Month: February 2020

  • EPISODE 216: Why Your Mental Health is One of the MOST Important Keys to Success in Your Fitness Journey. Part 4 of an On-going Series with Jenny Mire

    If you eat your feelings, you need to listen to this podcast.

    Jenny Mire Podcast

    Jenny and I started this “Mental Health” series over a year ago and – yea, I’m just now getting the final installment of that first series live but – it’s still relevant and worth the listen. 

    When we first went live with this series and the corresponding Facebook Lives (I’ll be posting those on my blog here shortly- and more LIVES to come.)– the response from women was overwhelming. Everyone tuning in was saying “OMG yes I do that TOO!!”– they all thought they were alone or weird because of their emotional eating, stress eating, binge eating or whatever-kind-of-bad-eating practices you can think of. News Flash: You aren’t alone, you are in good company. 

    Tune into this episode to learn more about how to deal with these tendencies because — as someone who used to be plagued by emotional eating, I can tell you that I have gotten past it ruling my life- yes, I was able to dramatically reduce the binge eating episodes, and decrease the number of times I’d give in to stress eating impulses. You can get there too! 

    About Jenny Mire

    Jenny Mire interview

    I met Jenny Mire several years ago through a mutual business contact. Since then, we became fast friends and have been a support for each other through many business and life transitions the past several years. 

    Jenny is a successful business owner- from a gym in her hometown to a thriving online business with multiple sources of revenue (smart lady she is)- and she’s also a Christian woman who feels strongly about helping others stay true to their faith while getting healthy and wealthy. I think the world of her and it’s no wonder she’s a rising star in this industry.  

    You can read more about Jenny from her About Me page on her website by clicking here. And you can follow her on instgram by CLICKING HERE.

    Are you enjoying The Kelly O Show yet?

    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!


  • EPISODE 214: The Business Series: Jenelle Summers on Building a Successful and Financially Rewarding Fitness Business From Home. PART TWO.

    Earning an Income From Your Fitness Passion- it's doable. Learn how with Jenelle Summers.

    Jenelle Summers joins us for our Business Series in this power packed 2-part episode. Be sure to listen to both parts! In this interview, Jenelle shares her story about leaving corporate america to run what USED TO BE her side-hustle fitness coaching business, and to run it full-time. She shares all of her initial doubts and fears about diving into this type of business, and how she overcame them. She also gives her best tips for others interested in getting started– for extra income or life-changing income, doing what you LOVE.

    About Jenelle Summers

    Jenelle Summers

    From Jenelle’s bio online: “Some may describe me as a fitness freak! And I’m okay with that 🙂 But there’s more to me than just fitness. I’m a proud mom and a happily married wife–I just happen to LOVE fitness, nutrition, and helping people live fuller, healthier lives. I’m passionate about what I do because of the mistakes I’ve made and I just cringe at the thought of people thinking their goals aren’t possible. I have experienced the pitfalls, the negative self-talk, the over-eating issues, the too-busy-to-eat-right excuses, and I’ve figured a few things out…especially that ANYONE can achieve what I have achieved in fitness and in this Beachbody fitness business.
    I learned at an early age, 14yrs old, why it’s SO important to fuel your body, workout, and have the right mindset. In my pursuit to become a professional ballerina at age 14, I learned a few priceless things about nutrition, extreme dedication, training, and the power of your own potential when you set your focus on a goal and let NOTHING get in the way.
    Through high school and college, I continued to get involved in fitness and learn as much about nutrition as possible. Even though I graduated with a BBA and took the corporate career route in HR Mgmt, fitness and helping others get fit was ALWAYS my passion. It wasn’t until I heard about Coaching that I realized I could make a living, more lucrative than my corporate career, doing what I love! I had heard it was possible to build the business while working fulltime, so I went for it!
    After a couple of years, I was making more as a Beachbody Coach than I was in my corporate career. So I resigned from the fulltime job and then 6 months later, my husband was able to resign from HIS fulltime job! It was a dream come true to be stay at home, work from home, parents and be on our OWN schedules and make a better income than we had ever dreamed was possible.
    Family and balance come first in my life, but I’m passionate about being fit and helping others experience that as well. In 2012, I finished #3 top coach out of 100,000 coaches due to my dedication to helping my team be successful with THEIR Beachbody businesses. I want my team members to have the opportunity to live fuller lives with a real purpose to be on a fit and healthy journey, and be the cheerleader to their friends and families. Changing lives and believing in others is what we do best.” You can follow Jenelle on instagram by CLICKING HERE.

    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!


  • EPISODE 213: The Business Series: Jenelle Summers on Building a Successful and Financially Rewarding Fitness Business From Home. PART ONE.

    How to Make Money As a Fitness Professional.

    Jenelle Summers joins us for our Business Series in this power packed 2-part episode. Be sure to listen to both parts! In this interview, Jenelle shares her story about leaving corporate america to run what USED TO BE her side-hustle fitness coaching business, and to run it full-time. She shares all of her initial doubts and fears about diving into this type of business, and  how she overcame them. She also gives her best tips for others interested in getting started– for extra income or life-changing income, doing what you LOVE. 

    About Jenelle Summers

    Jenelle Summers

    From Jenelle’s bio online: “Some may describe me as a fitness freak! And I’m okay with that 🙂 But there’s more to me than just fitness. I’m a proud mom and a happily married wife–I just happen to LOVE fitness, nutrition, and helping people live fuller, healthier lives. I’m passionate about what I do because of the mistakes I’ve made and I just cringe at the thought of people thinking their goals aren’t possible. I have experienced the pitfalls, the negative self-talk, the over-eating issues, the too-busy-to-eat-right excuses, and I’ve figured a few things out…especially that ANYONE can achieve what I have achieved in fitness and in this Beachbody fitness business.

    I learned at an early age, 14yrs old, why it’s SO important to fuel your body, workout, and have the right mindset. In my pursuit to become a professional ballerina at age 14, I learned a few priceless things about nutrition, extreme dedication, training, and the power of your own potential when you set your focus on a goal and let NOTHING get in the way.

    Through high school and college, I continued to get involved in fitness and learn as much about nutrition as possible. Even though I graduated with a BBA and took the corporate career route in HR Mgmt, fitness and helping others get fit was ALWAYS my passion. It wasn’t until I heard about Coaching that I realized I could make a living, more lucrative than my corporate career, doing what I love! I had heard it was possible to build the business while working fulltime, so I went for it!

    After a couple of years, I was making more as a Beachbody Coach than I was in my corporate career. So I resigned from the fulltime job and then 6 months later, my husband was able to resign from HIS fulltime job! It was a dream come true to be stay at home, work from home, parents and be on our OWN schedules and make a better income than we had ever dreamed was possible.

    Family and balance come first in my life, but I’m passionate about being fit and helping others experience that as well. In 2012, I finished #3 top coach out of 100,000 coaches due to my dedication to helping my team be successful with THEIR Beachbody businesses. I want my team members to have the opportunity to live fuller lives with a real purpose to be on a fit and healthy journey, and be the cheerleader to their friends and families. Changing lives and believing in others is what we do best.”  You can follow Jenelle on instagram by CLICKING HERE.

    Are You Loving The Kelly O Show Yet?

    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!