Welcome, friends, to The Kelly O Show. If you’ve been following me for a while….I mean, a WHILE – you will remember that when I first started blogging way back in 2007 (before being an “influencer” was a thing, when we blogged to connect with friends, not make money), my blog (on blogspot of course) was called “Welcome to the Kelly O Show. Fabulous!”.
Truthfully, I did not put a lot of planning or branding thought into that. It just was on my mind and I threw it on my blog. Kind of how I used to blog back then and create most of my content– it wasn’t strategic. It was just fun.
Fast forward to today– and you are landing on this page because now, The Kelly O Show represents a very specific and deliberate brand change. I’ve shut down my first company, FitFluential (I’ll do a whole post separately on the business decision behind that but to summarize, I was ready for CHANGE and so tired of running sponsored blogger campaigns, it was time.) and I have chosen to re-launch the podcast- FitFluential Radio, as The Kelly O Show. It made sense, as this is now really going to be focused on much more than strictly FITNESS endeavors and topics. It makes sense because I’m also simultaneously re-launching my own website/blog (you are here!) and starting to create my own content once again….funny how things come full-circle. It was me getting into blogging and YouTubing and social media that pushed me out into a new world of business and fantastic connections and opportunities….then when I founded a company, I allowed that business to take over my life and I stopped doing all the things I LOVE.
I let workaholism rule- and that’s a big lesson I’ll be sharing on the podcast going forward. You see, in the past several years, I’ve experienced some excruciatingly tough times. I’ve learned some hard life/business lessons. I’ve been let down, betrayed, and manipulated by colleagues, vendors and business associates. My health went from bad to worse in the midst of these trying times because I never gave myself a break from trying to FIX all the problems.
This is no way to live and it’s certainly no way to THRIVE. Through all the hard knocks and pain, I LEARNED so much. I learned so much about running my business– the hard way — that I was able to launch a new business in December 2018 and get it to a profitable 6-figure mark within 3 months. All on my own. Why? Because the hard lessons forever transformed me for the better. I became wiser, savvier, stronger, more confident and assertive, more bold and ambitious, more driven and deliberate.
I evolved.
My own evolution inspired me to lead other women to do the same in THEIR lives. I see so many women making the same mistakes I did in the past: in their business life, in their personal life, in their fitness pursuits, in their finances…all tracing back to a lot of the same inner demons that are keeping us from excelling in our lives.
Those demons are rooted in insecurity, fear, doubt, and worry. They are framed by a desire to please everyone around us while ignoring our own needs and passions and desires for success.
So many women are just trudging through life taking care of everyone else, instead of pursuing their highest calling and living a life where they THRIVE vs. just “getting by”.
I can’t stand seeing it. And I have made it my personal mission to help women RISE UP and achieve total excellence in Mind, Body AND Business. It can be done. And when we learn that putting ourselves first and pursuing our highest calling without apology or without asking for permission first, we will see how our lives can impact so many more for the better– because of our own personal evolution. When you choose to be the woman you CAN be– it’s amazing how many lives you can impact.
Alternatively, when women choose to settle and stay where they are- playing small and taking care of everyone else but themselves, they serve – ultimately – no one.
I know this world can be a profoundly different place when we get more women lighting up on the inside and deciding to GO FOR IT in every area of their lives- from the health and fitness of their body, to their income(s), to their relationships, to their lifestyle…..we can raise the bar for the next generation of women to BE MORE and DO MORE so we can GIVE MORE to others in every way.
So. That said. I’m taking The Kelly O Show and using this voice I have to inspire women to do just that.
We have some of the most incredible guests coming on the show in 2019 and beyond. We’ll cover more topics– all with the intentional goal of inspiring women to break out of safe mode and do big things in their personal life and in their professional life.
Some of the topics we’ll be covering:
- Losing weight after 40, 50 and beyond.
- Losing weight when dealing with hormonal imbalance and hypothyroidism.
- How to start your own side-hustle that can inevitably become a full-time business. (I believe work-stress is one of the #1 causes of health problems, so we’ll focus a LOT on entrepreneurial topics so women can pursue their dreams with confidence and decrease their stress, thereby improving their health and wellness.)
- Elective Cosmetic Procedures; Everything you want to know about anti-aging and what to watch out for.
- Self-Care- everything you need to do to take care of YOU so you can perform your best at work.
- Time Management/Focus/productivity tips.
- Interviews with successful entrepreneur boss-babes who wouldn’t ever go back to corporate America.
- Interviews with top doctors, trainers, nutritionists, chiropractors, and every kind of healthcare practitioner you can imagine. If it helps you get healthier, I will investigate it for you.
- Foodies and more foodies. Let’s learn how to cook and bake amazing stuff with quality ingredients designed to make us healthy and happy.
- Cosmetics, hair care, skincare etc.- learn how to look fabulous from every angle.
- Mindfulness, Meditation. How to unplug and look inward.
- Books you must read for better health, better business, better cooking or just for entertainment. Book authors galore.
- The latest in health, wellness, nutrition and anti-aging news.
- What topics do YOU want me to cover? What are you curious about? Leave in the comments.
- If you are interested in being interviewed on the podcast please fill out the contact form. (Link below)
I am SO EXCITED about this. The timing is so right to apply everything I’ve learned – about podcasting, about these topics, and about you, the audience, and what you need to learn more about– now I can apply all of that and take my experience and my vision and do what I really WANT to do with this show, and help so many of you – break out of your comfort zone and DO MORE!!! Head on over to iTunes and be sure you are SUBSCRIBED so you don’t miss when we go live again the week of September 9th!! It’s ON!!
If you are interested in sponsoring an episode of The Kelly O Show, please fill out the Contact Form.
You can follow us on instagram at @thekellyoshow and Twitter at @thekellyoshow. We are working on the FB page name change, out of all the platforms, only FB will not approve of our name change yet. Crazy!