How to Implement Your Healthy Gut Diet Plan

Are you looking for a healthy gut diet plan? A lot of people are familiar with the phrase “healthy gut” but not as many people are actually doing anything about GETTING a healthy gut! And a healthy gut diet plan is really the first step in the right direction,,,it’s the foundation toward better health. If you know anything about the GUT, you know that “everything begins in the gut”. What does that mean? To paraphrase– all of our health, our wellness, our well-being, originates in our gut: it’s like the epicenter of our BODY, literally and virtually speaking. It’s up to us to make sure it is functioning the way it should be because when our gut is working and functioning properly, EVERYTHING ELSE should be working and functioning properly– same thing as when the gut is backed up or not working well. Things start to BACK UP and NOT WORK — most of our bodily functions can all be traced back to the GUT — hence why we say “it all starts with the gut. So, let’s get ourselves moving in a healthier and more fit direction by getting a healthy gut diet plan in place shall we? What does that look like?
What is a good healthy gut diet plan anyway?

This blog post is written from MY perspective and MY history. So– there are a lot of different ways of going about getting a healthy gut and many differing opinions. I’m going to share my experience and it is based on my history- which I think will be helpful to many of you who share a fitness fanatic type history like mine. If you, like me, have tended to. in the past– NOT be very picky about the types of foods you put in your stomach- and your primary goal was all about weight loss at all costs, you probably found yourself walking around with a stomach ache or gas and bloating A LOT. This is very common in the fitness space. Why? People are consuming a lot of protein powders, protein bars/shakes, and buying (sometimes) cheap foods for mass meal prep (again, I’m referring to my past when I used to follow the “bro diet” of 6 meals a day chicken/broccoli/rice etc.). LOTS of young people when they start to focus on weight training and dieting are NOT paying attention to QUALITY foods and QUALITY supplements– they are pouring in a lot of crap to their body and that stuff can add up. Then if your life also consists of things like antibiotics- which sadly can be very common in this day and age– antibiotics are prescribed for EVERYTHING — that affects your gut. OTC drugs– those affect your gut. (think pain meds of any kind). And then, even if you are NOT a fitness fanatic, if you are a typical American you are eating processed food of all kinds and that is destroying your gut with all kinds of chemicals! So– all of the above leads to a VERY UNHEALTHY GUT — easily. A healthy gut diet plan is designed to — very simply– counteract that. We want to remove the bad stuff and add in good stuff.
Healthy Gut Diet Plan: Food & Supplements

So some of this is like DUH no brainer but yet, if it’s no brainer, why are most Americans obese and not eating this way? It’s obviously a no brainer philosophy that most people are not choosing to follow yet. So– first thing is, let’s focus on 1) cutting out as much fake/processed food as possible. Not forever! But while we heal the gut — for sure– let’s cut out the fake crap. Eat real whole foods, ideally ORGANIC– it matters. TRUST ME. That’s another blog post coming up where I’ll talk about that topic. (I used to doubt that it mattered too) 2) drink more water : hydration is key — I’m HORRIBLE at this if it makes you feel any better. I mean, I’m really bad and it’s a major goal of mine to be better at this the rest of this year. Let’s do it. 3) Add in healthy gut supplementation – let’s start with the basics: FIBER (SEE ABOVE) EVERY DAY-– I have been putting a scoop of this in our coffee every morning for 2 years (you don’t even taste it!)- then digestive enzymes and probiotics– these 3 basics for your gut are the FOUNDATION that you should be incorporating EVERY DAY. Head over to Healthy Origins website and use my code ‘kellyolexa’ to get 25% off your entire order. You’re welcome. CLICK HERE FOR THE DIGESTIVE PAGE.
If you think about this– it’s really SIMPLE. We treat our gut as an afterthought. We treat our gut like it’s a garbage disposal– we expect it to grind up all this junk we throw down there and it doesn’t work that way. We have to understand that our gut is CONNECTED to the rest of our body and our bodily functions- and we need to treat it like we are treating a very expensive car- like we are only going to put in the VERY BEST FUEL for that VERY EXPENSIVE CAR if we want that car to run efficiently.
HMMMM. That’s actually a very good analogy — we need to run at maximum capacity don’t we? Why not fuel ourselves for maximum capability? Maxes a lot of sense doesn’t it?
Let’s stop DUMPING crap into our gut. Let’s start re-thinking everything we put into our bodies, because we should have been doing that since the beginning. And if we start doing that now- the future US will be remarkably different than the past US. I’m certainly seeing that myself– now that I am eating COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY than I was a year ago– my body is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than it was a year ago, 5 years ago etc. I’ll never go back. Do I sometimes think about a big bagel and cream cheese? Maybe. For a second or two. But that’s about it. What I think about longer is how amazing it feels to look and FEEL this wonderful at age 53– better than I’ve looked in decades…..amazing what happens when you change your DIET.
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by our friends at Healthy Origins, where I have been buying my supplements for 2+ years! All opinions expressed here are solely my own.