
  • Episode 142: Why Hormonal Balance is So Important For Women In Fitness.

    Why hormonal balance is so important for women in fitness.

    If you are working out and eating right but have discovered that your body is suddenly…DIFFERENT– for example- maybe you suddenly are gaining weight for no reason. Or maybe you can’t lose weight no matter how hard you try. Perhaps you’ve noticed your body temp has changed or you can’t sleep. Maybe you have chronic issues like bloating or headaches or lethargy. Any or all of these can be signs that your hormones are jacked. If you are on The Pill, oh boy, that could be a huge contributor- and so many women are.
    Laurie Christine King is a powerhouse of a young woman who is disrupting the fitness, health and wellness space online with wicked smart information and education on EVERYTHING women need to know about hormones and health. This 2-part interview is just the beginning of what I hope might be a mini-series of LCK Knowledge Bombs. She’s taught me SO much and I KNOW you’ll love this interview, and her! This is part 2 of the 2-part interview, so if you haven’t listened to part 1 yet- CLICK HERE.

    About Laurie Christine-King

    Laurie Christine King is a woman I found on instagram and since day one, I could not stop tuning in to her. Her presence is amazing and the example she sets for women of all ages is EXTRAORDINARY. Clearly I have a strong woman crush on her for all she does. She is soooooo knowledgeable and wicked smart and knows how to articulate the information she learns– to teach others. I truly see her as one of the greatest females in fitness today. 
    From her About Me page, “Well hey there. My name is Laurie Christine King and I live in the beautiful city of Austin, Texas with my german shepherd-husky, Remy. I’m a coach, educational blogger, vlogger, and total badass. I run a world-famous blog, have been on numerous big-name podcasts, been on live TV with Fox News, and am proud founder of Paragon Training Methods. I have a Youtube channel, and am a BIG fan of being outside, skateboarding, stand-up paddling, traveling, and lifting.”  You can follow her on instagram by CLICKING HERE.

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    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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  • Episode 141: Learning how to get fit in spite of hormonal hurdles.

    Why hormonal balance is so important for women in fitness.

    If you are working out and eating right but have discovered that your body is suddenly…DIFFERENT– for example- maybe you suddenly are gaining weight for no reason. Or maybe you can’t lose weight no matter how hard you try. Perhaps you’ve noticed your body temp has changed or you can’t sleep. Maybe you have chronic issues like bloating or headaches or lethargy. Any or all of these can be signs that your hormones are jacked. If you are on The Pill, oh boy, that could be a huge contributor- and so many women are.
    Laurie Christine King is a powerhouse of a young woman who is disrupting the fitness, health and wellness space online with wicked smart information and education on EVERYTHING women need to know about hormones and health. This 2-part interview is just the beginning of what I hope might be a mini-series of LCK Knowledge Bombs. She’s taught me SO much and I KNOW you’ll love this interview, and her! This is part one of the 2-part interview, so when you are ready to listen to part 2- CLICK HERE.

    About Laurie Christine-King

    Laurie Christine King is a woman I found on instagram and since day one, I could not stop tuning in to her. Her presence is amazing and the example she sets for women of all ages is EXTRAORDINARY. Clearly I have a strong woman crush on her for all she does. She is soooooo knowledgeable and wicked smart and knows how to articulate the information she learns– to teach others. I truly see her as one of the greatest females in fitness today. 
    From her About Me page, “Well hey there. My name is Laurie Christine King and I live in the beautiful city of Austin, Texas with my german shepherd-husky, Remy. I’m a coach, educational blogger, vlogger, and total badass. I run a world-famous blog, have been on numerous big-name podcasts, been on live TV with Fox News, and am proud founder of Paragon Training Methods. I have a Youtube channel, and am a BIG fan of being outside, skateboarding, stand-up paddling, traveling, and lifting.”  You can follow her on instagram by CLICKING HERE.

    Are you loving The Kelly O Show yet?

    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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  • Healing Autoimmune Diseases With FOOD.

    Learn how changing your diet can dramatically improve your health and heal autoimmune disease as well!

    “You’re not sick because you’re fat. You’re fat because you are sick.” One of the best quotes out of this 2-Part interview with Cristina Curp, of The Castaway Kitchen blog and the new amazing cookbook, MADE WHOLE: More Than 145 Anti-Inflammatory Keto-Paleo Recipes to Nourish You From the Inside Out.
    We talk about Cristina’s past, and how her health issues and autoimmune disease led her to doctor after doctor after doctor with no success.  It wasn’t until SHE finally took the reins and began pushing back and changing her lifestyle and her diet that her body began to HEAL.
    You will love learning from Cristina in this interview and you will definitely want to get the cookbook- it is divine!!! Tune in to both parts of this 2-part episode now! You’ll also want to check out her latest book- “Made Whole, Made Simple: Learn to Heal Yourself Through Real Food and Healthy Habits” 
    This is part 1 of a 2-part interview, you can listen to part 2 by clicking HERE.

    About Cristina Curp

    From her online bio:
    Hello! I’m Cristina Maria Curp, Cuban-American, mother, military spouse, food lover and dreamer. Former restaurant chef, current Nutritional Therapy Practicioner and cookbook author. I created this blog to share my passion of food as medicine. About to turn thirty, with a baby to care for I found my self at rock bottom. Emotionally and physically.
    I was severely overweight, riddled with inflammation, pain, and fatigue. Something needed to change. So I looked at my food choices. As a lifelong binge eater, I was ready to stop the vicious cycle of guilt and self-harm. That is to say… I get it. I’ve been there. I had my day one.
    I wasn’t perfect about this healthy lifestyle from day one, and I still am not. But I strive every day to feel better and be better.
    A mama with a history of obesity, autoimmune disease, and a whole lotta emotional baggage. If I can turn this my hot mess express around, so can you.
    I KNOW, I know in my bones that real food is the key to health, and a healthy, thriving life is the key to happiness. Here at The Castaway Kitchen, our mission is to spread the word that food does heal. That you can embrace the dietary and lifestyle changes that will change your life.
    I want you to feel empowered and inspired to heal! By creating delicious resources, sharing information, and my own story, my goal is to help YOU find the nutritional path that is right for you. We’re all so unique and while I do share what has worked for me, it might not be what works for you, but I will help get you there!”

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    Do you love The Kelly O Show yet?

    Did you enjoy this episode? If so, head on over to our show on itunes (CLICK HERE) and I would so LOVE IT if you’d not only SUBSCRIBE but leave us a review! Reviews help this show get seen and heard by more folks who could benefit from the free information we take the time to produce for you. THANK YOU in advance!! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below or fill out the Contact Me form. You can also use that Contact Me form to inquire about advertising opportunities on the show or if you’d like to recommend a guest for an interview in the future!

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