Low T3

  • My Latest Bloodwork Results and the changes we are making in my bio-identical hormonal treatment.

    How I am addressing my low cortisol and low T3 results in my latest bloodwork.

    This episode is a Kelly O SOLO show– where I discuss my latest bloodwork results and what my doctor has decided to change in my treatment for balancing my hormones. Specifically we are working on increasing my cortisol levels as they are SUPER LOW and my T3 is almost non-existent. So I share my change in treatment and also some food for thought on how we all need to be more PROACTIVE when it comes to our health vs so casual. That’s where real transformation happens – not when you just wait for it to show up on its own. You may also want to listen to the following shows on hormonal imbalance and cortisol and adrenal fatigue and bio-identical hormonal replacement treatment etc. CLICK HERE to read about working out with adrenal fatigue. CLICK HERE to listen to an interview about hypothyroidism. CLICK HERE to listen to an interview with a naturopath talking about treating hypothyroid issues with food/lifestyle change. You will definitely want to listen to my interview with Laurie Christine King on her hormonal balance issues; click here. And here is my interview with Alex Mazzurco (now my trainer!) on her year of healing from massive adrenal burnout.

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