How to get beautiful skin at any age.

Dr. Lamees Hamdan is the founder of SHIFFA, one of the world’s most luxurious and effective skincare lines, as well as DLMD– a brand new liquid supplement line designed for women. In this 2-part episode, we talk about skincare and anti-aging. We talk about what is REALLY needed for beautiful skin (hint: you don’t have to buy 100 products, just some basics) and what you’re probably not doing that you should be doing to ensure optimal aging. You’ll learn a TON in this 2-part episode– be sure to listen to both parts!
About Dr. Lamees Hamdan

A Doctorʼs quest to search land and sea for the worldʼs most powerful age-defying ingredients, and therapeutically combine them to unlock the secret of youth.
“A paradox emerges in the cosmetic world between scientific concepts that tend to be highly sophisticated and a quest for simplicity. Thatʼs where I create Shiffa to fit in with our lives today ” – Dr. Lamees Hamdan
Trained as a doctor at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dr Lameesʼs passion for the potential of natural ingredients coupled with her experience as a qualified doctor form the basis of SHIFFA where science and nature truly meet ” I was unable to find a luxury natural beauty product that was healing to my skin and could give me the effective anti-aging result I was looking for, so I created my own“
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Listen to this episode now! (26:19)