• A Year of Healing My Body From Adrenal Burnout: Interview with Alex Mazzurco, Part 1

    Can you heal adrenal fatigue naturally?

    If you are an active fitness fanatic like me, it isn’t difficult to end up with health issues and potentially reach a point of adrenal fatigue. Why? You’ve heard me talk about this a lot on the show, and I use my own experience (stay tuned, I’ll write a post and share a new podcast on my own experience in getting adrenal fatigue and worse- adrenal burnout, and how I got better, mostly inspired by this lady in this interview– Alex!!) — but the truth is, it’s very easy once you become addicted to fitness, for your healthy obsession to turn into an unhealthy obsession. And we often don’t even realize it- but sooner than we think we are overtraining and under-eating, our sleep suffers, our menstrual cycle suffers, and our stress increases. It becomes a bad cycle and over time our bodies cannot handle the wear and tear. Enter Adrenal Fatigue. It’s a very real thing- whatever you might hear on the internet (some know-it-alls claim there is no such thing. WHATEVER.)
    This 2-part interview with Alex Mazzurco will flood you with more a-ha moments than you can imagine. Alex was an active figure competitor and killing it in the gym, until she very suddenly hit a brick wall with her health. Weight gain and fatigue were just the beginning of her body just plain giving out on her. Learn how she took a year to HEAL from the inside out and now is thriving both physically and emotionally. This interview will teach you so much about the importance of self-care and self-LOVE. Fitness should be FUN not punishment. Be sure to listen to both parts of this 2-part episode! This is part 1, you can listen to part 2 by CLICKING HERE.

    About Alex Mazzurco

    From her online bio: “Day One of my fitness journey, I ate one piece of toast instead of two and did a 45-minute Hip Hop Abs video with my Mom. From that day on I did something to change my health every day for 50 days. I say health and not body because, unlike most girls, I didn’t have a body image issue—I had health and wellness issue. With my focus and determination, I had lost almost 15 pounds in those 50 days just by making uneducated “healthy” changes to my typical college lifestyle. Not only did my health and wellness improve, but I noticed the changes my body had made, and all it took was one day that compounded into weeks, then months, then years.
    After healing, I needed another challenge. I was always the skinny runner girl in high school, so why not go back to my cross-country roots? I started training for Tough Mudders and half marathons. I ran a lot—cardio cleared my mind, and each mile time became something to beat. But when you run with the goal of a PR every run, you burn yourself out and end up with stress fractures… like me.
    Things happen for a reason. I was broken and had to find a new outlet. I came across bikini competitions and immediately knew that was my next challenge. Little did I know the rollercoaster I was hopping on. Who knew becoming a bikini competitor meant you needed to eat more, lift a lot, do less cardio, buy a bedazzled bikini for hundreds if not thousands of dollars, become an Oompa Loompa, buy clear heals off of an exotic dancer website, learn how to pose, and learn how to do stage makeup?!
    After a year of competing the wrong way, I made the decision to give it one more try with a healthier approach. I found macros and my coach, Adam Atkinson, and my life changed. I interviewed him for over 2 hours and demanded answers, explanations, and attention, all things a coach should provide. I realized I was different—my muscles grew quickly and they utilized carbs differently. I researched, I communicated, I was in tune with my body, and Adam listened to me.
    Most of you know that story and you know my journey on the stage did not end well.
    In 2017 I went from a 110 lb. athlete to a 150 lb. girl who couldn’t train, let alone stay awake for more than 8 hours. Through testing I found out I had SIBO/Dysbiosis, adrenal fatigue and severe nutrient deficiencies. I have spent the last two years healing and learning.
    Everything happens for a reason—especially then. This experience humbled me, made me a better coach, and a healthier human.
    I want to encourage young women that they can have their (buff) cake and eat it too. That you need to eat to fuel your body which builds muscle which builds your metabolism. Who doesn’t want to eat more? You don’t have to spend hours on the treadmill like a hamster on a wheel and you need to eat more than a rabbit.” You can find Alex at her website by CLICKING HERE. You can follow her on the gram by CLICKING HERE.

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    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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  • How to get REAL fitness results without overtraining and overdieting.

    Everything You Thought About How to Get Fit Is PROBABLY Wrong.

    If you want to lose weight and build muscle, and you are just getting started, or perhaps you’ve been on a fitness journey for a while and you are ready to take things up a notch- either way- it might be that you think the only way to lose the fat that you need to and build a lean physique that you aspire to- is to diet like a madwoman and spend hours a day in the gym. That’s old school thinking– but it’s the type of misinformation that still permeates the fitness landscape. That’s a big goal of my podcast- to help educate on so many of these topics and dispel the “mythunderstandings” out there.
    No, you don’t have to just eat plain chicken breast and white rice and asparagus – and you don’t have to do an hour of cardio and an hour of weight training every day to get fit.
    The truth is- that’s a path to quitting, or to seriously damaging your health.
    In this interview with Hanah Jamroz. we talk about all of these crazy fitness myths and she shares her experience in getting past some overtraining/undereating history as well. You’ll learn a ton from this powerhouse of a woman, who is one of my absolute favorite people to follow. She’s so down to earth and knowledgeable and inspiring– I’m blessed to call her my friend. Be sure you tune in to both parts of this 2-part interview with Hanah. This is part 1- when you are ready to listen to part 2- CLICK HERE.

    About Hanah Jamroz

    Hanah Jamroz is a: Personal Trainer +
    Fitness Nutrition Specialist +
    Pre/post Natal Exercise Specialist +
    Sports Nutrition Specialist +
    Strength and Conditioning Specialist +
    Group Fitness Specialist +
    Transformation/Behavior Modification Specialist +
    CPR Certified +
    1st Phorm Phase 1 Nutrition Certification +
    Crossfit Level 1 Certified Z+
    BEATBOSS Cycle Instructor Certified +
    Associates Degree in Exercise Science Z+

    Yea. Just a few things. From her online bio:

    Putting a smile on someone’s face and helping them achieve and conquer their goals is extremely rewarding, knowing I can change and create a positive impact on someone’s life all over the WORLD.

    I started HanJam Fitness, Inc. in 2014 with the goal of helping as many people as possible with no restrictions on where. I have been able to share my knowledge with people running up and down the U.S, Canada, Japan, Australia, England, Germany, Italy, throughout the UK, Ireland, Norway, Russia, and more.

    I am always looking to improve and grow and as the years have gone on which was the driving force to transform HanJam Fitness to Hanah Rae. I want to share more of me and my life and how I make nutrition and fitness PART of my lifestyle and not my whole life.

    There is no better reward then being able to help another person become the best version of themselves in all aspects of their life.

    It’s always been said that if your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough!

    You can find Hanah at her website by CLICKING HERE.  

    You can follow her on Instagram HERE.

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    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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  • The simplest way to GET MOTIVATED and make PROGRESS toward your fitness goals.

    If you are tired of being overweight, stop making excuses.

    Ladies, we spend far too much time whining. Seriously. How often have you complained about not being able to lose weight or not being able to fit in your skinny jeans or not being comfortable in a bikini? 

    Right? The answer is “a LOT” if you are like I’ve been in the past.

    The thing we don’t realize is that all the time spent thinking about how upset we are, all the time spent complaining to our co-workers and friends about our weight– is time not spent DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY.

    It’s time spent on negative emotions which only serves to likely stress us out more and raise our cortisol levels, thereby contributing to fat storage or even gaining fat. 


    If you are tired of being overweight, stop wasting time on the wrong things.

    Recognizing that — if you are stuck or have been stuck for a while in your fitness journey– that something has to change in order for your body to change (HELLLOOOOOO)- and probably, a LOT of things need to change for your body to change….well then, don’t you think it’s time to take back all the hours you’ve been spending whining and complaining and start doing something??? Something new – something different. Anything. 

    News Flash: You don't have to spend HOURS AND HOURS a day to make a difference in your body.

    Many times, we think that the CHANGE we need to make is an extreme one. We assume that in order to get fit, we’ll need to spend 2 hours a day in the gym or eat nothing but steamed broccoli and plain grilled chicken breast 6x a day. Or both, God Forbid. 

    It’s this kind of thinking that gives us permission to think “oh hell I can’t do that!” and then– we do NOTHING. 

    Watch my video below and let me know what you think about my point– you gotta just DOSE YOURSELF A BIT OF MEDICINE TO START MOVING THINGS IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. 😉