Ali Damron

  • EPISODE 156: How to address Adrenal Fatigue in a holistic manner.

    How to heal your adrenal fatigue naturally.

    Adrenal Fatigue is something that affects so many women, including me. And I can tell you from first hand experience that it can be devastating. I distinctly recall when I was really bad, every day around 4pm I would feel so tired and not well, it felt like I was getting strep throat. Every day. Like clockwork. I can also tell you from first-hand experience that adrenal fatigue CAN be addressed naturally and you can get past it. I’m definitely in what I would call “recovery”- and yet, I do take care to NOT drive myself too much because I know I could end up with adrenal fatigue again- easily. And I never want to go back there again, it’s awful.
    Today’s interview is with Ali Damron, a wife, mother to 2 boys, a licensed acupuncturist and a certified personal trainer. In this 2-part episode, we talk about adrenal fatigue, and how to identify it, and how to address it with lifestyle changes and with practices such as acupuncture. Be sure to listen to both parts of this informative 2-part interview! When you are ready to listen to part 2, click here.

    About Ali Damron

    From her online bio,

    Early in life, I learned a valuable lesson: Nothing matters more to me than family and health.

    At the core of everything I am, family and health come first. Through my practice, I’m able to help my patients do the same in their lives.

    I am a wife, mother to two sweet little boys, a licensed acupuncturist and a certified personal trainer.

    Throughout my professional experience, I’ve worked with many people that come from a variety of backgrounds. Whether they are stay-at-home mom’s, busy professionals, couples looking to get pregnant, my sole focus is to help them achieve the life they strive for in a natural, healthy approach.

    For the last eight years, I’ve run my own successful private practice as an acupuncturist. Over the last three years, I’ve taken my message to the online platform to be able to reach more people by the day.

    In what now seems like a past life, I was a trainer and counselor at a weight loss camp in San Diego, a corporate wellness health coach, and a personal trainer for private studios.

    In my private acupuncture practice, I specialize in women’s health. The focus is on issues like painful periods, fertility, hormonal balancing, weight loss, pregnancy, and postpartum, and menopausal symptoms.

    My mission is to educate women about the importance of health and teach them how to be healthy.

    There’s a lot of information and misinformation out there that is confusing. Many women don’t know what to believe or where to start.

    Providing natural approaches to healing and getting women looking and feeling their best is what I love to do.”

    You can find Ali at her website by CLICKING HERE or follow her on instagram by CLICKING HERE.

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