. At close range.

    It was not a happy time when I first started realizing I was seeing AGING. I’d noticed some laxity in my facial skin for several years- in my YouTube videos- and had always planned to get “some work done” but I’d always felt good about myself even with no makeup (half of my YouTube videos in the past were sans makeup after a workout) and never felt like I looked OLD. 

    Then there came those days when I suddenly saw myself in the mirror and I just thought I looked pale and drawn and my skin looked dull and lifeless. Seriously. It reminded me of how my man describes the weather in Chicago; BLEAK.

    SO- even though I had been using some skincare products for years (Arbonne) I decided to level up and get Botox. I made my appointment and – oh boy did I feel revived after getting Botox. Seriously. Injectables and me are now BFFs. But this is when I learned about GLOWBIOTICS- medical grade skincare. I bought a package of several of their best selling products and have been hooked ever since. The truth is I saw my skin improve so much after using it day and night that I stalked them online and got a meeting with the marketing team because I wanted to help them spread the word. And I did and the team at GLOWBIOTICS is an awesome one. Their probiotic-based skincare line is to-die-for! It’s a big part of why I feel so amazing about how I look at age 50!! I’m looking forward to 60 and 70 and beyond! For real. 

    Great skin takes time and effort and money but it's so WORTH IT.

    So- here are my tips based on my experience for how to get great skin at any age.

    • First of all, recognize this does require some time. You gotta wash your face- wash your makeup off at night. So many women don’t do this and OY TO THE VEY come on!! Invest in 5-10 minutes each morning and night for your skincare routine. You’ll notice the results.

    Invest in a Clarisonic device. Seriously. This is exfoliation at its best. Go to YouTube and watch every beauty vlogger recommend it too. JUST BUY it and use it to wash your face and neck and chest every night: CLICK HERE to buy on 

    • Get an “anti-aging pillowcase”. If you would have asked me years ago if I’d fall for this concept I would have laughed but– after I started getting waxed and got my FACE – full face waxed and ended up with breakouts on my chin/neck- my wax lady explained that because I did not listen to her and change my pillowcase, my open pores that day that slept on a not-clean pillowcase got clogged with dirt and bacteria. GULP. I then began looking up anti-aging/healthy skin pillowcases. Get you some. CLICK HERE to buy. 
    • DUH. Stock up on the best skincare on the planet- At GLOWBIOTICS.COM.  Use code KELLY20 to get 20% off all regularly priced items at their website. 
    • Get enough sleep. If you aren’t sleeping well or long enough (8 hours) – you will look haggard and nasty. Get sleep. I love my Sleep Number bed and my man and I thrive and sleep well with that plus COMPHY sheets and room darkening curtains. 
    • Don’t eat crap. What you eat affects your skin.
    • De-stress. Invest in self-care in a big way. Stress will destroy your health and make you look 25 years older. Anti-age from within by de-stressing. 
    • Don’t SMOKE. If you are a smoker I don’t know what to tell you other than you are dumb AF. Stop it. 
    • Watch alcohol intake. 
    • Hydrate hydrate hydrate. 

    You can start improving your skin and your looks at ANY AGE.

    I want to reiterate the notion that you can start getting great skin at any age. I didn’t start til age 37 with any skincare and didn’t get Botox until age 48! I personally feel that the non-invasive cosmetic procedures out there today combined with amazing medical grade skincare like GLOWBIOTICS plus= applying all that we know about health and wellness and stress etc. and- great contouring (YASSS QUEENS) it’s a fabulous time to be a woman– why fear aging? Embrace it by diving into all the options. Why the heck wouldn’t you?

    My review of my favorite GLOWBIOTICS products for amazing skin.

    Some of my favorite products by GLOWBIOTICS-- get you some!!

    As mentioned in my review — these are my favorite products that I use regularly by GLOWBIOTICS:

    Ladies, use my code: KELLY20 to get 20% off at GLOWBIOTICS.COM. I promise, you will be obsessed!!

    What questions do you have about anti-aging, or skincare specifically? Let me know in the comments below and be sure you are subscribed– I’ve got lots more surprises coming up soon- I’M BACK!! 😉 


    Disclosure: This post contains several affiliate links. I also am a part of the GLOWBIOTICS Skinfluencer program and am provided products in exchange for my transparent reviews and recommendations online. I originally started off as a customer of theirs and now am a partner because I love their products so much.